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Wish List

Wish List(2)
Author: Sylvia Day

There was just something about Nicholas James. Maybe it was the dangerous beauty of his face. Or that tall, well-honed body. Perhaps it was his amazing intelligence and aggressive stance in the courtroom. Or maybe it was his pro bono work for the Abused Women’s Program… Shit, she didn’t know why. She just knew his track record with women was bad news and she’d already had enough bad news to last a lifetime.

She growled. That damn list had been a form of purging therapy. None of it was ever meant literally. Still, as she shoved documents into her briefcase, she grabbed the silver box with the X-rated photo of Nick and shoved it in too.

“Merry Christmas to me,” she muttered.

“I’m just getting started,” purred a deep voice in her ear. The delicious sound hit the top of her spine and then curled all the way down.

Mouth open to protest, she spun to face her tormentor.

And found herself hauled up against a rock-hard body and kissed senseless.

Taken completely off guard, by the time her addled brain figured out who was accosting her and what he was doing, she didn’t want him to stop. As her senses filled with the scent of aroused male, the hands pushing against Nick’s shoulders slipped around them instead.

“Don’t,” she whispered against his mouth.

Groaning softly in answer, Nick tilted his head and deepened his already drowning kiss. He tugged, stealing her balance so that she tumbled into him. Taking the advantage, he lifted her and sat her on the desk, wedging his lean h*ps intimately between her thighs. Instantly the throbbing that had begun the minute he touched her turned into an all-consuming ache. “Nick…”

His damp forehead rested against hers, his panting breaths hot against her swollen lips. “Let me give you what you want for Christmas, Steph.”

“I don’t want you.”

“Liar.” His hand came up and cupped her breast. Expert fingertips found the hardened nipple that betrayed her. Kissing his way to her ear, he whispered, “I bet you’re creamy for me.”

“Jesus, Nick!” She shivered but couldn’t deny it.

“I locked the door…”

“Are you crazy?” she shot back, pushing his wandering hand away.

Nick caught her hips, pulled her to the edge of the desk and fit the hard length of his c*ck directly against her p**sy.

“Yes.” He moved his hips, nudging her cl*t through the soft fabric of their dress pants. She whimpered.

“Don’t you know how crazy I am about you?”

“You’re crazy about all women.”

“No,” he argued, thrusting against her with greater urgency. “I like women. I’m crazy about you.”

The sweet friction of his dry f**king made her cunt spasm with need. With her heart racing and her breathing labored, she pushed at him weakly. “Stop that… I can’t think…”

“You think too much.” He held her in place as he rubbed his c*ck against her. She hadn’t bothered with the lights when she’d entered, since moonlight lit the room through the floor-to-ceiling window. But even in the semi-dark, his eyes burned with a hunger that made her throat tight. Holding her still, he stroked the impressive length of his c*ck up and down her slit. He was so gorgeous, so determined, just watching him pleasuring them both was nearly orgasmic by itself. “I want you, Steph. I’ve wanted you a long time. And you want me too.”

On the verge of coming, Steph set her hands on the desk and swiveled her h*ps into that large straining bulge, stroking him with her p**sy. Nick’s raw, pained moan was the impetus that pushed her over. Crying out, she rode the waves of pleasure that spread through her veins and made her dizzy.

“That’s it,” he praised hoarsely, rocking into her, making it last. “Ah, sweetheart.

You’re so beautiful.”

She sagged into his chest as the tension fled. With her hot face pressed against his throat, the scent of his skin was nearly overwhelming. “Oh my God,” she groaned, wishing the earth would open up and swallow her whole. The last thing Nick’s ego needed was her hair-trigger orgasm.

“It’s been awhile for you, hasn’t it?” His large hands stroked the length of her back, gentling her.

“You’re not going to take credit for that?” She couldn’t hide her surprise.

“Me?” He pulled back slightly. “I wish. That was all you. But the next one’s on me.”

