Read Books Novel

Werewolf in Denver

Werewolf in Denver (Wild About You #4)(5)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

On the other hand, if they ended up here longer than an hour or so, he might need that television as a necessary distraction from Kate. Besides, they’d reimburse the owners for any electricity used. A little TV watching wasn’t going to add much to the bill.

Wandering to the kitchen window and looking out the unbroken upper half, he saw nothing but snow coming down hard and fast. Intuition told him they might not get out of this cabin tonight. About the time he came to that conclusion, Kate ended her call and glanced over at him.

“We won’t be going anywhere for a while,” she said. “My grandmother’s been watching the news, and several pileups on the interstate have stretched the city’s resources to the breaking point. They’re asking that anyone who’s not in an emergency situation hold tight until morning.”

“I suppose that would be us.” The potent energy created by their kiss remained in the air, a tantalizing shimmer that could get them into trouble again if they weren’t careful.

He decided to address the problem immediately. “I need to apologize for what just happened before the phone call. I shouldn’t have done it, and I can promise you that such a thing won’t be repeated.”

She nodded. “Good, because if Angela Sapworthy ever got wind of something like that, we would both be—”

“Unable to effectively lead. I know. Our followers would doubt our dedication to the cause if they thought we were overly friendly, and they’d be justified in that. I take full responsibility for the incident, but I would appreciate keeping it strictly between us.”

“You won’t find me telling anyone. But I won’t allow you to take full responsibility. I could have pushed you away.”

He couldn’t let himself off the hook that easily. “I was the initiator, and I don’t see how you can be blamed for simply responding.”

Her eyes widened. “What an ego you have, Duncan MacDowell!”

He blinked, completely taken aback by her statement. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but that comment of yours implies that once you initiate a sexual encounter, it’s a done deal. Assuming a phone doesn’t ring, of course, which it happened to do in this case.”

He rubbed the back of his neck, confused as to why she was so irritated. “In my dealings with females, it usually is a done deal, as you say. We were headed for a wee bit more than a kiss, and I don’t think, in all honesty, that you can deny it.”

Her rapid breathing stirred her br**sts beneath that soft black sweater. “I won’t deny it, but that was because, at that very moment, I wanted sex as much as you did. If I hadn’t, then I would have stopped you from continuing.”

Watching that sweater move was slowly killing him. He focused on her blue eyes instead. “That would have been a new experience for me.”

Her mouth opened, forming a perfect pink O of surprise. “No one’s ever refused your advances?”

“Not that I can recall.”

“Oh, my God. No wonder.” She continued to stare at him but said no more.

“No wonder what?” He had a feeling he wouldn’t like the answer, but she couldn’t leave her comment dangling like that.

“You’re so…no, I shouldn’t say it. We need to remain civil to each other. We’re quite likely trapped together for the rest of the night.”

“Either you finish that sentence, or I’ll have to retract my statement about your forthright attitude. You’ve never pulled your punches online, Kate, so why do it now?”

“Because we’re face-to-face. Of course everything’s different when you’re actually looking at each other.”

“Then close your eyes and pretend you’re typing your response.”

“That’s the coward’s way out.”

“So be brave.”

“All right.” She took a deep breath.

And he wished she hadn’t, because she had magnificent br**sts and they heaved with a beauty that he couldn’t seem to ignore.

“Okay, here we go.” She looked him straight in the eye. “No wonder you’re so arrogant and sure of yourself. No female has ever rejected you. That’s astonishing. Yes, you’re very good-looking, and I will concede that you have a certain amount of sexual charisma, but…never? Seriously?”

“Well, there was one time when I thought the lass wanted me to stop, but it turns out I was mistaken, so we went on to have a very satisfactory time of it.”


“But I’d hate to think my successes have made me arrogant.”

“Why else would you insist on taking the blame for making me forget myself just now? Rest assured that if I hadn’t wanted to be seduced, no seduction would have taken place. I don’t care how good a kisser you are.”

“But you did want to be seduced.” He shouldn’t emphasize that point. He should let the entire matter drop. But she’d accused him of arrogance, and he needed some balm for that wound.

She gazed at him without speaking for several seconds. Then she cleared her throat. “Yes, I did, past tense. I no longer do.”

“Are you sure?” Because he wasn’t. Her eyes told a different story.

“Let me put it this way. We seem to have chemistry, which, as you mentioned earlier, is damned inconvenient. So although I might still want you, I don’t wish for you to seduce me. I lost focus while we were working on the window together. I won’t lose focus again.”

“Good. That’s very good. All we have to do is get through the night. Then tomorrow we’ll be caught up in the conference and that should take care of…everything.”

“Yes.” She consulted the time on her phone. “It’s a little after six. We only have twelve hours or so, and if we’re smart, we’ll spend part of that time sleeping.”


“Extremely separately. We should also eat something. While I was looking through the cupboards, I noticed they’ve left some canned food here. But I’d like to contact the Stewarts before we dive into their supply.”

“I don’t know how you’re going to do that. Why would they leave their number somewhere? They don’t need to. They know what it is.”

“I realize that.” Tapping her phone against her chin, she began to roam the kitchen, opening drawers, sorting through whatever she found there. “Here we go.” She pulled a small booklet out of one of the drawers. “It’s an address and phone book. They won’t be in here, but friends will. I’ll call around until I get the number.”

“They’ll simply give it to you?”

She looked surprised that he’d ask. “The Stillman name is very well-known in Denver, so if I pick somebody local, no worries. It would be the same as you using the MacDowell name back in…what’s the name of your little town?”

“I bide in Glenbarra.”

