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Veer (Clayton Falls #2)(29)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Aren’t you the one who has an alarm set on your phone to remind you to take them?” I used to make fun of Molly about it in college. Every time, she’d go off on a tirade about being responsible. I didn’t need an alarm. I took my pill at the same time every day just in case.

“Not anymore. I turned off the alarm after Adam died, when it wasn’t such a big deal. I never worried as much with Ben, I guess.”

“Maybe it was your subconscious way of getting what you really wanted—a baby.”

“Please don’t go all psychology mumbo jumbo on me.”

I laughed. This had nothing to do with my psychology major in college. “I’m just saying it’s possible.”

“At least I haven’t really been drinking. I’ve had maybe one beer this month.”

“That’s a good thing.” I touched her hand to get her attention. “This is a good thing.”

“I hope you’re right. Do you really think Ben will be happy?”

“I don’t know Ben that well, but my bet is he will be. He’s so in love with you. Why wouldn’t he love knowing you’re having his baby?”

“I hope so. I just have to decide when to tell him.”

“Tonight. Why wait? I’ll do my own thing, give you some time.”

“No. That’s silly. We have plans.”

“Yeah, but telling Ben this news is important.”

“I know. But what are you going to do?”

“I noticed a Redbox at the gas station. I’ll pick a movie up.”

“Are you sure?”


I heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. “I’m going to let you talk to him. Tell me how it goes.”

“I will.”

I gave her a hug before walking back downstairs. I ran into Ben on my way out.

“Hey there, where are you going? Aren’t you girls hanging out tonight?”

“Uh, I think you guys have plans now.” I smiled, and he gave me a perplexed look.

“Have a good night!” I called as I headed to my car. It was so nice to have it back.


The Redbox was practically empty when I got there, but that wasn’t surprising on a Friday night. After giving up on finding a new release, I started scanning the older movies. I eventually settled on a Denzel Washington action flick I hadn’t seen in a while. It wasn’t my favorite movie, but it would entertain me enough.

I slid in my credit card and waited for the machine to process the rental. It was taking longer than usual and making a funny humming noise, so I started losing hope. Just then, I heard voices coming out of the convenience store, and I definitely recognized them both. I thought about ducking out of sight, but my movie was just about to pop out, and I couldn’t just leave it. First of all I wanted it, and besides, I’d end up having to pay for the darn thing if it wasn’t returned.

“Becca?” I pulled out the movie and reluctantly turned.

“Hey.” I waved to both Gavin and Ronny. They were each carrying a six pack of beer.

“Did you get my message?” Ronny asked just as Gavin jumped in with his own question.

“Weren’t you supposed to be hanging out with Molly tonight?”

I decided to tackle Gavin’s question first. It was the less awkward one. “Yeah, she had some stuff to do.”

“Stuff?” He gave me an amused smile.

“Uh yeah, girl stuff.”


“So, about this weekend, would you maybe want to catch a movie or something tomorrow?” Ronny asked hopefully. I’d totally forgotten about his message. He’d surprised me by calling at all. I’d hoped when I shut him down the other night that it would have been the end of the story.

I glanced over at Gavin, wondering if there was any chance he could help.

“Becca’s not going to a movie with you.”

“Why not?” Ronny looked at him, ignoring me completely.

“Because we’re seeing each other.”

“Since when?”

“It’s been a few weeks.” Gavin winked at me.

“A few weeks? That couldn’t have been long after we went out…” Ronny finally turned to look at me.

“I’m sorry. I should have called you back.” I tried to smile.

“No, I get it. It’s cool.”

Wow, this was awkward. “So nice seeing you both, but I’m going to get going.”

“Not so fast.” Gavin took a step to the side, blocking my escape route.


“What movie is that?” He pulled the disc from my hand, maneuvering it so he could see the title. “You’re into action movies? You really are one of a kind, huh?”

“Not really. I just like Denzel.”

Gavin shook his head. “Whatever you say. So you’re just going home to watch it?”

I wasn’t sure what the fifty questions were about. Maybe he was still trying to put on a show for Ronny.

“Uh huh, what are you guys up to?” I decided to at least try to play polite.

“Poker at Matt’s.”

“At Matt’s? His wife is nicer than I’d be.” Just hearing his name made me cringe a little.

“He’s got a nice basement,” Ronny explained.

“Cool, okay, have fun.”

“You can join us if you want.”

“Oh, uh, no thanks.”

“So you’re not into poker?”

“Not with a bunch of drunk guys. Nope.”

They both laughed.

“Matt’s around the block from you, so maybe I’ll stop by when I leave. I’ll call you.” Gavin squeezed my hand.

“Okay…” I wondered once again whose benefit the display was for. “See ya.”

Gavin pulled me back before I could step off the curb and kissed me lightly on the lips. “I’ll see you later.”

“Good night,” I said, still affected by the kiss. I wondered if he actually planned to stop by, and I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about it.


Jake didn’t even bother to knock this time, he just used his key. “It’s just me, so don’t get up.”

I looked away from the TV and curled my blanket closer around me. I was wearing a fairly skimpy set of cami and shorts pajamas and definitely wasn’t expecting company without a call first.

“You are not leaving until you give me your key. That is not cool.”
