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Whispers in the Dark

She took another step, forcing him to back up until he bumped the edge of the bed. She put her hand in the center of his chest and pushed him just hard enough that he fell back on the bed, his hands going behind him to brace himself so that he sat half reclined, his legs hanging off the mattress.

Her lips quirked up into a tiny smile that sent shivers racing down his spine. And then she crawled onto the bed like a feline on the prowl, straddling his hips in all her naked glory.

“I had in mind for you to touch me. For you to comfort me. To make me feel safe. I was going to make you do all the work. But I’ve changed my mind.”

His eyebrows went up at that.

She crawled up over his body until her weight forced his hands away and he fell back onto the bed so that he lay flat on his back.

“I’ve decided that I’m going to do the touching. And the comforting. I’m going to make love to you, Nathan. Any objections?”

“Oh, hell no,” he breathed.

She leaned down and kissed the hollow of his chest. Her tongue swept out and then traced a path up to his neck. She nibbled and nipped, her teeth grazing where his pulse was about to pop right out of his neck. Then she moved up to suck gently at his ear.

He was already leaking. He could feel the sticky dampness on his cock. This woman just did it for him. All she had to do was look at him and he was a goner. And now she was seducing him with words and that wicked mouth of hers. How the hell was he supposed to withstand such delicious, delicious torture?

Her mouth found his. Hot. Wanton. Swollen. Their tongues tangled. Breathless. Her taste on his tongue. And then she was gone again, sliding down his body with tantalizing slowness as she licked her way over his chest, to the sensitive flesh of his belly and lower.

The little vixen sank her teeth into the inside of his thigh and he damn near came on the spot. He was breathing so hard that he was starting to see spots dance in his vision and his lungs felt like someone was squeezing them with both fists.

His balls ached. His dick was screaming for mercy and twitching uncontrollably. He’d never been so hard in his life.

And then she pressed the tip of her tongue to the base of his cock, just above his sac, where the thick vein began its upward trek up the tender, supersensitive back of his erection.

Slowly she slid her tongue upward, taking her time as she teased and nibbled ever so lightly. By the time she made it to the tip, he’d lost any vestige of control he thought he had.

The first spurt of semen shot onto her cheek, and he groaned partly in dismay, partly in pleasure. He was too far gone. He couldn’t stop the inevitable.

Undaunted, she closed her mouth over him and sucked him deep as he continued to come in hard, rapid, seemingly never-ending streams.

He dragged his fingers through her hair, stroking, holding her, pulling at her. His movements were frantic and unschooled. It shamed him that he had so little control and no finesse where she was concerned. And yet nothing in her demeanor suggested that she was in any way disappointed.

She stroked him lovingly with her mouth and her hands. She touched him with gentleness that he felt in the deepest parts of his heart.

After a moment, she laid her cheek over the top of his thigh and continued to work him down from his orgasm with her hand.

“Shea, I’m so damn sorry,” he said when he finally got control of his tongue.

She raised her head, her brows furrowed in confusion. “What are you apologizing for?”

His cheeks heated and he prayed she couldn’t see him actually blushing. “I think that might give new meaning to the word premature.”

She smiled then, dazzling him, warming him like a ray of sunshine. She crawled up his body and snuggled into the crook of his arm. She laid her head on his chest and rubbed her hand up and down his side.

“Tonight was all for you, Nathan. I love that you want me so much. That I can drive you crazy. I wanted it to last but only because I wanted to give you more pleasure. You didn’t disappoint me and you have no reason to be embarrassed.”

He pulled her up and rolled until they faced each other. “You did give me pleasure. So much that I can’t even feel my feet. ‘Thank you’ sounds so lame. I don’t even have the words to tell you what you mean to me.”

She smiled again, this time a shy, adorable smile as she ducked her head self-consciously. It delighted him that she could be so bold and wanton one minute and adorably shy the next.

He leaned in to kiss her because he couldn’t stand not to. Just as their lips met, a knock sounded at the door.


SHEA stiffened, her eyes growing wide with apprehension. Nathan scrambled out of bed and motioned her toward the bathroom as he yanked his clothing on.

“Get the pistol. Then go into the bathroom and get dressed. Hurry. Don’t come out until I tell you. Understand? And if anyone but me comes through that door, you shoot.”

She nodded and quickly did as he directed.

He grabbed one of the rifles, made sure the other was within easy reach, and then he eased over to the door. There was no way to know who was out there. It might just be the manager. But Nathan wasn’t taking any chances.

Jamming the rifle to his shoulder, he threw open the door and to his shock came face-to-face with Donovan. And he didn’t look pleased to be greeted with the barrel of a rifle.

Nathan eased the rifle down, even more surprised as he saw Ethan and Swanny standing on either side of Donovan.

Donovan looked pointedly at the gun. “Planning to shoot us?”

Nathan gestured for them to hurry in and he shut the door behind them. “How the fuck did you get here so fast? I just spoke to Sam an hour or so ago.”

“We might have already been in the neighborhood,” Ethan said.

“You didn’t exactly cover your tracks that well,” Donovan pointed out. “We trailed you to Crescent City. We were there when Sam called us and told us you were here. We grabbed a faster gear and hauled ass up here.”

Swanny hung back, his silent gaze taking in his surroundings. While Ethan and Donovan were focused on Nathan, Swanny was checking out the rest of the room. Almost as though he were looking for someone. Shea?

What was Swanny doing here anyway?

When Nathan asked just that question, Swanny finally turned his stare to him.

“You didn’t expect me to just leave you in whatever mess you’ve gotten yourself into. If you did, fuck you.”

