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Werewolf in Denver

Werewolf in Denver (Wild About You #4)(35)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

This reporter caught up with Jake as he was loading his duffel bag into a cab. When asked about his future plans, he expressed great faith in his new project. “I’ll work on my presence in cyberspace,” he said, “because WARM needs that visibility, but I’ll also take my message directly to each Were’s doorstep.”

And how will he do that? one might ask. “I’ll start my campaign in Alaska, where all North American packs originated. I’ll be using a snowmobile to reach the backwoods areas of my home state. There’s strong support for our cause there, and I intend to mobilize that support.”

With a spokesWere who looks like Jake Hunter, finding WARM recruits should be no trouble at all!

In other news, Neil Stillman has been placed under house arrest by the Stillman pack while awaiting his trial before the newly formed WOW council. The bullet that was extracted from Kate Stillman’s red leather sofa (a sofa and bullet viewed personally by this reporter, who no doubt will be called to testify due to her personal involvement in the case) has been entered into evidence.

Rumor has it that Aidan and Roarke Wallace also will be asked to testify, along with Duncan MacDowell. That hunky lineup should pack the courtroom with adoring female Weres! For details, follow me on Sniffer @newshound or #rivetingtrial because this reporter plans to be there, once again, to serve as your eyes, ears, and nose!
