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Vampires Need Not...Apply?

Vampires Need Not…Apply? (Accidentally Yours #4)(54)
Author: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

“I’m guessing incubi don’t get father-of-the-year awards,” she said.

“No. When I was twenty-two, I brought my girlfriend, Vicki, home for a visit. She’d been begging me for months to visit the vineyard. Though I hated seeing my father—he was always such a coldhearted bastard—I figured we’d barely see him. He was rarely around growing up, or ever. Unfortunately, he was home for the weekend. That night, when I woke, Vicki wasn’t in bed. It didn’t take me long to find her; I followed the sounds to his study, where he was sucking the life from her body…” Antonio looked away. “Half out of my mind, I attacked and tried to save her, but it was too late. I don’t know if it was the need to brag or that he enjoyed watching me suffer, but that’s when he told me everything: how he’d done the same to my mother, how my brother and I were merely potential hosts for his next life… So I made a deal. He would take me so that Franco could live, and I would keep his secret—even from my brother.”

“So, you began searching for the tablet?” Ixtab said.

“I hoped to send the demon somewhere else before my time ran out. Then all this happened—I was blinded, there was you, and then I became a vampire, removing me from the running to be a host for my father. I failed my brother in the worst possible way.”

Lightbulb! “Your father can’t use your body because you’ve changed?”

“Vampires need not apply,” he said starkly.

It all made so much sense now. Poor, poor Antonio. What had she done?

“That’s why you were so upset with me after the transformation,” she said.

He looked at her, his beautiful eyes filled with regret. “I’m sorry for how I treated you; it wasn’t your fault I ended up a vampire. At the time, however, I knew it would mean my brother’s life—he’s the runner-up.”

Well, he’d just made opening the portal that much more essential. This demon wasn’t going to get his icky incu-paws on another soul if she had anything to do with it.

“I’m so sorry, Antonio.” She reached out and stroked his arm. It felt so damned good. “I wonder if this explains why I can touch you—” And why you’re hung like a rhino and the ladies can’t seem to keep their frigging hands off of you… “Incubus feed off the life force of others. Usually they prefer sexual energy, but who knows? You had some of my light inside you when you turned, you’re a vampire with a little extra something… there could be a million reasons for how you ended up like you did.”

Or just one: This was all meant to happen. You’re meant to be mine.

He shrugged. “I’ve always eaten human food. Until I turned, that is. Then I stopped eating.”

No. He hadn’t stopped eating, she realized. “Your hunger goes away when I touch you. Yes?”

He nodded. “Yes. Among other things,” he said suggestively.

Oh, she so very much wanted to ask about the “other things,” but now was not the time to go there, given they had serious issues to navigate. At least, however, the mystery of Antonio’s appetite was no longer one of them. He’d been gobbling all of her dark energy, which is why he left her feeling goddamned fantastic every time she touched him! That had to be the reason.

“It’s so ironic when you think about it. Here you are thriving from my touch, but it killed your father,” she said, thinking aloud. Yes, must be something to do with his turning.

Rage sparked in Antonio’s eyes.

“What? What did I say?” she asked.

“He was the one you… lo-lo-loved and killed? My father! That disgusting, heartless prick was your Francisco?”

Uh-oh. Hadn’t she made that clear already? Ugh. Perhaps I didn’t. “Um. Yes? But let me explain,” she said. “I thought he was someone—”

“Stop. I don’t want to hear it.”

Gods dammit. Why did he always shut her down like that? “It’s important you know the truth.”

“Right now, nothing matters more than opening that portal. I need to get the woman out.”

Oh, the woman… Did he truly believe some stranger was the one for him? Didn’t he feel the powerful connection between them? Now that she thought about it, actually, after she’d touched him that very first time in the hospital, it seemed a permanent connection had formed. She continued tasting him on her tongue, his energy. She continued filling with his frustration and despair even without a physical connection.

Ixtab’s mind reeled. “You really”—the words stuck for a moment—“want her?”

“Once she’s out, she can help us understand how to use the tablet to get to your men. When that’s done, I’ll make sure my father goes in.”

His reply hadn’t given her the answer she wanted, but maybe he was simply trying to spare her feelings. Or maybe he was peeved because he’d just found out she had a past with his father. Of course, he didn’t know the full story.

Oh, gods. Who can blame him for being upset? What a train wreck. “Antonio, I know everything feels like an episode of Myrtle Manor, only not very funny, but I promise I’ll do everything I can to help you.”

“As I said, the woman will know what to do,” he said without even a hint of doubt.

Oh, and I suppose she walks on water and shoots rainbows from her ass like Cimil’s unicorn! “And you know all this how?”

“She says so in my dreams.”

He dreams with her? Oh, gods… how can this be?

“Well… your plan sucks!” she said spitefully.

“Sucks?” he asked.

“It’s got so many holes, I could drive an incubus through it.”

Antonio laughed.

Dammit! Now? Now he chooses to laugh? “I didn’t mean that as a joke. You’re banking your entire plan on the woman being there and knowing what to do.”

“I know she will be there. And yes, as stupid as it sounds, I believe she will help us find your men and get rid of my father. I believe because I have faith.”

Faith? The scientist is leaving it all to… Faith? This was far too important to leave it to that little flake. He might as well light a candle to Chance (another family friend). Hell, throw in a prayer to her sister Fate.

“Okay. Say you’re right about the woman,” Ixtab argued. “Then the next part of your plan doesn’t work; your father knows what you’re up to and isn’t going to jump in the portal to be banished to another dimension.”
