Read Books Novel

Wild Addiction

Wild Addiction (Wild #2)(64)
Author: Emma Hart

I raise my eyebrows. “For once? So all the times I did what you wanted in bed don’t count?”

His grin turns sexy. “You had to do that. We had an agreement.”

“But they still count!”

“When you’re better, you’ll have to remind me of how they count.” He curves his fingers around the back of my neck and kisses me. “Until then, though, you’re moving in with me.”

“You already decided that.”

“I know. But now I’m deciding again. And while you’re resting in bed, growing that beautiful baby and not vomiting all over my shiny toilet”—I punch his leg—“you can house hunt.”

“House hunt?”

“Yes. For us.”

I blink at him. “Um.”

“Somewhere close to Day’s place.”

“Um.” I blink again. “Those are expensive houses, but I’m still stuck on ‘um.’”

He grins. “And I have a lot of money.”

“Yeah, still there with ‘um.’”

“For fuck sake, Olivia.” He taps my nose. “How much more obvious can a man be? You’re going to find a house and I’m going to buy it. Then we—you, me, baby Stone—will move into the house and live there.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that. And you’re not going to fight me on it either. I know what you’re bloody like. This is for us. We’ll raise our baby in a proper family house, with a big kitchen, a playroom, a nursery, and a giant garden.”

“Garden.” I grin. “And what exactly are you going to do with this garden?”

He pulls me close again. “I’m going to buy a summerhouse and put a bed in it so I can fuck you outside in the summer,” he murmurs low. “So you should consider finding a house where there are no people.”

I smile into his kiss. “You bet. Now how about getting me out of this place so I can start?”

He frowns at me. “Nice try. You’re still rehydrating.”

“Ugh.” I drop back on the bed. “I hate hospitals. The mattresses are like oversized bricks and the pillows are never, ever hard enough. It’s one extreme to the other. Plus all the ‘coming in in the middle of the night’ crap and the checking every time I pee? Not cool. Not cool.”

“They won’t let you go home until you can eat a couple meals and keep them down, and they check your pee to make sure you’re rehydrating. Now get back into bed and stop complaining.”

He lifts me up, pulls the covers back, and puts me into bed like I’m a child.

“You’re an awful nurse. I want to swap you.”

He laughs. “I have my own ways to get you better, baby girl, none of which can be applied here.”

“Does it involve a tongue?”

“You are the horniest dehydrated woman ever.”

I sigh and drop my head back. “I think it’s hormones. One minute, I’m sick. The next, I’m dying for an orgasm. If it carries on, I might have to tie you next to me in bed so I can jump you whenever I feel the urge.”

“So I look after you when you’re sick and you’ll reward me with sex?” Tyler raises his eyebrows. “Well. I can live with that.”

“That’s exactly it. You did a really good job yesterday, so lock the door and come here.”

He laughs loudly and I grin.

“Liv, you’re sick. As much as I’d love to rip off those knickers and bury myself inside you, it’s highly inappropriate.”

“So is fingering me in a nightclub and eating my pussy on a boat on the Seine, but that never stopped you before.”

He opens his mouth then closes it again. “But you’re sick. You weren’t then.”

“I’m not sick now. But I am being kept here against my will and I can’t even get an orgasm out of it.”

Tyler laughs again and covers my mouth with his. “Behave yourself, Liv. You’re tempting me, and it’s bad.”

I groan and reach for my water. I sip it several times before I put it back down. Seriously, it’s not my fault if I’m suddenly horny. It’s not like I can turn it off. And now that I’m not vomiting anymore, I can notice the fact that I do want sex.

Not that I don’t ever not want sex with Tyler. It’s just incredibly tempting right now.

For real. What does a girl have to do to get an orgasm around here?

“She has to eat and keep it down and not have an IV coming out of her arm,” Tyler answers.

Well, obviously I said that out loud.

“This is so unfair.”

“If you eat and keep it down, I’ll see what I can do when they take the IV out later.” He flicks my bottom lip with his thumb.

I nip it. “See what you can do? You either finger me, lick me, or fuck me. There really aren’t a whole lot of options, and if you can’t do any of those, I’m trading you in.”

He smirks. “I’ll see what food I can get you.”

“I want ice cream. And Jell-O. And sour candy.”

He stops in front of the door and looks at me. “You are not having those things.”

“Why not? I’m sick. That’s what sick people have.”

I smile triumphantly when he realizes that he’s backed himself into a corner.

“Fine,” he relents. “You’re not sick. I’ll get you food and I’ll give you an orgasm later. Okay?”

“At home. I want an orgasm at home.”

“Don’t push it.”

Three hours.

It’s been three hours since I ate a chicken sandwich and I haven’t vomited.

It’s a fucking miracle.

“Did you get me any chips?”

Tyler frowns. “What—oh. Those chips. No.”

“Oh. I want some.” I exhale. “I’m hungry. And I really need to pee.”

I swing my legs out of the bed and grab my IV. I wheel it into the bathroom, do my business, and go back into the room. Tyler watches me with amusement.

“I don’t want to get into bed.”

He laughs. “You’re a bloody awful patient, Liv.”

“Well!” I huff. “I’m not being sick. I’m peeing like a goddamn racehorse, and I’m eating. Why can’t I go home? Why do I have to stay in bed? My legs work.”

He stands and walks to me. “Would you like me to see if you’re allowed to get dressed and come to the shop with me?”
