Read Books Novel

Werewolf in Seattle

Werewolf in Seattle (Wild About You #3)(24)
Author: Vicki Lewis Thompson

He flashed her a grin. “You have a point. We’ll worry about food later.”

Luna raised her glass. “To George Trevelyan.”

“To good old George.” Colin touched his glass to hers. “Don’t let him intimidate you, lass.”

“I won’t, but if he tries, will you come over here and kick his butt?” Colin’s slight hesitation told her all she needed to know. “I’m kidding. I can handle George just fine.”

“Of course you can.”

She longed to ask him when he would come back, but she might not like the answer. If she ran the inn as efficiently as he expected her to, he wouldn’t need to come back at all. She took another swallow of champagne and set her glass on the black marble counter. Time to get this party started.

Standing in the middle of the bathroom, she glanced at Colin. “Ever watched a striptease?”

His eyebrows lifted. “Can’t say that I have. Have you?”

The champagne fizzed through her veins, making her feel sexy and bold. “Only in movies, but I know the general idea. I think I should perform one for you.”

Colin turned off the faucet and sat on the edge of the tub, his champagne glass in hand. “I wouldn’t object.”

“Didn’t think so. I’ll provide my own music.” She vaguely remembered a tune that she’d heard and she began to hum it.

Colin’s lips twitched as if he were trying very hard not to smile. “‘The Stripper.’ Good choice.”

“So you recognize it? I’m not such a great singer.”

“In my book, you’re a very fine singer.”

“Now, that’s a lie, but I’m good enough for this, anyway.” She kept humming as she began to swivel her h*ps and ease her sundress strap down over her shoulder. Then with a wink, she pulled it back into place and started on the other strap.


“That’s the idea.” She rolled her shoulder and gave him a melting look as she eased the second strap down and continued to hum. This time she managed to get the strap all the way off, although it might not have been the smoothest move in the world.

She had more trouble with the second strap and had to stop humming while she struggled with it.

“Want any help?”

“Nope.” She got the strap off and held out both arms as she began to shimmy. That much she did know how to do. “Ba-dum-dum-dum, ba-dum-dum-dum, ba-dum-dum-dum. ”

He grinned at her, his blue eyes sparkling.

“Don’t give me that Chesire-cat smile. It makes me laugh and I can’t concentrate.”

“Right.” He covered his mouth, but the crinkles around his eyes gave him away.

Humming louder and with more emphasis, she began a bump and grind as she slowly peeled her dress down. It had a built-in bra, which made the striptease easier, but it wouldn’t last nearly as long. So she took her time about peeling the dress down to her waist.

Colin, she noted with satisfaction, wasn’t grinning anymore, and his eyes weren’t crinkled up with laughter, either. The sight of her girls was getting him hot, judging from the way he focused on them.

She wished she had a couple of tassels, but that wouldn’t do much good unless she could twirl them, and she figured that took practice. As a substitute, she cupped her br**sts in both hands as she continued to hum and dance for him. He was a very easy audience to please. He never took his eyes off her.

For her next maneuver, she turned her back to him and waggled her bottom from side to side in time with her humming as she gradually pulled up her skirt, then slowly, very slowly, pulled down her panties. She couldn’t see his face, but she could hear him breathing. He was becoming a desperate Were.

Once she’d worked her panties down over her bare feet, she turned, keeping her toe hooked through one leg opening. Then, with a well-timed ba-dum, she kicked the panties right at him. To his credit, he caught them before they sailed into the Jacuzzi. She almost forgot to hum as he raised them to his nose and inhaled.

Funny how the striptease seemed to be getting her hot, too. She’d intended to make this last awhile, but every time she looked at Colin, the front of his slacks stuck out a little more, and she was starting to ache like nobody’s business.

Still, she wanted to end this performance with a flourish, so she forced herself to ease her dress down inch by torturous inch. She kept humming and creating circles with her hips. When she paused right before exposing her pièce de résistance, Colin groaned. Now, that was gratifying.

With one final shove, she pushed the dress all the way down. Humming at full volume, she grabbed it from the floor and twirled it over her head to loud applause and whistles from the audience of one.

She stood there flushed and panting, and highly aroused. “You liked it?”

“I’ll show you how much I liked it.” He stood and tore off his clothes. “Sorry, but I’m not taking time for a striptease. This is a straight strip, without the tease.”

She watched him with hungry eyes. “Works for me.” She’d never tire of this view of Colin MacDowell, nak*d, his muscled chest gleaming with moisture, and his glorious penis fully erect.

He held out a hand. “Come with me, you naughty wench. You’ve put me in a fine state, as you can see. Time for you to do something about it.”

She loved how his brogue thickened right along with his c*ck when he was really excited. “I would be honored to do something about it.” She put her hand in his. “What did you have in mind?”

“I crave having you sit on my lap, if you know what I mean.”

“Not exactly, but I’m sure I’ve probably seen it done in the movies.”

“Oh, I’m sure you have, at that. The idea is I’ll sit on the bench there, and you’ll sit astride, a knee on either side of my hips.”

She glanced up at him. “Sounds like fun.”

“I guarantee it. And the warm water will soothe your parts.”

That made her smile. “My parts?”

“I still want to take good care with you, lass. You’re a beginner yet. Though I wouldn’t know it to watch you stripping off your panties and tossing them in my face.”

“I thought that was a nice touch.” And she wouldn’t let him treat her like a beginner much longer, either. He was going home soon. She could worry about being sore after he left.

“I’ll help you in.” He steadied her as she climbed into the roomy tub.

“And here I thought my first hot tub experience would be on Le Floret.” Jets pulsed, sending warm water swirling above her knees.

“In my opinion, it will be. A Jacuzzi in a bathroom doesn’t qualify as a hot tub, which I think of as being outdoors.”

