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Veer (Clayton Falls #2)(50)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Was he really offering me a job? Obviously, there was no way I was taking it, but it was still cool.

“But, I also realize that you are more interested in other areas of the law, and I happen to know of a position that might be a better fit.”


“I’m not sure if you know it, but I went to law school with the DA in New Hanover County.”

“Really?” Now this was getting interesting.

“I know they have positions to fill next year, and I would be happy to put in a good word for you if you’d be willing to relocate down here. I’m not sure if you have any other reasons to move…” I knew he was talking about Gavin, and I tried to ignore the pang I felt just thinking about him.

“Wow. Thank you. That’s really something to think about it.”

“You do that, and let me know, okay?”

“Definitely, thank you so much.” At least something positive was coming out of the summer. “I really appreciate you giving me the opportunity to work for you this summer. It’s been a wonderful experience.”

“It was our pleasure, and I hope this won’t be the last we see of you.”

I smiled. “I’ll definitely let you know what I decide about the job.” Just thinking about coming back to visit Clayton Falls depressed me. Now that Gavin and I had broken up, the chance of that was zero even if I did take a job in Wilmington.


I let my phone go to voicemail three times before I finally picked up. “What’s going on?” the voice on the other end of the phone demanded. I hadn’t recognized the number and was a little shocked by the reception.

“Who is this?”

“It’s Brody, and I really wish someone would fill me in here.”

“Brody? How’d you get my number?”

“You gave it to my mom, remember?”


“Oh? I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but all I know is that somehow in the few days since you guys left, you’ve managed to dump my brother.”

“Yeah. I messed up.”

“Messed up? So you didn’t mean to? I’m really not getting it.”

“I got scared and said things I didn’t mean.”

“Then go apologize. He’s miserable, and you don’t sound so great yourself.”

“Does he know you’re calling me?”

“Of course not. This is about what we talked about, isn’t it?”

“It started off that way.”

“What do you want? I think, in the end, that’s what you have to figure out.”

I could not believe I was being lectured on relationships by my ex-boyfriend’s younger brother.

“I want Gavin. I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“Then tell him. He wants you too. You’re both just being stubborn idiots.”

“I can’t face him.”

“Sure, you can. Call him, or hell, write him a letter for all I care. Just do something. If you don’t, I’m coming there myself.”

“Is that a threat?” I couldn’t help laughing a little.

“Absolutely. It’s not that I really care about Gavin’s love life, but he seemed happy for the first time in years, and I don’t think he can take getting his heart broken again—especially over something as stupid as your insecurities.”

“Hey! Who are you to talk to me this way?”

“Someone has to, and you don’t have a brother to do it. Okay?”

“Okay.” There was actually something refreshing about that phone call, as bizarre as it sounds. I guess sometimes it helps when someone points out the obvious.

The more I thought about it, the more the idea of writing a letter appealed. It couldn’t hurt. Maybe we could salvage something.

After hanging up with Brody, I dug out a legal pad and wrote a letter. I folded it up and searched around for an envelope. Giving up, I ended up asking Mrs. Mathews for one. She didn’t ask what I needed it for, and I didn’t tell her.

I drove over to Gavin’s when I knew he was still at work and made myself get out of the car and slip the envelope under his door mat. Hopefully, he’d at least read it.

Chapter Thirty-Two


I saw something white sticking out from under the door mat when I got home from work. I swiped it before walking inside. It was late, but as soon as I realized who it was from, I woke up right away. I made Max wait while I read the letter.

Dear Gavin,

I know this probably seems very middle school, but I didn’t have the nerve to call you. I’m sorry. I never should have said the things I did. I was scared, and I took it out on you. There’s nothing wrong with your life or what you do. I’m the one who’s going nowhere. I hope you’ll forgive me eventually and maybe even look back on what we had fondly.

All the best,


It wasn’t the most amazing apology letter ever, but it was what I needed to hear. I changed, taking Max to do his business out front before rushing him back inside. He could wait for a walk. I locked up and got right in the car.

I knocked on her door, impatient when I didn’t get an answer. I knocked again—still nothing. Damn it, where could she be?

“She’s not here.” Mr. Mathews came out his back door.

“Oh. Do you know where she is?” I hadn’t bothered to check if her car was out front.

“She went down to the beach.”

“At night?”

“She asked to borrow a flashlight. That’s all I know.”

“Thanks.” I got back in my car and headed to the beach.

I noticed her car parked about a block away. I smiled. She was making sure to avoid a ticket this time. I parked right behind her car.

I got out and jogged the rest of the distance. Now that I got it in my head to talk to her, I didn’t want to wait.

She stood right at the shoreline looking up at the sky.

“Nice night out, huh?”

She turned around, and I got my first look at her face. She’d been crying. “Hi, I guess you read my letter.” She looked down.

“Yes. Thank you for it. I probably should have just come to talk to you sooner.”

“I’m the one who started it.” She looked up at me like she was afraid of what she’d see.

I couldn’t stand to watch her so upset. I closed the distance between us, pulling her into a hug. “I’ve missed you.”

“Me too.”

“Do you think you can get out of work a little early tomorrow? I need to go somewhere, and I want you to come with me.”