“Right. I’m sure the MacDowell name opens doors in Glenbarra. Besides, I don’t have to tell the friend that we broke in. I can just say there’s a problem with the cabin and I need to get in touch with Bob and Edith.” She flipped a page in the address book, but then she glanced up. “While I’m doing this, I wish you would please soak your feet in that turkey roaster.”

“It seems I won’t need to be soaking my feet, after all.”

“Of course you will. You said yourself they were cold.”

“They were. But they’re not now.”

“Why not?”

He smiled at her. “That kiss warmed me all the way down to my toes, lass.”

Kate took one look at that smile and quickly began studying the address book as if it contained the secrets of the universe. Now that he’d made that comment, she realized her feet weren’t cold anymore, either. In fact, not a single cell in her body was cold.

Earlier she’d watched him cross to the thermostat and turn up the heat, but that had nothing to do with the warmth that had spread through her system. The next twelve hours were going to be a huge challenge. Ironically, although she ran a dating site, she hadn’t used it herself in months. Organizing HOWL and writing her book had taken up every bit of her spare time.

Being tucked away with a virile Were like Duncan had reminded her of what she’d been missing. In some ways, even though their interaction had been at a distance until today, he was the male she’d had the most significant contact with recently. Her attraction to him wasn’t at all surprising, even given their differences.

But she was strong enough to subdue her urges. She had to be. Taking several calming breaths, she searched the names and addresses in the little book until she found one that looked promising. Someone, probably Edith, had scribbled names of the couple’s grandchildren in the margin, so they must be good friends.

Sure enough, the woman who answered was eager to help and supplied a phone number for the Stewarts immediately. Kate thanked her and punched in the number. All the while she was aware of Duncan sweeping glass and using paper towels to soak up water on the hardwood floor. He’d taken off his shoes and socks and she needed to follow his lead so she wouldn’t track any more water around.

Sitting on one of the kitchen chairs, she began unlacing one boot as she waited for someone to answer the phone. But it was hard to unlace one-handed. Sticking the phone between her ear and her shoulder, she tackled the laces again and managed to get a stubborn knot in the left boot.

About that time Edith answered the phone, and Kate temporarily gave up on the knot. “Hello, Edith, it’s Kate Stillman calling from Colorado.”

“Kate! We saw on the news about the blizzard and it looks just awful. Are you calling about the cabin? Please say it’s okay.”

“Your cabin is fine, Edith.” She started working at the knot again with her free hand. “But there is a little matter I need to tell you about. I was returning from the airport with a resort guest when I hit a patch of ice and buried the nose of my SUV in a snowbank.”

“Oh, no! Are you all right?”

“Fortunately my passenger and I weren’t hurt, but there’s no way we’re getting a tow tonight. We happened to be right by your cabin, so we—”

“I hope you found a way to get in.”

She tugged harder on the knot, but it wouldn’t give. “Yes, we did get in. But I have to apologize because we had to break a front window to do it.” As she reached down to unlace the other boot, Duncan walked over and knelt at her feet. She waved him off.

“Don’t worry about the window,” Edith said. “At least you’re in out of the storm.”

“We’ll get the glass replaced tomorrow, I promise. And we’ve taped a garbage bag over the window. I’ll reimburse you for the extra electricity, too.”

Duncan wouldn’t be waved off. He started working on the knot she’d created, his dark head bent over the task. Unless she wanted to get into a tussle with him while she was on the phone with Edith, she had to sit still and let him finish the job.

“Heavens, don’t even think about paying for the electricity,” Edith said. “You’ll need food. Eat whatever you can find. It’s only canned stuff, not very exciting, but there are a couple of bottles of red wine in a cabinet in the living room. Oh, and some beer in the refrigerator, I think. Make yourselves at home.”

“Thank you. That’s very sweet of you.”

Duncan lifted his head and smiled. “You’re welcome.”

“Not you,” she muttered, frowning at him.

“Excuse me?” Edith sounded confused.

“Nothing, nothing. Just trying to do two things at once. I appreciate the offer of food and drink, and we’ll replace that, too.” She tried not to imagine Duncan undressing her, yet his attention to her boots felt like that. After she’d made such a big deal about his feet, he must assume she was desperate to get out of her boots.

“Please take whatever you need and don’t worry about replacing it,” Edith said. “None of it’s gourmet fare, I assure you. We don’t have TV reception, but there’s a DVD player and the bookshelf’s loaded with movies. I’m afraid there’s only one bed, though. I don’t know if you feel chummy enough with your guest to share it, but there’s also the couch.”

“We’ll work it out, Edith. I’m so grateful for your understanding.”

Duncan finished with one boot and pulled it off. Then he rolled down her wet sock and tossed that aside. The combination of his capable hands working on her feet and Edith’s comment about bed sharing put Kate in the very state of mind she’d been trying to avoid. Why did she have to be snowbound with the sexiest Were she’d met in years when he was also the last one on earth she should lust after?

“Of course I understand, dear. There’s a reason we only spend summers at the cabin. It’s gorgeous there, but we’re not up to battling that winding road in the winter. I’m just glad you’re going to be okay. You and your guest, that is.”

“Thank you. We’re feeling very lucky, too.” So long as neither of them got lucky tonight, all would be well.

“You’ll need a key to lock up when you leave, and also when someone repairs the window. There’s a metal key box in the flowerpot by the back door.”

“Too bad I didn’t know that before. We could have spared the window.”

Duncan grasped her calf and pulled off the other boot. After he removed her sock, he began massaging her feet. She told herself to resist, but his touch felt like heaven and she couldn’t make herself draw back.

“You can file that information away for next time,” Edith said. “Also, there’s a small supply of firewood under a tarp on the back porch. You should make a fire and thaw yourselves out.”
