Read Books Novel

When You're Ready

When You’re Ready (Ready #1)(55)
Author: J.L. Berg

“I was there for a charity meeting with all the other wives. I hated those meetings. In fact, I hated everything about that club. I was judged the minute I walked in just because I didn’t have the right last name. I excused myself to head to the ladies room, and was approached by one of the valets. He was around my age, working the club on his summer break from law school. He was very handsome, but I was not interested. Unlike many of the other women in the club, I was not helping myself to the staff,” she said defensively.

From what I had observed at the club, they still did. Apparently it could be a very lucrative career for the right person. I still remember Declan telling stories of the waiters being able to fund an entire year of tuition in one summer.

“He cornered me, saying I was a tease and a flirt. He pushed me up against a wall, pinning my hands so I couldn’t get free. Around that time, the women from my table walked by. They of course assumed the worse of me, and the rumors started. I tried to explain, but it was too late.”

If I hadn’t already hated the man, I would now.

“So why did you leave me with him?” I asked.

“You were only five, but you were the exact replica of him. I could see you becoming him. You worshiped him, did everything he asked, always trying to make him proud. If I had been a better woman, I would have pulled you out of that home and never looked back. But I was weak, heartbroken and stupid. I saw a small version of the man who’d just broken me, and I ran,” she confessed.

I looked out onto the dance floor, Clare and Robert’s dance long since over. I think she was staying away on purpose, giving me some time with my mother. Time I needed to process everything I had just been told.

“But you took Eva. You left me and took Eva,” I emphasized, trying to understand why I was left to be raised by a heartless monster. That was something I never understood. I was the one she left behind. My sister was the chosen one, and I was the one forgotten.

Tears trailing down her cheeks, she said, “I know. She was so young, only two. And I figured if I could save one of you, maybe I’d be redeemed for leaving the other behind. Unfortunately, I was probably the worst type of person to raise a child. Eva is the exact replica of me, before Robert.”

It had been years since I had seen my sister. The last time was her college graduation. She’d barely made the grades for the diploma and blew every dime my father gave her less than a week after it hit her account. I doubted much had changed.

“I owe both of you so many apologies. But it warms my heart to see you happy finally. Don’t wait too long, Logan. You never know what life is going to throw at you. Ask that woman to marry you and start your life.”

I nodded, agreeing with her for maybe the first time in my life. I was not going to wait any longer. The second the plane touched down and we had a second alone, I was going to ask Clare to marry me. We had an entire life to plan, and I didn’t want to spend another second without her as my wife.

The evening wore on and Maddie’s energy level bombed, so we said our goodbyes and congratulations to my mother and Robert, knowing we wouldn’t see them again. They were leaving first thing in the morning for their honeymoon in Hawaii. I smiled thinking of our vacation plans coming up in August. We were taking Maddie to St. Thomas for her birthday. She didn’t know and we weren’t going to tell her until the morning we left. I couldn’t wait to see her face. I also couldn’t wait to spend an entire week with Clare on a secluded beach, seeing her beautiful body in a bikini…or not.

“Do you want me to take her?” I asked Clare as we headed for the elevator in the hotel lobby. Maddie was draped over her, arms wrapped tightly around her neck and completely asleep.

“No, it’s okay. I’ve got her. She was the life of the party, wasn’t she?” Clare said, laughing.

“Yeah, she was,” I chuckled, completely happy and contented.

Just then, I saw a familiar looking blonde headed our way, coming from one of the other larger ballrooms.


Maybe she wouldn’t see us.


“Rachel,” I said calmly, turning to greet her, “So nice to see you.” I leaned into Clare, placing my hand on the small of her back, hoping Rachel got the hint to go the f**k away. She apparently didn’t, because she continued.

“You too. It’s been ages! I’ve missed you. Have you moved back?” she asked as her eyes inquisitively lingered over Clare and Maddie before returning back to me. She looked exactly the same as she did the last time I saw her. Same fake blonde hair, same fake smile.

“Uh no. Just visiting. My mother was married today, and we were just here for the wedding. This is my girlfriend Clare, and her daughter Maddie,” I said.

Dear God, can we please leave now?

“Clare, this is Rachel. She and I used to work together.” Clare gave a cursory nod and Rachel did the same, before saying with a wink, “Wow, didn’t take you for the monogamous type Logan.”

This woman was relentless. What had I seen in her? Oh right, nothing.

“Yes, well I am. Very. We need to get Maddie upstairs. It was nice seeing you.”

What I wanted to say was “Go the f**k away,” but I opted the high road, hoping for a quick exit.

“You too, Logan. The hospital’s not the same without you. If you ever want to come back, just let me know. You’ll always have a job ready and waiting for you,” she purred. I’d never heard a job offer dripping with so much sex before, and if it hadn’t been obvious that we’d slept together, it was now.

Tension and anger rolled off of Clare in waves as we entered the elevator.

“Clare, I…” I stuttered, trying to find the words to explain.

“Don’t. Just don’t. I’m not ready yet.”

The elevator stopped at our floor. We walked in silence to our suite. I unlocked the door and Clare disappeared, taking Maddie to her room, while I collapsed on the sofa, wondering how much my past was going to f**k this up.

Minutes, hours, days went by before she came out of the bedroom door. She was still dressed in the coral strapless gown she had worn to the wedding. She looked like a goddess come to life. Cautiously, she sat down next to me, tucking her feet underneath her as she smoothed out her skirt.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“Wait, what? Why are you apologizing to me?” I asked, stunned. It hadn’t been her past walking around eye-fucking her in the hotel lobby. And if it had, the asshat would have left with a broken nose.
