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Vampires Need Not...Apply?

Vampires Need Not…Apply? (Accidentally Yours #4)(41)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Ixtab found her way to the kitchen and her eyes locked on a shirtless Antonio standing behind the chef’s island among an explosion of mixing bowls and flour. The air whooshed from her lungs as she took in all of his muscled male glory—arms, chest, and neck lightly dusted with cocoa powder.

His olive-green eyes flickered with the unmistakable look of… hunger?

He then grumbled and dropped to his knees. All but his thick head of dark, messy hair disappeared behind the chef’s island. “Ready for the ritual to commence, goddess?” he growled.

She snickered. Oh, this groveling would be the death of his poor male ego. Good. That’ll teach the beautiful man to crack my neck. He should learn to be more gentle.

Even though she’d already forgiven him. “You may rise, Antonio,” she conceded.

She blinked and he was standing again.

“Ah. I see you are beginning to master your speed,” she said.

His eyes set firmly on her. “But not my strength, so you might want to avoid standing behind me. Or anywhere near me.”

That wasn’t what she wanted. At all. In fact, far too much time had passed since she’d touched him and now the craving gnawed at her.

Barefoot, she sauntered over, cleared a small spot on the counter, jumped up, and took a seat. “You’ll have to be more careful then, won’t you?” she said, facing him directly.

He shook his head and crossed his brawny arms over his perfect chest. Ixtab ogled him shamelessly. His skin—smooth, firm, and tan—with endless cords of muscles looked so inviting. Yes, it had been far too long since she’d touched him. She ached for that euphoric pulse of energy rushing through her veins. She realized how truly addicted to him she’d become, but somehow, that only excited her all the more. She loved the feeling of their powerful connection.

“I want to touch you,” she whispered. She could’ve simply done it without saying a word, but she needed to know if he craved her touch, too.

Towering over her, his gaze turned from hungry to downright carnivorous. He stepped a little closer and dropped his arms to his sides. The invitation sent her pulse soaring.

Slowly she reached out and ran the tips of her fingers over his collarbone, luxuriating in the feel of him as he watched.

“Why does your touch do that to me?” he asked as if astonished, pleased, and suspicious all at once.

She snapped back her hand, but he caught it in his, waiting for his answer, piercing her with his deep green eyes. She couldn’t speak being this close to him, touching him. Smelling him was better than she’d remembered. Was it possible he’d become more desirable?

“Wh-what d-does it do to you?” she stuttered.

He slowly took her hand and laid it flat over his heart, his gaze never breaking from her obscured face. “It does all sorts of things.”

Ixtab’s head swirled. “L-l-like”—she swallowed—“wh-what?”

“It feels like a warm fire igniting in my veins,” he said in a low, deep voice. “It fills me and yet leaves me hungry, wanting more. And it does…” Still holding her hand to his warm chest, he stepped nearer and pressed his lower torso against her closed legs. “This.”

Ixtab made a little jerk and gasped as she felt his warm, hard c**k against her knees.

Her heart began to thump wildly in her chest, and the heat rushed into her belly, continuing deeper. Oh, gods, she wanted him to part her legs and slide himself between her thighs. Her body lit up knowing that the only thing between them would be a pair of leather pants.

He brushed his warm fingertips over her collarbone, as she’d done to him. Oh, gods, she could feel his hot breath on her skin. She wanted him to touch every inch of her body.

He licked his lips and slid his hand through her curtain of hair and caressed the curve of her bare neck. “Your lips,” he whispered, and bent his head just a little farther so that his mouth was directly over her ear, “were so soft and warm when I kissed them.”

He’d kissed her? “When?” she asked, barely unable to keep from panting.

“While you were out cold, before you disappeared on me,” he said softly, seductively.

She shuddered as her body pulsed and throbbed in the most delicious places. Had he looked at her face, too? “What else did you see?”

Still cupping the side of her neck, he moved his other hand under her veil and began stroking her lips. “Just these.” He lightly nuzzled his face against hers before placing his hand over her chin. “And this.” Then down the front of her neck. Was he trying to drive her mad? “I want to see the rest.”

Take off her veil? Let him see her face?

Yes. She wanted this, too, she realized. She wanted him to see her. She needed him to gaze into her eyes and see her soul, to know if he might accept her for who she truly was.

This is it.

He gripped the edge of the fabric and began to pull.

The alarm buzzed behind him, and she suddenly jerked away from him.

His eyes instantly filled with irritation, and he stepped back, breaking their contact.

Oh no. Did he think she was rejecting him? “Antonio, I-I…”

He turned away and shut off the alarm. “I’ve set up your… your toe-worship station in the living room,” he grumbled.

Toe-worship station? Penelope and Kinich had really gone overboard with the groveling instructions.

“Antonio, I want to—”

“I’m an idiot,” he hissed under his breath.

“What? No, I—”

“I’ll be there shortly,” he said coldly.

Why wouldn’t he let her explain? Because if he did, he’d hear how his touch was the best thing she’d ever experienced. He’d hear how she wanted more, but simply needed a moment to work up the courage to take off her veil. Because it wasn’t just a veil; it was her armor, her penance, her way of thwarting the undeserved admiration of others.

“Very well, vampire.” She left the room feeling mildly deflated. Gods, she was so bad at this whole intimacy thing! She completely came apart around him like a total fool!

She wondered down the hall to the opulent living room, her mind spinning. She needed him to listen, to know her story: why she hid her face, how he looked exactly like Francisco, and how he could touch her when no one else could. She would tell him how he filled her with hope.

But how did one start such a conversation with a…

Damned stubborn, bossy vampire! She huffed. Didn’t he know how hard this was for her? She had no experience with intimacy, physical or otherwise; it was completely unknown to her.
