Read Books Novel

Wish List

Wish List(6)
Author: Sylvia Day

Steph made it last, in no hurry for their time together to end. But it did, of course.

Dawn came too swiftly. As the pink light of the early rising sun came into the room through the sliding glass door, she tucked a blanket around Nick and picked up her duffle.

“Merry Christmas,” she whispered, pausing on the threshold a moment before shutting out the view of Nick asleep on the couch.

The clicking of the latch said the goodbye she couldn’t.

* * * * *

“Well, this is a surprise,” Amanda said as she pulled the door wide. “It’s been over a year since you last darkened my doorstep, Nicholas James. And you looked a hell of a lot better then than you do now.”

He gave a curt nod before dropping a kiss on her forehead. “I need a favor, Mandy, and I hope to God it doesn’t make me an a**hole for asking. Do you know where Stephanie lives?”

The petite blonde blinked up at him. “Wow. Okay, hang on a sec. That hurt a little.”

She blew out her breath and stepped out of the way. “Come in.”

Nick stepped inside but hovered by the doorway. Three damn days had passed since he last touched Steph and if he didn’t get to her soon, he was pretty sure he’d go insane.

Mandy stared at him a moment and then walked to the kitchen counter where her purse waited. “I’m over you, I swear I am.” She pulled out her BlackBerry and a pen.

While writing she said, “I still have to ask why Steph’s the one that got to you.”

“Hell. What kind of question is that?” He ran his hand through his hair.

“I don’t know. I guess I’m just wondering if what they say about The Rules is true. Is playing hard-to-get the way to land the great guys?” She came toward him and held out a business card with an address on the back.

Relief flooded him. He tucked the precious card in his pocket. “Maybe in the beginning the chase is fun. Now it just sucks. Thanks for this, Mandy. Really.”

“Hey, Nick.”

He paused on the threshold, his impatience nearly overwhelming. “What?”

“You’re not heading over there now, are you? Steph and Kevin were—”

“Who the f**k is Kevin?” Every muscle tensed at the sound of Stephanie’s name linked with another guy’s.

Amanda’s eyes widened. “Oh shit… You don’t know.”

“Obviously not.” He strode back into the living room. “But you’re going to tell me.”

She sighed. “You better take a seat.”

* * * * *

Nick watched out the window of his car as Stephanie exited her Grand Cherokee and started up the icy walkway from her driveway toward her front door. The house where she lived was quaint and cozy, with soft touches that were clearly Steph’s that made the residence a home. She looked sad and he knew why. He’d watched her leave with Kevin Martin just an hour ago. Now she was alone.

Steph had a family.

He was the outsider.

Steeling himself inwardly, he stepped out into the chilly afternoon air and shut his door with enough force to catch her attention. She looked over her shoulder and came to an abrupt halt. He walked toward her with a purposeful stride, part angry and part really f**king hurt.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her voice low and slightly panicked.

He didn’t answer. Instead, he pulled his hands out his coat pockets and pulled her close, his mouth finding hers. The moment her lips met his, he groaned. When her momentary hesitation melted into desperate ardor, he knew he had a chance.

She still wanted him.

Lifting her feet from the ground, he carried her to the door. “Open it.”


“I suggest you hurry up if you don’t want to shock your neighbors.”

Fumbling nervously, Steph shoved the key in the lock and when the knob turned, he crowded in behind her, kicking the door shut with his booted foot. She turned and he pushed her against the foyer wall.

“I’ve missed you,” he said hoarsely, his hands wandering restlessly in an attempt to feel her through the bulky jacket she wore. “Every goddamned minute since you left me, I’ve missed you.”

“Don’t do this, Nick.” She leaned her head back and then gasped when his teeth scraped her neck. “We had a deal. The wish list and then we’d be done.”

“But we’re not done,” he argued. “We’re nowhere near done. And if I have anything to say about it, we’ll never be done.”


