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Veer (Clayton Falls #2)(27)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

I was still thinking about the flowers that night. I needed to thank Gavin, but I didn’t have his number. The irony that I didn’t have a number for the one guy I’d had sex with wasn’t lost on me as I texted Kelly for it—glad I didn’t have to bother Molly. She was at a show with Ben.

My phone rang immediately. “Oh my god, you want to make up?”

“Hey, Kelly. We already did, kind of, but I don’t have his number, and I need it.” I decided to leave out the reason.

“I’ll text it to you when I hang up.” She sounded way too excited.

I laughed. “Okay, I’m going to get off so I can call him.”

“Sure, but you have to fill me in on all the details later.”

“Okay, bye.”

As promised, she texted me his number. Instead of calling, I went with a text message. Thanks for the flowers. I didn’t bother to tell him it was me. He’d figure it out.

He wrote back immediately. What flowers?

I laughed before replying. Fine, make sure to thank whatever guy did send them to me.

I didn’t get a reply right away and assumed he wasn’t going to respond. I was just about to give up and put down my phone when I got a new text. He says “you’re welcome.”

I smiled as I got ready for bed.


I was still in a great mood Tuesday when Matt stopped by my office around lunch time.

“Did you order sushi?”


“This was just dropped off, and it’s got your name on it.”

I took the plastic bag from him, knowing it would be from the sushi place Gavin had taken me to.


“Is this from the same person who got you all those flowers?”

“What do you think?”

“Whatever.” Matt walked out of the office.

I sat down to enjoy my lunch. Gavin even remembered the seaweed salad. I decided to text him again. I’d thank you for lunch, but it wasn’t you, was it?

I don’t know. Was it?

Have a great day, Gavin.

You too. Enjoy the sushi.

I never said it was sushi.

Lucky guess.


Wednesday was a long day at work. I didn’t get home until close to seven, and I was ready to collapse. I was pleasantly surprised to find a gift bag right outside the pool house. I brought it inside, giddy as I sat down at the table to open it. A container of Godiva white chocolate hot cocoa, chocolate chip biscotti, and a DVD waited for me. I looked at the DVD and busted out laughing—it was Bull Durham. Once again, I texted Gavin.

Nice movie choice.

Does it maybe remind you of someone?

Nope. Should it?

Not at all. By the way, that biscotti is hard to find. I had to go to four different stores.

So you admit it’s from you?

If you keep asking, I’m going to accuse you of actually having the angry ex you swore you didn’t have.

Thanks for the treat and the movie.



I thought Gavin was all played out until I heard a noise outside my door around eight o’clock Thursday night. By the time I opened the door, no one was there. I did find season four of the Gilmore Girls. It was the only season I didn’t have.

Gilmore Girls? You were really digging, huh?

I’ll even watch it with you, but I admit I’d have to watch the first three seasons first.

I doubt it’s your kind of show.

But you’re my kind of girl.

Thanks for the DVDs.

You can thank me in person on our coffee date tomorrow. Marney’s at 7:30.

See you then.

Good night, Becca.

Good night.


Friday night, I tried to push away the nerves that ate away at me. It was just coffee—nothing to get myself bent out of shape over. I parked my car right out front of Marney’s, still loving that I had it back. Molly’s car was a lot nicer than mine, but I preferred the comfort and style of my own.

I showed up early, and as I’d hoped, Gail was there alone. “Hey, hon, are you finally ready for that talk?”

“I definitely am.”

She smiled. “I think this calls for some pie. What’s your favorite kind?”

“Pecan. Definitely pecan.”

“Want some coffee with that?”

“That would be great.”

I grabbed our coffees, and Gail carried two plates of pie to a table in the corner.

“So tell me, how’s the summer going for you?

I loved that she jumped right in. “It’s been interesting.”

“A good interesting?”

“Partly.” I took a bite of the pie. It melted in my mouth. “Wow, this is good.”

“It’s even better with some vanilla ice cream, but I’m out.”

“Thanks for the tip, but it’s perfect just the way it is.”

“What’s made the summer interesting?” She took a bite of her peach pie. It looked delicious, but it couldn’t have been better than the pecan.

“Mostly the people.”

“Anyone I know?”

“Don’t you know everyone in town?”

She laughed. “You got me there.”

“Well, I only have twenty minutes because I have another date.”

“With Ronny?”

“No, Gavin.”

“Ohh. He’s a better choice for you.” She leaned forward on her elbows.

“You think?”

“Definitely. He’s new around here, but he’s the good kind.”

“New? He’s been here three years.”

“Honey, that’s new.”

“What does that make me?”

“Practically just born. But tell me, is this your first date with him?”

“No. We’ve, uh, spent some time together in the past, and we had lunch last weekend.”

“Time together? You can be honest with me, Becca. I’m guessing that means you slept with him.”

I’m sure I turned deep red. Gail had to be at least seventy-five. “Yes.”

“Well, it couldn’t have been that bad if you two keep seeing each other.”

“No, it wasn’t. I’m just scared, you know? I don’t know what’s going on in his head at all.”

“A little advice: you’ll never know what a man is thinking. That’s the fun part.”

“The fun part? What’s the bad part?”

“If he’s the right one for you, there won’t be any bad parts, just some bumps in the road.”

“Bumps in the road.” That was one way of putting it.
