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Veer (Clayton Falls #2)(52)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Having fun?” I teased, putting an arm around her when she sat back down.

“Yeah, but when are you going to tell me what’s up? I mean, why the special treatment? Do all former players get it?”

I bit back a smile. “Just wait.”

“This whole man of mystery act is getting old.”

“What are you talking about? I’m always a man of mystery. It’s not an act.”

She gave me that adorable pout of hers. “Gavin, please.”

“Just watch the game.”

We got a couple more beers and the game moved quickly. Before long, it was the seventh inning stretch.

“I think I’m going to run to the restroom.” Becca started to get up.

“No, you should wait.”


She settled back down just as the announcer started in.

“Ladies and Gentleman, it’s the time of the season to welcome back some of our most honored former players. First, he led us to one of our most successful seasons in 1992 and went on to a long and successful career of nearly twenty years with the Atlanta Braves. I would like to introduce Chipper Jones.”

The crowd loudly applauded as he slowly walked onto the field. I could feel my nerves beginning to set in as the announcer continued.

“Next, I have the pleasure of introducing one of the most beloved players in our sports club. He holds the record for the most strikeouts in a game and is the only pitcher to have two no hitters in a single season. Please welcome back Gavin Powell.”

As I started to walk to the field, the audience rose to their feet and yelled. I could see the shock on Becca’s face as I let go of her hand.

“Our guests today will be awarded with a plaque for their contributions to the club and will be available after the game for a signing event.”

It was almost surreal being on the field. I hadn’t looked back when I’d left three years before, but standing there that night, I couldn’t believe I’d stayed away so long.

As I took my seat again, Becca leaned over. “So do I get an autograph?”

“You can have a lot more than an autograph.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Really? And I thought I was just another one of your groupies.”

“You’ll never be just another anything. Don’t forget it.” I settled my hand on her leg as we watched the rest of the game. The Bulls pulled out a 4 to 1 win, making it an even better evening.

After the game, we walked over to a large tent set up behind the field for a meet and greet. I was worried it would be overwhelming for Becca, but she was a natural. She didn’t even seem flustered. For someone terrified to meet my family, she had no issues hanging out with this group.

Dawn used to hate when I left her alone at events. She’d mope around the whole time and always wanted me to make it up to her afterward. Becca seemed to be having a great time. Every time I looked over at her, she was smiling.

I signed the last of the autographs and joined Becca. She nibbled happily on something.

“I thought you were never going to eat again.”

“They’re chocolate covered strawberries. They don’t count.”

I laughed. “Okay, but then I need to have one.”

After eating three strawberries, I noticed a familiar face heading our way.

“Do my eyes deceive me, or am I actually in the presence of the Gavin Powell?”

“Gary, hey.” I shook hands and then hugged my old pitching coach.

“And who is this?” He turned his attention to Becca.

“Becca Harris. Nice to meet you.” She shook his hand.

“How’d you get yourself messed up with this one?”

“He came to my rescue, and I haven’t been able to stay away since.”

“Nice. Maybe you’re the reason he keeps avoiding my calls.”

“Calls?” She looked at me questioningly.

“Oh, so he hasn’t even told you. I’ve been on his case about coming out to Tampa with me. We could definitely use him.”

“No, he didn’t tell me anything about it.”

I expected her to get annoyed, but she surprised me by putting her hand in mine. “He’s always so modest.”

Gary smiled. “At least promise to stay in touch this time, Gavin.”

“Sure, I’ll do one better. I’ll give you a call next week.”

Gary’s eyes widened in surprise. “You do that.”

We left soon after. We had a two hour drive back, and it was already late. Becca took off her heels as soon as we got in the car.

“Thanks for coming. It was a lot easier with you there.”

“Thanks for taking me. That was really cool. You’re really cool.”

“I’m cool, huh? Well you’re pretty cool, yourself. And by the way, thanks.”

“For?” She fidgeted in her seat so she could see me better.

“I don’t know. Being you, I guess.”

“Oh. Well, it’s just so hard, I don’t know how I do it.”

I laughed.

She started to run her fingers down my arm. I loved when she did that. “I don’t want to get into anything, but why didn’t you tell me about Tampa? I mean, if it’s your dream and all…”

“Because I wasn’t ready. Hell, it took me three years just to go back to that stadium.”

“Well you seemed right at home. I still can’t believe my boyfriend holds the record for the most strikeouts in a game.”

It was nice to hear her call me her boyfriend. She’d said it earlier, but this time it wasn’t because someone mistakenly thought we were married. At least I knew where we stood in her eyes—the same place we did in mine.

We rode in silence for a while, and I turned off the interstate toward town.

“If it’s okay with you, you don’t need to drop me off.”

I’d thought she was sleeping and was wondering how to approach the topic. We’d been apart less than a week, but it seemed like forever. I wasn’t sure whether I could just assume she’d want to come home with me, especially after our fight. But I needed her. I needed to spend every last second with her before she left. I’d have to get time off work.

“It’s more than okay with me.” I reached over and took her hand.

I pulled into the driveway, feeling a whole lot more relaxed than I had been when I’d left. We took Max for a walk before coming back and settling into our usual spots on the couch. She looked out at the water even though she couldn’t have seen much of anything in the darkness.
