Read Books Novel

Wild Temptation

Wild Temptation (Wild #1)(55)
Author: Emma Hart

My fingers touch below my eyes. Crap. Evidently, I should have been using the last few minutes to fix my face up instead of staring at his.

A soft chuckle leaves him and he takes my hand away. “Kidding.” He brushes his lips against mine. “You look great.”

I roll my eyes. “You’re not fooling anyone, Ty.”

I move out of his arms and get out of bed. I run into my bathroom and look into the mirror. Holy shit! Fuck panda eyes. I’m actually a panda! Mascara and eyeliner are smudged all around my eyes, and there are a few faint trails down my cheeks. There’s even a smudge of it by my chin. Not to mention patchy foundation.

I look like I got in a fight with a makeup counter and lost. Abysmally.

I grab a makeup wipe from the packet in the cabinet and start scrubbing at my face. There’s a light-red rash beneath my jaw, presumably from Tyler’s stubble. When I feel like I’ve removed the toddler-esque mess of hell from my face, I stroll back into my bedroom.

“You probably should have grabbed a robe before you went into the bathroom,” Tyler says, lying on his back. “My morning glory isn’t so f**king glorious right now.”

My gaze flicks to the tent halfway down the bed. “Honey, your c**k is always glorious. It’s just demanding. And constantly has an appetite for sex.” I give him a pointed look, but his smirk almost breaks my serious façade.

“I appreciate you noticing it’s superiority amongst all cocks.”

“I never said it was superior.”

“Ever come as hard as you did last night?”


He sits up and holds his arms out. “Superior cock.”

A giggle escapes me. His confidence is adorable—and warranted. It is a pretty damn superior cock. Of course, it helps that the man it belongs to isn’t shy about using it.

I put on some underwear. Tyler coughs behind me and I pause before pulling on some sweatpants. “What?”

“You’re going to leave me like this when it’s all your fault?” He tugs the covers aside, exposing his erection.

My eyes flick down to it and back to his face. “I have a shower. You’re welcome to use it.”

“Are you going to join me?”

“No. I’m going to run to the store and get something for breakfast. I was supposed to go yesterday, but I didn’t get a chance to.”

“Why not?”

I wiggle my hands. “You think these nails are this pretty naturally?”

He blinks at me. “Okay. High-maintenance nails come before shopping for food. Gotcha.”


Tyler grins and gets out of bed. He crosses the room to me, cups my chin, and pulls my face to his. “I’ll have a cold shower. You get dressed and feed that demon cat of yours. Then we’ll go to my place and I’ll make us breakfast.”

“Or I could run to the store and get some Lucky Charms or something.”

“Lucky Charms?” He seems horrified, releasing me and backing out of the room. “No, Liv. You’re having more than Lucky f**king Charms for breakfast.”

“There’s nothing wrong with them!”

“Perhaps not on a normal day, but this isn’t a normal day. I need to keep my bitch fed well so she can keep up with me.”

I grab the nearest thing to me—a can of hairspray—and throw it in his direction. It hits him in the butt and I hear him yell. It’s followed by a laugh.

“I’ll get you back for that, you bitch.”

“Counting on it,” I murmur.

I stare at my sweatpants for a minute before switching them for some running pants instead. It’s been a few days since I’ve gotten off my lazy behind and did some exercise that didn’t involve another person.

I tug on a sports bra and tank before starting a crazed hunt for my sneakers. Angus immediately takes up a chorus of meows upon seeing me, so I tip a can of food into his bowl and absently run a hand down his back.

Where the hell are my sneakers?

After a few minutes of no luck, I shrug and head back to my closet. Well, my new ones have been sitting there for a month. I didn’t actually need them when I bought them…

I tug on the grey-and-bright-pink sneakers and tie them tight just as Tyler emerges from my bathroom. Wearing nothing but a towel and water drops that cascade down his body.

Oh. Hello.

“Going somewhere?”

Resisting the urge to follow one particular droplet trail beneath the towel, I meet his eyes. “I figured I’d run to your place. I’ve been kind of lazy lately.”


“Yeah. You know, it’s like walking, except faster.”

“Your sense of humor amazes me.” He rolls his eyes and whips off his towel.

Way to distract me, ass**le. “Good. It’s another one of those great qualities of mine.”

He snorts. “I gathered. No, I meant, why are you running when my car is here?”

“Your car is here?”

“I drove here last night. Then the car to the party actually turned up.” He dries his hair. Naked. Still.

“Are you going to put any underwear on any time soon?” I grab his boxer briefs from my floor and throw them at him.

He grabs them with lightning-fast reflexes. “I suppose. Why don’t you let me drive back to my place?”

I stand and rest my hands on my hips. “Tyler, you live, like, six blocks away. I can probably run to your apartment quicker than you can drive it.”

I grab a hair tie from the side and pull my hair up into a ponytail as he thinks this over. Now with underwear on. Unfortunately.

“Fine. Then I’ll race you.”

“Race me? What are you, six?”

“Twenty-six,” he fires back. “But that doesn’t mean I don’t like to play sometimes.”

I arch an eyebrow. “Fine. I’ll race you. What do you get if you win?”

He buttons his pants then steps toward me slowly. “If I win, I get you…for twenty-four hours. And I get to do whatever I want with you.” His breath coats my lips with warmth. “You’ll be completely and utterly mine.”

My heart speeds up. “And if I win?”

“Then you get me,” he whispers, brushing the backs of his fingers down my cheek. “For twenty-four hours, to do whatever you want with.”

I raise my eyes from his lips to meet his challenging gaze. “You’re on.”

He smirks. He takes one step back from me and pulls his shirt over his head before he grabs his keys then takes my hand. He tugs me out of my apartment and down my stairs, barely giving me time to grab my own stuff.
