Read Books Novel


Veer (Clayton Falls #2)(5)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“It must have been awesome to grow up with a pool in your backyard.” I looked longingly out the window.

“You can definitely use it all you want. My parents will be glad. Most of the time, it just sits unused.” Ben flipped through a pile of old CDs on the counter. I assumed his brother had left them.

“That’s awesome. I’d love to swim some laps in the morning.” I was already itching to get in the water. I’d been starting my morning in the pool since college. If I couldn’t swim, I’d run, but considering the heat, it was nice to know I wouldn’t have to resort to it.

We’d gone by the repair shop to check on my car, but it was going to take at least another day. The guy said something about ordering a part. I didn’t mind waiting, but I hoped it wouldn’t put too much of a dent in my Visa balance. Molly offered to let me borrow her car for work on Monday, and she assured me she didn’t need it. I didn’t doubt her. The Molly I remembered hated driving.

Molly left after I convinced her I was more than capable of unpacking my own clothes. She was supposed to meet with some clients, and I didn’t want to get in the way of her small but thriving photography business. Only Molly would quit law school and end up making money as a photographer. In some ways I envied her. I didn’t have a creative bone in my body.

After putting away the last of my clothes and stowing my suitcases in the closet, I popped in one of the movies I’d brought with me. It was a sunny day out, but it was hot and humid, and I didn’t have anywhere else to go. I wanted to make sure I didn’t smother Molly.

I had just reached the good part of the movie when the door burst open. I jumped, unable to believe I’d forgotten to lock the door after Molly left. It was so unlike me. I panicked, until I saw a guy who looked a lot like Ben standing in the doorway wearing a huge grin. I relaxed. This had to be Ben’s brother. They even had the same smile.

“Oh, hi. Sorry, I didn’t know you were here already.”

“Hey, that’s fine.” I tried to hide just how much his intrusion frightened me. “You must be Jake.”

“That would be me. You’re Becca, right?”

“Uh huh.” I reached for the remote to pause the movie. I’d thrown it off the couch in surprise.

“I’ll get out of your hair in a second. I just realized I forgot a few books.” He closed the door behind him. At least he was good about keeping the cool air inside.

I picked up the two paperbacks that had been on the floor by the TV. “A Ken Follet fan, huh?”

“Yeah, I’m on a kick. What about you?”

“I read a little of everything.”

“You all moved in?” He glanced around, maybe checking for any changes.

“Yeah, I didn’t have much.” I hoped he didn’t blame me for having to move. “Did you move nearby?”

“I’m across town, closer to where Molly and Ben live.”

“Is your place nice?”

“As nice as any rental house is, I guess. It was time for me to get out of here. I like that my parents can’t just stop by all the time.”

I smiled. “That’s a good thing.”

He peered over my shoulder, suddenly noticing the TV. “Is that Dawn of the Dead?”


“Interesting movie choice.”

“Hey, watching a zombie apocalypse kind of puts your own problems into perspective.”

He laughed. “Very true. Mind if I join you for a bit? I love this movie.” Without waiting for a response, he slumped down next to me on the couch. You could tell he’d been living there. He was right at home.

“Sure,” I answered even though I didn’t need to. I pressed play, starting the movie up again.

Jake grabbed the remote and turned up the volume. As if an afterthought, he glanced over to make sure I didn’t mind.

Molly had described Jake as a class A jerk, but he seemed pretty cool to me. He definitely wasn’t my type, but I could see us becoming friends.

“So what exciting activities does Molly have planned for you tonight?” he asked as the credits rolled.

“Um, she wants to introduce me to some of her friends. She said they all hang out at some bar.”

“Nice. You’re going to experience Clayton Fall’s finest establishment, Gill’s.”

I looked over at him. “Anything I should know before I go?”

“Yeah, expect every drunk guy to hit on you, and don’t take anything people say personally.” His brown hair was shaggy, a contrast to Ben’s buzzed look. He kind of had that surfer boy thing going for him.

“Okay… I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Cool. All right, I’m going to get out of here. I’ll see you tonight?”

“Are you going to be there too?”

“For you, I’ll make an appearance.”

“I appreciate the sacrifice.” I was quite certain he would be going anyway.

“What can I say? I aim to please.”

I laughed. “Thanks for the company.”

“Thanks for the hospitality.”

I smiled as I locked up behind him and wondered what the rest of my first day in town would hold.

Chapter Four


I couldn’t believe this is what my life had come to. I sat on a stool at Gill’s blending in with the rest of the usual crowd. I’d never been much of a drinker, but desperate times call for desperate measures. I wasn’t really there for the alcohol. There was just nothing else to do in town. Melissa, a perky blond, sat next to me, constantly pawing at my arm to get my attention. She was a nice enough looking girl, but I never got the sense there was anything going on in that head of hers. I needed at least a semblance of brains. I hoped ignoring her would give her the message.

“Damn, who’s that?” my friend Ronny asked from a few stools down. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head. I followed his gaze.

“Oh hell. I guess this was going to happen eventually.” Becca had just walked in with Molly and Ben, looking around her as if she was entering a foreign country.

“I take it you know her?”

“That’s Molly’s friend from Boston,” I said flatly.

“Oh. She’s hot. I guess good looking girls are usually friends with one another.”

“Not always.”

Ronny chuckled. “Do you know anything about her?”

“She’s in town for the summer to work for Matt and his dad.”