Nathan let out a sharp chuckle. “No, I guess I didn’t. I should have expected this. The real question is how you got these hard-asses to agree to let you come.”

Ethan and Donovan exchanged raised eyebrow glances.

“Hard-asses? He’s calling us hard-asses?” Donovan asked in mock incredulity.

“So where’s Shea?” Ethan demanded.

“In the bathroom,” Nathan said in a tight voice. “I’ll go get her.”

The moment Shea was mentioned, Swanny looked uneasy. He turned his face away so that the side that wasn’t scarred was facing the rest of them.

Nathan went to the bathroom door and knocked softly. “Shea? You can come out. My brothers are here.”

The door opened and she stood there, clutching the Glock, looking nervous as hell and so uncertain that he softened from head to toe. He reached in to take her hand and then pulled her to him, uncaring of whether his brothers could see or not.

“You have nothing to worry about,” he murmured.

“But they know about me,” she whispered back. “They’ll think I’m crazy.”

He pulled her back so he could look down at her. “Then I’m as crazy as you are. Swanny’s here too.”


She pushed Nathan aside and strode into the room, staring at the three men assembled.

Ethan and Donovan stared at her with open curiosity while Swanny kept his face averted. Donovan’s eyes widened when he caught sight of the Glock that Shea was holding.

“Swanny,” she whispered. She thrust the gun at Nathan and then hurried over to Swanny.

He wore a look of panic as she turned him to face her. She grasped his hands and stared up at him with soft wonder.

“Swanny, it’s really you.”

The poor guy looked terrified by the tiny woman standing in front of him. He acted like he didn’t know whether to shit or go blind.

Then she threw her arms around him and hugged him fiercely. Swanny’s dismay turned to bafflement and finally wonder. Shea pulled away and then put her hand to the scars on Swanny’s face. Shame crowded into his eyes but she was having none of that. She leaned up on tiptoe and kissed his scarred cheek.

“I’m so glad you’re okay. I worried so much about you and Nathan over the last several months.”

He stared at her with an open mouth. He closed it and reopened it multiple times but nothing seemed to come out. Then his entire expression softened and he reached tentatively to touch her hair, almost as if he wasn’t quite sure he wasn’t having a hallucination.

“Thank you,” he said hoarsely. “I’ll never forget what you did for Nathan and for me.”

She squeezed him again and gave him another kiss on the cheek. Then she seemed to realize that Donovan and Ethan were staring at her. She flushed and all but ran back to Nathan. He caught her hand, squeezed and pulled her into his side.

“Shea, I want you to meet my brothers, Ethan and Donovan. Guys, this is Shea.”

He wasn’t entirely certain how his brothers were going to handle a potentially awkward situation. To his surprise, Donovan stepped forward and took Shea’s hand from Nathan and held it in his own.

“I owe you a great debt,” Donovan said gravely. “You returned my brother to his family. For that you have my thanks.”

She flushed with pleasure and gifted Donovan with a beautiful smile.

“I’m Ethan,” Ethan said as he pushed forward. “I’m happy to meet you, Shea.”

She included Ethan in her smile, but she clung shyly to Nathan’s side.

“Not to cut short the pleasantries, but maybe you better fill us in on what’s going on,” Donovan said. “The abbreviated version if you don’t mind. We need to get the hell on the road. We can talk more at length on the plane.”

Shea frowned and looked like she’d argue, but Nathan squeezed her hand, silently asking her to hear them out. Her mouth relaxed, and he eased her to the bed so she could sit.

He sat next to her while Swanny slid down the wall by the window to sit on the floor. Ethan leaned against the door and Donovan slouched in the rickety chair by the desk.

Nathan glanced down at Shea. I have to tell them everything. You know that.

She didn’t react to his form of communication but nodded her acceptance.

Carefully he explained Shea’s abilities. There was a lot of doubt reflected in Ethan’s and Donovan’s faces. Not Swanny’s, though. Swanny just nodded and his expression remained impassive.

When he got to the part where Shea left him after his brothers rescued him in Afghanistan, he urged Shea to take over and relate her part.

In a halting voice, she recounted the time she spent on the run. She was candid about Grace, their parents’ murder, and was equally blunt about her treatment at her captors’ hands.

The other men’s expressions turned black, and Donovan scowled so hard that Shea looked warily at him.

“I’d like to get my hands on those assholes,” Donovan muttered.

It didn’t surprise Nathan that Van had such a fierce reaction to Shea’s story. He was a born sucker for women and children, and he got violent when either were abused.

“Tell us about Grace,” Ethan said. “Where is she now?”

Shea’s mouth turned down into a sad frown. “I don’t know. She went to our parents’ house. The last time I talked to her, I saw enough to know she was there. It’s why Nathan and I went there today.”

Donovan turned his sharp stare to Nathan. “You did what?”

Again Nathan recounted the events for his brothers. “I uploaded video surveillance footage to your email. I was hoping you’d be able to take a look. If Grace was there, we should be able to see what happened. I also got shots of the guys who were there today before they blew a hole in the wall. Van, they looked military. They weren’t amateurs, that’s for damn sure.”

Ethan’s expression blackened. “You should have damn well waited for us before going into an unknown situation like that. You pull a stunt like that again and I’ll kick your ass.”

“It was my fault,” Shea quietly interjected. “I had to go. I didn’t know if Grace was still there. Or if she was hurt or if she’d been captured. I had to know. I had to see what I could find out. Nathan wanted to call you in but I worried it would take too much time and that we’d be too late if we waited.”

Donovan stared hard at Shea, his eyes going soft. “It would seem to me that you’ve spent a hell of a lot of time looking out for everyone but yourself.”

Shea shook her head in denial.