Read Books Novel


Veer (Clayton Falls #2)(14)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“What? On the first date, the girl asked you that?”

“Some modern women take the initiative.”

“Just to be shot down.”

“I have standards.”

“That’s very un-male of you.”

“You really don’t have a high opinion of men do you?” He looked at me seriously for the first time.

I shrugged. “Not worse than most women.”

“If you say so… anyway, how was your date?”

“Better than yours.”

He chuckled. “Not that it would be hard.”

“Ronny’s nice obviously, but we ran out of things to talk about pretty quickly. That and he kept staring at my breasts.”

“Can you really blame the guy?”


“Sorry, couldn’t resist. So how’d you let him down?”

“Oh, that’s where it gets interesting.”

“Is it?”

“I got propositioned tonight too.”

“Propositioned? I love the way you talk. So he asked you to go home with him?”

“Uh huh, but he went more with the ‘it’s been really fun, do you want to come over for a drink?’ method.”

“Ah, the classic drinks attempt.” He swiped a People magazine off the ground. I figured Mrs. Mathews must have left it out. After a quick glance at the cover, Jake replaced it back where he’d found it.

“Yeah, he looked crestfallen when it didn’t work. He said maybe next time.”

Jake got a mischievous look on his face. “Do you ever on the first date?”

“Do I ever what?” I played stupid.

“Have sex on the first date.”

“No.” Of course, I hadn’t actually had sex on any date.

“Would you ever make an exception?”

“I don’t know. Every situation is different, right?”

“Do you have a usual amount of dates, or do you just go with it?”

“Why are you asking?” I wished we could change the subject.

“Curiosity. I want a girl’s perspective.”

“I’m probably not the girl to ask.”

“Why not?”

I swallowed. “Because I don’t ever have sex.”

“What?” He sat up. “Are you serious? As in never?”

Lying there in the near darkness, I felt like telling him the truth. With Mom gone, now no one knew anymore, and somehow I wanted to get it off my chest. But I couldn’t. “Yeah, but now I just want to get it over with.”


“I want to just have had sex already. It’s hard to reach twenty-four with no real experience. Guys expect it, and when you make it this far, you can’t exactly admit it.”

“Um, Becca? What guy wouldn’t want to be with a virgin?” He looked at me as if I had two heads.

“Lots. I mean, they’d think there was something wrong with me.”

“No, they’d think you were waiting for the right guy to give it to. They’d be sure they were the one.” He suddenly grinned. “Well if you’re that set on having sex, I’m always available.”

I laughed. “Your generosity astounds me sometimes.”

“I can sacrifice for the good of a friend.” His grin widened, and I had a feeling it was the look that usual got him girls. If he’d been even remotely my type, it might have worked on me.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“You do that.”

“Well, I’m sorry you had a bad date, but better luck next time,” I said, ready to change the subject.

“Yeah, the allusive ‘next time.’”

“I think I’m going to turn in.”

“You sure? We can watch a movie or something if you want.” He put his hands behind his head, making himself comfortable.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I’m pretty exhausted.”

“All right then, see ya.”

“Good night.” I waved before going inside.

Chapter Ten


After a long week of working nights, I was ready for a weekend. I managed to get a few hours of sleep on Friday before I got up to eat some leftover pizza. By the time I rinsed off my dish, Max waited by the door with his leash in his mouth. It was about seven thirty, and the sun was just showing signs of setting. It was the perfect time for a walk on the beach.

I let Max off his leash so he could run around for a while. I usually ignored the leash rules at night when no one else was around. Max loved the freedom, and he usually didn’t stray far. Without warning, Max took off down the sand. When I caught up with him, I saw her.

I put Max back on his leash and watched Becca. She stared out at the ocean with her arms wrapped around her chest. She looked lonely, and I had the urge to fix it. I had a lot of urges when it came to Becca. I still couldn’t get the girl out of my head. Day and night, I found myself thinking about her and feeling like a complete jerk for treating her the way I did. Whether she reminded me of Dawn or not, she deserved better. I figured it was the best chance I was going to get to make amends. Plus, maybe if I actually talked to her in a civilized way, I’d stop thinking about her so damn much.

She couldn’t hear us approaching over the crash of the waves. The surf was wild that night. I called out, not wanting to startle her with my approach. “Hey.”

She turned toward me. “Oh, hi.” Her eyes widened in surprise. She took a step back.

I tried not to let her lukewarm reception discourage me. We could act like adults.

“What are you doing out here? No big plans tonight?”

“No, nothing planned.”

“I figured you’d be out with Molly or something.” Max rubbed up against my leg, trying to get my attention.

“I thought she could use some alone time with Ben. Besides, I’m not really in the mood to do anything.” She traced patterns in the sand with her foot, looking down instead of at me.

“Rough week?”

She shrugged. “Not the worst ever.”

“But not the best either I take it.”

She smiled lightly. “Nope. How about you?”

“The usual, I guess. I hate working nights. I’m too much of a morning person for it.” I bent down and gave Max the scratch he was waiting for.

“I’m a morning person too.”

“So, do you want to talk about what made your week less than stellar?”

She looked at me with surprise and hesitated before answering. “Not particularly.”
