Read Books Novel

Wild Attraction

Wild Attraction (Wild 0.5)(2)
Author: Emma Hart

“Liv! Liv’s here! Jackson, pour her a glass of wine.”

I accept her hug and turn to Jackson. His light green eyes seem to smile at me as he hands me the glass and stands.

“Thanks,” I take the drink from him and perch on his empty stool. His eyes comb over my body approvingly, and a low tingle starts in my lower stomach.

“You’re welcome.”

I turn away with a smile. Everyone knows sleeping with your boss is a bad idea… but he’s not technically my boss anymore. So he’s fair game. Right?

He certainly doesn’t look like he wants to not sleep with me, that’s for sure.

“Right,” Leanne says, looking around at us all. “Can we please get this party started now?”


My head is a little fuzzy. My feet are kinda hurting, too. I wish I could whip off these god-awful heels and prance around barefoot for the next ten minutes, but that would be undignified.


I lick my spilled wine from the back of my hand and giggle to myself. Dignity-schmignity. Clearly I left mine at home. Or maybe it ran away in the restroom. Who knows?

Perhaps it never existed.

I giggle again.

“Someone’s had their fair share of wine tonight.” Jackson slides into the seat across the table from me, his light hair mussed and sticking up. He shoots me a dazzling smile.

“It’s your birthday. Celebration, right?”

He mock-pouts. “Celebrating what? Me being a year older?”

I pat his hand across the table. “You’re only as young as the woman you feel.” I wink.

“How’s the new job?”

My stomach drop at his diversion. “It’s good. My new manager gives me the hours and flexibility I need.”

He raises his hands in the air in defense. “The orders came from the powers that be. I just did what I was told.”

I try not to put my lingering annoyance in my gaze. Truth is, I love the wine bar. I worked there for three years, and I never wanted to leave. But they wouldn’t adjust my hours so my days are free for modelling, and it’s vital I have that option.

Especially now. If the next few shoots go well, especially the one my agent called about earlier, then I won’t have to work in a bar at all.

I hold onto this thought as I finish the rest of my wine and set the glass on the table.

“Do you want another?” Jackson motions to the empty glass and I shake my head.

“Not right now. Thanks, though.” I smile and he returns the gesture. Our eye contact lingers, and just when I think he’s going to—

“Do you know where the others went?” he asks.

My stomach drops again. Apparently I’m not finding my way to his bed tonight either.

“Nope,” I reply. My tone is noticeably clipped, and Jackson pauses before he stands.

“Okay. I’ll go find them. Will you wait here?”

“No, I think I’m going to head home. Say bye to everyone for me, will you?”

He nods and runs a hand through his hair. “Sure.” He bends down and presses a kiss to my cheek. “I miss you at work, you know?”

Not enough to f**k me.

Still, I smile. “I miss you, too, but we all have to move on at some point, right? We can’t do something or stay somewhere just because it makes us comfortable.”

“Too true. Take care of yourself, Liv.”

“You, too.”

I watch as he walks away from me, the thought it could be the last time I see him twisting in my lower stomach. Yes, I have a huge crush on the guy, but he’s still my friend. I’ll definitely have to stop by the bar when I have a night off to say hi to everyone.

I sigh and run my finger around the top of my glass. My eyes close to the pounding music. My foot is tapping beneath the table, and for a moment I just sit and listen to the words as they flow over me.

The table moves slightly and I open my eyes, expecting it to be Jackson again or one of the girls.

It’s not.

Oh, boy, it’s not.

Sitting in front of me is an incredible specimen of a man. No, never mind that. Sitting in front of me is the hottest f**king guy I’ve ever seen in my life.

He gives definition to tall, dark, and handsome. From the dark hair swept back and curling over his ears to eyes I can’t make out the color of, he’s completely f**king gorgeous.

I’m mesmerized by him.

Shapely lips quirk to one side as he appraises me in the same manner, and he sits forward in his seat, running his thumb across his jaw. “Hi.”

Is that—“Hi.”

He motions to my empty glass. “Can I get you a drink?”

Holy f**k, yes it is. It’s a British accent.

Goodbye, panties. See you on the other side… of his bed.

I look at it and up to him. Maybe another is on the cards after all. I lick my lips and meet his eyes. “Sauvignon, please.”

He winks and grabs my glass. I watch as he walks to the bar, confidence radiating off him. It’s like an aura around him. He’s shit hot and he knows it, but he’s not arrogant about it.

Okay, the way he leans against the bar and shoots a panty-melting smile at the girl working it is kind of arrogant, but it’s that sexy arrogant.

I’d probably be a little arrogant if I had an ass that tight, to be honest. His jeans fit him perfectly, not too tight and not too baggy… just enough that I can see the curve of his ass. And watch it. Yep. Oh boy am I watching it.

He turns and I find myself staring at his zipper instead. If only I was telekinetic, that bitch would be undone right about now.

I let my eyes linger there for a moment longer before trawling them up his body. I’m staring, unashamed, and I don’t give a shit. My brazenness is fueled by wine and hormones. A lot of.

His blue and yellow checkered shirt hugs his waist and stretches over his shoulders. His sleeves are rolled to just below his elbow, but the material is tight enough I can see his biceps flexing as he sets down our drinks.

He sits, smirking, and leans back in his chair. “Good night?”

“It got better when you showed up,” I reply, taking my glass and sipping.

His smirk grows, just a little. “A woman who speaks her mind. It must be my lucky night.”

Keep talking and it will be, honey. “Depends how you define lucky.”

His eyes flash with something I can’t put my finger on, and he leans forward on the table once more. He cups his chin and rubs his thumb over his bottom lip as he studies me.

My eyes fall to his mouth. He has the kind of lips I wouldn’t mind kissing all day—plump, pink, soft-looking. The kind of lips that could cause some damage…
