Read Books Novel

Where Sea Meets Sky

“It’s Henare,” I tell him, smiling. “Sort of the Maori version of Henry.”

“You’re Maori?” he asks, sounding intrigued, which is good. I’m never really sure which people are going to have problems with race, though I never would have pegged that on Josh.

“Yeah,” I tell him. “I mean, my grandfather is practically full-blooded, but for all intents and purposes, yes.”

“I thought you looked a bit exotic,” he says, appraising my face. “Your sexy eyes and those cheekbones.”

I gulp loudly at his mention of sexy eyes. “You know, some people say that the word exotic isn’t quite PC anymore.”

“Well, I’m not a very PC kind of guy,” he says, leaning in closer to me. “But I can use the term erotic, if that helps.” His voice lowers over the word and it takes all my willpower to keep from biting my lip like a coquettish virgin.

I’ve already invited him on a trip with me and my cousin, to be squashed together for weeks in a ’70s campervan. I have to get out of here before things go too far.

So I stand up abruptly. “Okay, good. I’m so excited you’re coming.” I stare down at him, smiling like a crazy person. I am a crazy person. What the hell am I doing? I can’t just invite some guy I barely know, a one-night stand, on a trip like this when I’m actually seeing someone else, someone who isn’t coming.

He looks up at me, perhaps puzzled by my burst of energy. He slowly gets up, his tall frame towering over me. “Well, I’m glad you invited me. This should be fun.”

We gaze at each other for a moment and I’m wondering just what kind of fun he has in mind. I have a guess. It’s probably the kind of fun we already had together, something that, unfortunately, can’t happen again. Talk about bad fucking timing.

With that settled, we walk back to the gym and I tell him a bit about our proposed route on the road trip. Just like Amber, he seems happy to just come along. It’s funny how at ease I feel with him, like we’ve known each other for a long time.

I keep my distance as we walk, though, just in case he’s getting the wrong idea. Although, who am I kidding, I’m the one misleading him. I’m giddy and nervous and scared about all of this, and with each step I take I know I’m painting the wrong picture.

We get to the front door and I’m about to tell him about Nick, or at least figure out the best way to say it without ruining everything, when the devil himself shows up, his rental convertible roaring into his reserved parking space.

Ah shit. It’s all going down.

“Hey babe,” Nick says as he gets out of the car, sliding his sunnies up on his forehead. “Didn’t think I’d see you here today.”

He eyes Josh briefly, failing to hide the mild disdain on his face, and then comes over to me, putting his arm around my waist and pulling me in so he can kiss the top of my head. Nick’s not normally physical in front of people, and I try not to cringe for Josh’s sake.

But Josh seems to take it all in stride. There’s a flash of revelation in his eyes and then his face is curiously blank.

“Who is this then?” Nick asks, nodding at Josh. He’s smiling, trying to be open, but I can pick up the thread of derision in his voice. I know what he’s thinking. Josh doesn’t belong here.

“I’m Josh,” he says, not missing a beat. He holds out his hand and Nick gradually returns the shake.

“Nick.” He looks him up and down. “You Yank thinking about joining the gym?”

Josh smiles but his eyes look menacing. “I’m a Canadian, actually.”

Nick just shrugs. “Same difference. So are you a backpacker looking to get into shape or have you moved here?”

That pisses me off. Josh is in shape, he’s just taller than Nick and his muscles aren’t so bulky. In fact, compared to Nick, I’m much more attracted to Josh’s body type—strong, toned, and lean. It feels wrong to think, but it’s true.

“I’m just a backpacker,” Josh says, his eyes briefly flitting to me. “I met Gemma in Vancouver and she told me to look her up when I came to the country. So I did.”

Nick nods slowly. “Good on ya, mate, New Zealand is a nice country,” he says rather begrudgingly. He looks at me. “You never mentioned meeting anyone over there.”

I blink. “I met heaps of people.”

He holds my gaze before turning back to Josh. “Well, Gemma must have made quite the impression on you if you remembered her.” Josh frowns but Nick goes on, “So, I guess you’re not interested in the gym at all.”

“Not really my scene,” Josh says. The look in his eyes is darkening, and I hate the way things are turning out. “I should be going.”

“No wait, Josh,” I call out. “I need your phone number.” Josh pauses, unsure.

“Phone number?” Nick repeats dumbly.

“He’s coming with me and Amber on the road trip,” I tell him. His eyes narrow, and it makes my heart race but I stand my ground. “It will help with petrol cost.”

“What?” Nick is flabbergasted. Still, I take out my phone from the hidden pocket in my pants, ready to get Josh’s number. “You barely know this guy.”

“I barely know my cousin, too,” I tell him. “Besides, I know him enough. I can take care of myself.” I look at Josh and manage a smile. He looks awkward as all hell. “Okay, so what’s your number?”
