Read Books Novel

Wild Temptation

Wild Temptation (Wild #1)(23)
Author: Emma Hart

His lips move down my jaw in a series of gentle brushes until they find my own and take them softly. My fingers curl into his shirt as a thousand thoughts run through my head.

No strings as long as I do what he says.

That sounds like strings.

But it sounds exciting.

It sounds like sticky, sticky strings.

It sounds like temptation.

Oh, it sounds like everything my addictive personality could feed off.

It sounds like danger.

“Okay,” I whisper between kisses.


I’m completely disregarding the advice of my best friend. I’m ignoring her warnings and the little voice in the back of my head because my body speaks louder than my mind.

I have no idea what I’m getting myself into. I just know that, for some inexplicable reason, I crave this man.



His mouth closes over mine with a ferocity that wasn’t there seconds ago. His kiss is probing, strong, forceful. I feel his touch everywhere, his hands sliding over my lower back and around my butt, his fingers dipping beneath the hem of my bed shorts.

I melt into him, my body molding against his. I’m on fire everywhere. It’s a roaring flame of desire that flows through my veins with a sweet burn.

His skin is hot against my fingertips as they creep beneath his shirt. Hot and smooth. I run my fingers across his back, and he turns us in the direction of my bedroom. I tug him back, pulling him through the open door and shoving it shut behind him.

“Cat,” I mutter.

Tyler laughs against my jaw, his mouth kissing a delicious trail down my neck. He nibbles and nips his way down to my shoulder and dips his tongue in the hollow area where my shoulder and neck connect. I shiver.

“Like that, hm?” he whispers, doing it again.

I shiver again, feeling wetness pool in my panties. My fingers trail around to his front and work the buttons on his shirt, bottom to top, until I can part the material. I gaze down his body, admiring his taut muscles.

My dream flashes back to me. I lean forward and flick my tongue against his chest, just above his nipple. His grip on me tightens, and when I do it again, this time licking his nipple, he grasps the bottom of my tank top and pulls it over my head.

After shrugging his shirt to the floor, he hooks a finger under my bra strap and pulls me closer that way. “She’s already forgotten who’s in control,” he murmurs in a low voice, his eyes trailing over my br**sts.

“You were going a little slow,” I tease.

Within seconds, my bra is unclasped and on the floor, leaving my br**sts free. Tyler takes one in each of his hands and pushes me back toward the wall. The coldness of it is a stark contrast to the heat pulsing through my veins, but it’s nowhere near as jolting as his mouth covering my nipple.

I gasp. He rubs his tongue over it roughly, pebbling it, and does the same to the other one. Each flick of his tongue sends a bolt to my core that throbs in my clit. I clench my thighs together as he continues his assault on my ni**les, giving each one the same attention.

My knees buckle and he wraps one arm around my waist, bringing his mouth to my ear.

“And you’ve remembered,” he rasps.

I can’t say anything. I can barely swallow. My mouth is dry with anticipation, with waiting, with needing him.

“Take off your shorts,” he says as he releases me. Obediently, I hook my fingers in the waistband and push them down. I move to step out of them, but he stops me with, “And now your knickers.”

My panties follow my shorts. I’m standing here completely naked and exposed in front of him. He runs his dark, heated eyes down my body, leaving no place untouched by his searing gaze. His slow perusal of every inch of me only drives the lust inside, and by the time his eyes find mine again, my chest is heaving.

“Lie on your bed. Make sure your legs are bent.”

I walk to the bed on shaky legs and lie back. Slowly, I pull my legs up, every part of me wanting to sit up and wrap my arms around them.

“Open them. Wide. I want to see all of you, Liv.”

I shudder out a breath, pausing.

“I want to see what I’m doing to you.”

I hear the clink of his belt and the swish of his jeans hitting the floor.

“Open them and you’ll see what you’re doing to me.”

Like they’re the magic words, I open my legs and glance up. He’s standing in front of me. His hand is wrapped around his hard cock, perfectly still, and the sight is so erotic that my pu**y clenches.

He steps toward me and bends down, releasing his cock. He runs his hands down my thighs and his thumbs brush the tops of them on the inside. So close to my pu**y. So close. I close my eyes.

“Liv,” he breathes, running his nose along the same path his thumbs have just taken. “You’re so wet. I can see it. I could push my c**k into you right now and you’d take me easily, wouldn’t you?”

My breathing speeds up. That’s all I want right now. Him inside me. I’m done with foreplay.

“Wouldn’t you?” he repeats, squeezing my ass tightly.

“Yes,” I reply.

“Do you want me, Liv? Do you want my c**k inside your gorgeous cunt?” He pushes up the bed and leans over me. His erection brushes my clit when he dips his face and drags my bottom lip between his teeth.

“Yes,” I whimper, pushing my hips against him. “Please,” I whisper. “Please.”

He positions himself close to me. “Condom.” He grazes my lip again.

“Top drawer.”

He leans over and grabs one. He rolls it on and pushes at my entrance. “Where were we?” he asks over kissing my neck.

I swallow my small moan. “You were about to f**k me.”

He obliges, filling me with one swift thrust that makes me throw my head back and grip at his back. He moves inside me, his rhythm fast yet steady and controlled. Each thrust is like he was tailor-made it for my body. He hits the right spots every time, never easing up on his pressure.

He’s deep inside me and tilting my hips for more. Or maybe I’m the one tilting my hips. I don’t know anymore. All I’m aware of is the sweat slicking our bodies, our skin sliding together, my legs wrapped around his waist, his hardness inside my softness.

I’m aware of the slow build of pressure in my body.

“I love it when you come for me,” he whispers in my ear. “I love watching you. Your cheeks flush and your eyes go glassy… They did that in the florist as you came all over my hand. I’ve been trying to get that image of you out of my head for days, but I can’t.”