Stephanie stared up into Nick’s gorgeous but pissed-off features and felt like she was going to pass out. His jaw was shadowed with stubble, his blue eyes rimmed with red. His hair was spiked from agitated fingers and his beautiful mouth was harshly drawn. He simply looked like hell, but her heart swelled with happiness at the sight of him.

“I love you, Steph.” He caught her hand and pressed it over his heart. “Feel that?

That’s panic. I’m terrified you’re going to say that’s not enough, when that’s all I’ve got to give you.”

Tears welled and dripped from her lashes. “Kevin…”

“You should have told me about your son, Steph. I’ve been going nuts trying to figure out why I can’t have you.” Catching her zipper, Nick tugged it down and shoved her jacket to the floor.

“Now you know why this isn’t going to work,” she said, her voice shaky.

“I don’t know shit, Steph. Because you didn’t tell me.” Shoving his hands beneath her top, he squeezed her br**sts and she melted in his hands. “Think quick. The bed or right here on the floor.”

“Oh my God.”

She stumbled away, backing down the hallway as he stalked her. With wide eyes and a racing heart, she watched as he shed his jacket and then his shirt. When he reached for the button fly of his jeans, she swallowed hard. The tender lover she’d known three nights ago was gone and the thrill that coursed through her made her dizzy.


“I’d lose the sweater if I were you. You’ll be sweaty enough without it.” He shoved his waistband just low enough to free his fully engorged c*ck and heavy balls. Then he reached into his back pocket for a condom and sheathed himself even as he stalked her.

Yanking her sweater over her head, she faced forward and nearly ran the remaining distance to her room. Nick was right on her heels. She was barely to the foot of her bed before she got her bra loose and then he was on top of her, his long lanky body sinking into hers. The crisp curls of his chest scraped her n**ples and she gasped, opening her mouth to his questing tongue. A low groan rumbled deep in his chest and he tugged at her jogging pants.


She squirmed desperately, kicking. “I’m trying.”

“Try harder.”

Laughing, she wiggled free and then his hand was between her legs, stroking her p**sy and rubbing her clit. She wasn’t laughing anymore—she was whimpering and arching up into his hard body.

“Did you miss me?” he growled, biting her earlobe.

“Yes… Ummm… too much.”

Two fingers slipped inside her and stroked, making her cream.

“Spread your legs.”

Nick came over her, nudging her thighs wider with his lean h*ps before he took her in a deep, breathtaking thrust. Then he wrapped his fist in her dark hair and began to f**k her within an inch of her life.

“Nick!” Steph writhed beneath him, trying to move but held still by the prison of her bound hair and his pumping cock.

He leaned his weight on one elbow and used his free hand to pull her leg over his hip so he could plunge to the hilt. She watched him, every nerve ending in her body hot and tingling, her breath panting. The waistband of his jeans rubbed against her inner thighs, a constant reminder that he couldn’t bear another moment without being inside her.

“This isn’t about getting laid,” he insisted hoarsely.

“I know.” Her hands clung to his straining, sweating back.

“This isn’t temporary.”

“I-I…” Her cunt fluttered along his cock. “I know.”

Burying his face in her neck, he said, “I love you” against her ear and she melted.

Into the bed, into him, into an orgasm that made her cry out his name. And he filled her with love.

With hope.

* * * * *

Nick tucked her cheek against his damp shoulder and said, “Talk to me, Steph. Tell me what you’re thinking so we both get on the same page.”

She gave a lame shrug. “I don’t know where to begin.”

“Start with the ex,” he suggested. “Tell me about him.”

“Tom’s a great guy. He’s handsome and charming, a caring dad. But he couldn’t commit to me. I think he really wanted to, but he couldn’t.”

“Sweetheart, I’m not like Tom. Just because I waited for you to come along doesn’t mean I’ve got commitment issues.”

“He’s got a new girlfriend every month,” she rushed on. “Kevin has a little notepad he takes to his dad’s to write down their names so he doesn’t mess up and use the wrong one. He did that once and it was a mess.” She reached down and stroked his bare hip. “I can’t do that to him, Nick.”
