Read Books Novel


Veer (Clayton Falls #2)(12)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy


“So you know how courts work, but things run a little differently in a small town than they do in the city.”

“I bet, but I’m sure I’ll catch on.”

“I’m sure you will. You look like a fast learner.”

“Yeah,” I said quickly. I was ready to get out of his office. “Do you have anything in particular you need me to work on this morning?”

He went over to a filing cabinet and pulled out a Redweld folder. “Why don’t you start by familiarizing yourself with this case?”

“Okay, no problem.” I reached for the folder, but he didn’t immediately let go.

“If you have any questions, just let me know. Don’t worry about bothering me. I want this to be a good learning experience for you.” He reached out with his other hand as if he was going to touch my shoulder, but then he stopped himself.

“Great, thanks a lot.” I pulled at the folder again, and this time he let go.

“I think this is really going to work out,” he called as I walked out the door.

I took a deep breath once I was settled behind my desk. I tried to brush off our conversation, but it definitely left me uncomfortable. I wondered if it was all part of the small town friendliness thing.

I opened the file and pulled out the documents. It appeared to be a fairly straight forward slip and fall case. We were representing the defendant.

I spent some time reading through the materials, there were some massive deposition transcripts that took a while to get through, and then I went to see Matt.

I knocked, and once again he waved me in. “Done already?”

“Yes. Is there anything in particular you want me to do for this case?”

“There has to be something more about assumption of risk that works for us. Do some research on that, okay?”

“Sure.” I nodded and walked out.

I was still buried in case law when I felt two hands on my shoulders. I jumped, surprised by the contact.

“Sorry to surprise you, but I’m going to get some lunch. Want to join me?” Matt didn’t remove his hands.

I turned, thankfully forcing his hands away. “Oh, thanks for offering, but I think I’m going to go check on my car.” I was grateful I had an excuse. I needed to talk to Molly about whether things were always so touchy feely in her town. The thought of spending lunch trying to make conversation with my new boss unnerved me.

“You can do that later. Come on, I insist.”

Great. I couldn’t say no again. That would just make things worse. I was probably just blowing it out of proportion. “Okay.”

“Good girl, let’s go.”

Good girl? Did he really just say that? It took me a moment to process. It would have been one thing to hear that from a boss who was of a certain age, but coming from someone practically my age, so not cool.

I followed him out and waited as he locked up the office.

“Going to lunch?” Ronny rounded the corner.

Matt looked up at him. “Yeah, about to.”

“Great, we can all go together.” Ronny winked at me.

I could have kissed him.

“Sure, why not?” Matt sounded unenthusiastic.

We walked down the block and stopped at a diner.

“Has he been working you to the bone?” Ronny held open the door.

“Nope. It’s been pretty reasonable so far.”

“Good.” Ronny smiled as he slid into a booth next to me. Matt sat down across from us.

“Do you know what you want to order?” A young waitress set three waters down on the table.

I quickly ordered a chef salad, and both guys ordered double cheeseburgers with fries.

“So what brought you down here this summer?” Matt asked.

“A job.” I smiled.

“I’m sure someone with your qualifications could have had a job in Boston.”

“I was thrown when I wasn’t asked back to the DA’s office, and I had other things going on that prevented me from finding a job.” I really hoped he’d drop it.

“Other things?”

I took a sip from my water. “Yes, personal matters.”

“Like a bad breakup?”

Was he even serious? “No, not a bad breakup.”

“So, is there someone back home then?”

“Is this really relevant?” I asked.

“Relevant?” Matt smiled. “Yes, it’s relevant to learning more about you.”

“I just don’t see what my relationship status has to do with working as your law clerk.”

He laughed, and then Ronny leaned in to me. “Sorry about him. He has no manners.”

I decided to play the one card I had. “If I had someone back home, would I be going out for coffee with Ronny?”

Ronny grinned. “Good point.”

Matt stiffened. “Oh, I forgot about that.”

That shut him up. Thankfully our meals came right then, and they were both too busy eating to bother with me.

I ate my salad and excused myself as soon as it seemed appropriate. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to go check on my car.” I pulled out my wallet, ready to leave some cash.

“I’ve got it, don’t worry,” Ronny said quickly.

“No, she works for me, I’ve got it.”

“Let’s just make this easy.” I dropped a ten on the table and looked to Ronny to let him know I wanted out. He moved out swiftly.

I nodded to Matt. “I’ll see you back in the office. If it takes longer than expected, I’ll make up the time later on.”

“I’m sure you will,” he mumbled under his breath. I hoped he didn’t actually mean what he was implying.

The garage was closed when I got there. Evidently, it closed from 12-1 every day for lunch. It would have been nice of one of the guys to have told me that, but then again, I was glad to have the excuse to get away. Matt was totally weirding me out, and I hoped Ronny wasn’t expecting anything more than coffee. I don’t know why, but I kind of assumed these small town men would be less intense than the ones in the city. I was dead wrong. I felt in over my head. I took a short walk around the square and then reluctantly returned to the office.

I quietly walked past Matt’s office where he was on the phone. I buried myself in the research and finished typing up a memo of my findings around five thirty. I wasn’t really sure how long I was supposed to stay. I was being paid a set salary, so we hadn’t discussed working hours. At six, I decided I couldn’t stall any longer. I printed out the memo.
