Read Books Novel

Wild Temptation

Wild Temptation (Wild #1)(70)
Author: Emma Hart

I’m going to make sure this shoot is nothing but pure torture for him.

I shove my clothes in one of my bags and wrestle myself into my coat. The bones of the light-pink corset dig in as I contort my body to maneuver myself into the thick fabric of my coat. One of the straps clipped to the top of one of my stockings comes undone, and Dayton reaches over and redoes it.

“Here,” she says. “Do this and they’ll stay on. Trick of the trade.” She does some odd fabric thing I’ll never remember and orders me to turn over so she can do the back ones. I let her do it.

“Thanks.” I throw her a smile as we pull up outside the hotel.

“Have fun.” She grins and waves as she drives away.

Okay. Bathroom.

I enter the hotel lobby and detour to the restrooms to the right. I tug my makeup from my purse and do a quick touch-up, making sure I don’t have stray mascara or bronzer anywhere. Satisfied with my quickie job, I run a brush through my hair and fluff it.

I leave the bathroom and head toward the elevator, excitement filling me. So I’m thinking of the last time we had a shoot like this. The time we met for the second time. I remember it so well—the shock, the need to run, the necessity to stay.

I never could have guessed that it would take us here. I never could have wanted to guess it.

I swipe my card through the door and enter the suite. It’s silent, deathly so, and I put my bags down quietly.


“In the bedroom,” Tyler calls.

I walk toward it with my coat still on. And stop dead in the doorway. He’s standing in the middle of the room, fiddling with his camera, without a shirt. He’s wearing jeans, but they’re unbuttoned and hanging dangerously low on his hips.

But…no shirt.

“Liv? Hello?” He smirks sexily, and I instantly know that it’s deliberate.

Of course it is. We thrive off our games. Each of us loves the thrill of pushing the other to their limit and beyond.

I’m about to give the final shove.

I slowly unbutton my coat, keeping my eyes on Tyler’s, and slide it down my arms. Without breaking his gaze, I hang it over the edge of the door. Heat flares in his eyes, gradually intensifying until his gaze running over my body may as well be licking me with real flames.

“Get on the bed,” he orders. His voice is low and husky—the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.

I don’t move, paralyzed by a burst of need for him.

“This is my place.” He walks to me and roughly tugs me to him. “The bedroom. Sex or photoshoot—I’m in the one in control. Now get on the bed, on your knees, and close your eyes.”

Air fills my lungs but I do as he says. It’s impossible not to. He’s telling me how to pose for a photo, but it feels like he’s telling me how he’s going to tease and erotically torture me until I break.

I climb onto the soft sheets, position myself on my knees, and rest my hands on top of my thighs.

“Chin up,” he says from behind me.

I raise my head a little, and oh! Satin covers my eyes in a swath of smoothness, and I gasp when I realize what he’s doing. Blindfolding me.

He ties the knot at the back of my head and tugs on my hair, pulling my head back. His mouth lies close to my ear.

“Now, don’t move. Sit there, just like that. Like you’re waiting for me to tell you what to do next.”

“I am,” I reply.

He tugs again, sharper this time. “Shh.”

He releases me, leaving me alone on the bed. I can’t hear anything as he moves around. At least, I assume he is. All I can really hear is the thundering of my blood through my ears, the rush of it through my veins. I’ve never been turned on by a photoshoot, but one more word from him in that husky voice and I might just come on the spot.

“You trust me.” His voice fills the room. “And I’m going to need you to trust me even more. Know that whatever I ask you to do, whatever photos I take, the only people who will ever see them are you and me. Okay?”

I nod. “Okay.”

“Which means the word ‘no’ doesn’t apply here. Believe me when I say I’m taking these photos for both my own pleasure and torture.”

No ‘no’?

“I want you to flatten your hands on your thighs from the sides and lean forward. Make sure your head is up.”

I do it and hear a series of quiet clicks.

“Now sit straight. Slide your hands up your legs—slowly, slowly… That’s it. Across your stomach and up to your gorgeous tits. That’s it. Cup them. One at a time. Then together.”

My heart pounds dangerously fast. They are simple moves, nothing you wouldn’t expect from a glamour shoot—which I’ve done in the past—but the blindfold and knowing that he’s only feet from me, half naked, makes it crazy sexy.

Every part of me is aware of everything he’s telling me to do and it scares me because it’s a feeling too intense to deal with. I bite my bottom lip in an effort not to let my thoughts show on my face.

“Fuck,” Tyler groans. His thumb nudges my lip from between my teeth. “Don’t do that. If you do that looking the way you do right now, I’ll be flipping you over this bed and f**king you so hard you’ll be screaming your way through it.”

I draw in a sharp breath and screw my eyes shut tight. It’s a fruitless move, but I do it anyway because it helps with the desire filling me.

“Lie back.” He’s breathing heavier now.

I twist my legs from under me and scoot up the bed until my head is resting on the pillow. I lie here wondering what he could possibly say next.

“I want you to touch yourself. I’m going to talk to you the whole time. I’m going to tell you what I want you to think about, what you have to imagine. I’m going to tell you what I’m going to do you when you’ve made yourself come, and I’m going to take your picture the whole time.”

My lips part. Trust. Yeah. I get it now. That’s…

I close my mouth and nod once. “I trust you,” I whisper. It’s more for my benefit, to counteract the anxiety beating at me.

I trust Tyler. Besides, I know he can’t legally use any images without my permission. The only permission I’ll ever give for pictures like this is the kind that allows him to get himself off to them.

“Sit up quickly.” He helps me up and unclips my corset. He pulls it from my body then cups the side of my face, his lips so close to mine that I can feel them in the briefest of touches. “Now get those knickers off, my sexy bitch. I want to see all of you.”