“Outdoors, and with room for more than two.” She thought about the hot tub that would be delivered tomorrow. Tomorrow night could be Colin’s last one on the island. She pushed the thought from her mind as he stepped in beside her.

“While this Jacuzzi is perfect for two.” He kept hold of her hand and moaned softly as he eased down on the built-in bench on the far side. “As if I need more stimulation.” He tugged on her hand. “Climb aboard, while there’s still a pole to steady you.”

“Something tells me Colin MacDowell never discharges before he’s ready.” But she followed his suggestion and placed a knee on either side of his hips. “Guide me into the dock, Captain.”

“I will.” He spanned her waist with his big hands and positioned her above his cock.

The warm water felt wonderful pulsing against her parts, as he’d called them, but his thick penis sliding in felt much better. This time, there would be no barrier, no flash of pain. Just pleasure.

So much pleasure. She gripped his shoulders as he drew her down, down, until he was deep inside her. She clenched her muscles, wanting to hold him there forever, and felt his c*ck twitch in response. But even more amazing, her womb reacted, too. She felt the first twinge of an orgasm.

She clenched again and felt another twinge, this one stronger than the first. She lifted her gaze to his. “What’s going on?”

Heat burned in his blue eyes, but his lips curved in a smile. “You have power, too,” he murmured. “When you tighten around me like that, it’s good for both of us. And you’ll come faster.”

“I think… ” She trembled as she clenched again and the response was a swift tug at her womb. “I think I could stay still and make myself come.”

“Do you want to?”

“No.” She held his gaze. “I want to feel your penis moving inside me. That’s more exciting.”

“I’m glad. But this time, the moving is up to you. You’ll have to work a little bit, if you don’t mind.”

“So I move and you stay still?”

“Not totally still. I won’t be able to help myself once you start. But the major up and down is your department.”

“Ah.” Her breathing quickened as she contemplated the maneuver. “I will be in control.”


“I like that.”

He laughed softly. “After watching your striptease, I thought you might.”

“Let me know if I’m doing it right.” Looking into his eyes, she braced her hands on his broad shoulders and rose up on her knees, going slowly so she didn’t lose him. “How’s that?”

His jaw tightened. “Maddening.”

“Is that a good maddening or a bad maddening?”

“Both. Drawing out the suspense is making my heart pound like a bass drum, but what I really want is for you to go… faster.”

She sank down onto him and rose up again. “Like that?”

“Faster than that.”

She noticed that the vein was standing out on his temple again. “Colin, do you want me to ride you like you’re a bucking bronco? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

His answer came through clenched teeth. “Yes.”

“What if I rise up too far and miss? What if I break your lovely cock?”

“I won’t let that happen.”

“All right, then.” Clutching his shoulders, she began to pump vigorously up and down, and sure enough, his firm grip on her waist kept her from disconnecting and causing a painful disaster.

And what a wonderful rhythm it was, full of life and wild passion. The water frothed and churned madly around them and splashed out of the tub. The jets were total overkill.

Thank goodness he had a good hold on her, because she discovered the fast pace worked for her, too. Before long she approached the point when she would soon fly off in all directions.

She thought he deserved fair warning. She gulped in air. “Colin… I’m going to… come… any second.”

His grip tightened. “Do it.”

“But you… ”

“I’m there, lass. Waiting for you.”

She had no idea how he managed to hold off his cli**x in the middle of this frenzied coupling, but she didn’t have time to think about it as strong contractions surged through her, interrupting her rhythm and wringing wild cries from her throat.

Colin took over the reins, keeping them in sync, urging her up and down as he bellowed in triumph with his own release. Then it was over except for the panting, and the water still sloshing back and forth in the tub and dribbling over the sides onto the floor.

Luna lifted her head and grinned at him. “That was outstanding.”

“Not bad.”

She splashed water in his face. “You mean for a beginner?”

He wiped the drops from his face with one large hand and laughed. “Well, there was that dodgy bit in the beginning, when I thought for sure you were going to turn this into a water ballet, but things improved after that.”

“You just wait. Next time it’s going to be like the Kentucky Derby.”

“I look forward to it.” Cupping his hand, he filled it with water and dribbled it over her br**sts. “You are so incredibly beautiful, Luna.”

She started to tease him about saying that to all the female Weres, but then she realized it might be true. “In some ways I’m glad that I’m a beginner, but in other ways, I wonder if I’m not as exciting as I could be because I’m so new at hav**g s*x.”

He stopped dribbling water and cradled her face in both hands as he focused his earnest gaze on hers. “Luna, I was teasing you. I didn’t mean to imply that you aren’t exciting. You are without a doubt the most exciting female I’ve ever been with.”

“That can’t be right. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“You know more than you think you do, but even your inexperience makes you fascinating to me.”

“That’s one thing I’ve got going for me, then. I have to be the most inexperienced twenty-seven-year-old Were on the planet.” And she couldn’t help wondering whether having more seductive moves would lure him into coming back to the island, at least once in a while.

“And I’m the lucky male who reaps the rewards of that. You’re not jaded. Everything is new and wonderful for you. Do you realize what a gift that is to your partner?”

“Then you’re not just humoring me?”

“Good God, no. Normally I’m really good at delaying my orgasms, but you’re so sexy I have quite a struggle holding off.”

“I did want to ask about how that’s done.”

“I can’t speak for other males, but I go over football stats in my head.”

“During sex with me you’re thinking about football ?”

“Not American football,” he said. “Our football. In other words, soccer.”

“But that’s outrageous! You’re supposed to be thinking about me!”

He gave her a wry smile. “I do most of the time, but toward the end, if I thought about you, and your luscious body, and what you’re doing to me, I’d go off like a rocket, and I like to wait… for you.”