A laugh escaped against her will and she buried her face in his shoulder to hide her smile. He was charming, she’d never denied that. “There’s not going to be a next time.”

His embrace was nearly crushing. “Whatever. You really had me fooled. Until I saw that wish list, I thought you didn’t like me.”

“It’s not about whether I like you or not, Nick. In fact, I think you’re a great guy, but—”

“You’re looking for someone to get serious.”

“Actually, I’m not looking for anyone.”

“I could get serious.” Cupping her face in his hands, he used his thumbs to stroke her cheeks. “There’s no reason I can’t. But we’ll never know if you don’t give me a chance.”

“Why?” She pushed him away. “Because we have the hots for each other? Being horny isn’t the basis for a relationship and I don’t want to be your experiment in monogamy.”

“There she is,” he said softly, stepping back so she could slide off the desk. “The exterior woman who doesn’t want me, while the real Steph inside does.”

She winced. The real Steph had learned to give up some of the things she wanted. It was a sacrifice she’d accepted gladly when she made it. “Are we done here?”

“No way. Not nearly.” He ran his hand through his thick, glossy hair.

She regretted that she hadn’t touched it when she had the chance. “You didn’t get off, but I don’t feel too guilty about that. You can have any of the girls in the conference room.”

“Fuck you, Steph,” he said gruffly. “This isn’t about getting laid and you know it.”

She snorted. “This is all about getting laid.”

Suddenly he straightened, his eyes lit with a dangerous glint. “Give me a couple days to go through your wish list. Then, once you’ve lived out your fantasies—all of which happen to be mine as well—we can get back to business as usual. Minus all this sexual tension.”

“That’s not going to work.” But her stomach did a little flip at the thought.

“Then you switch offices anyway, like you planned. But at least we got to have wild, sweaty, dirty sex before you go. If this is all about getting laid, let’s do it.”

She could see it in his eyes. “A hotel?” she suggested, resigned. A girl had only so much willpower and faced with a watertight argument, what else could she do?

At least that’s what her inner devil said.

“My place,” he said smoothly, having the grace not to gloat. “I’ve got everything I need to cook dinner—” He flashed a dazzling grin. “Naked.”

“Oh, Lord…” She was blushing, she could feel it. That he knew her secret longings was embarrassing in the extreme. And a major turn-on, which was dangerous. She had to keep the two separate—the lawyer she admired and the playboy she wanted to fuck.

“Let’s just keep this simple.”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a folded slip of paper. Tucking it in her hand, he brushed his lips across hers. “No. You’ve been a good girl, so you deserve to have your wishes come true.” He kissed her again and it didn’t escape her for a second that he was the star of her sex dreams. “Come on, Steph, play along. It’ll be fun.”

Fun. Guys like Nick were always having fun.

“That’s directions to my condo. I’ll be waiting.”

* * * * *

By the time Steph got to Nick’s place, she was balls to the wall committed to having a good time. If she was going to binge, she was gorging. Period. So when she rang the doorbell and Nick answered wearing nothing but a Santa hat and an apron that said

“Kiss the Cook”, she didn’t hesitate. She dropped her mini-duffle at his feet and jumped him.

“Shit.” He stumbled backward in surprise but managed to shove the door closed before spinning his way to the nearest couch. They fell into black leather in a puddle of semi-naked gorgeous male and determined female.

Straddling him, Steph leaned forward and kissed him hard and deep. His scent inundated her senses and her n**ples hardened into aching points.

Nick groaned.

She sat up atop the hard ridge of his erection, an obvious sign that he was as ready as she. Digging into the pocket of her billowy gauze skirt, she pulled out a condom and tossed it on his chest. “Hurry up and put that on.”

Blinking up at her, Nick sputtered, “Just like that? Wham, bam, let’s fuck?”

“You complaining?”

“Hell, no.” As she lifted to her knees to pull up her skirt, he fumbled for the foil package with comical haste. Then he glanced up and stilled, his gaze riveted between her legs. “Oh man. Steph… You’re not wearing panties.”
