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With My Last Breath

Arthur said calmly as we watched the illusion fade away. "Would you risk that?"

She laughed once again, a chilling, horrible sound. "You have no idea of the lengths I would go," she replied.

Arthur’s shoulders slumped. There was no doubting the determined, unhinged look on Morgan’s face.

"What do you want from me?" he asked dejectedly.

"I’ll get back to you on that," she promised. "Trust me."

And she was gone. I glanced up and down the hall, but she had simply disappeared. I sighed. I still hated it when people did that. It was unsettling.

Arthur leaned against the wall for a moment, drawing in deep breaths and I found myself desperately wanting to hug him. He had been instantly immersed in madness and treachery. Most mortals would lose their minds. But he was strong and I watched him square his shoulders as he returned to his bedchambers.

I was just about to turn away as well and creep back to my own chambers, when I felt someone’s stare between my shoulder blades.

I turned and found Merlin, the king’s oldest advisor, standing in another darkened alcove. I could tell from his face that he had witnessed the same thing that I had. His wizened face was blank, but his eyes were bothered. And his eyes are what held me tightly to the ground- they were jet black and glittering from the shadows.

They were eyes that I had seen a thousand times before.

He was Ahmose.

Courtney Cole 25

With My Last Breath, Book Three

Chapter Five

I almost moved to meet him at goddess speed, but reminded myself that he didn’t know that I was now aware of who I truly was. It was difficult, but I forced my feet to walk at the slower mortal pace, meeting him in the middle of the great hall. The last time I had seen him had been when the Fates had tortured him to his death, something that he was not aware of now. It was mind bending.

"My lady," he nodded curtly. "What brings you out at this hour?"

"I couldn’t sleep, Ahmose," I murmured.

"Never call me that here," he reprimanded sternly. "You know that I am Merlin.

Do not be so careless, Heleyne."

On his face, I saw almost fatherly concern and I wished that I had noticed it in other lives. I had always been annoyed by him, by his vague answers to my questions. I never knew that that he had been a simple pawn to the Fates. None of it had been his fault… and he had eventually given his life to save me.

I swallowed hard.

"What troubles you?" he asked. "Is everything well with Lucan? With the queen?"

I nodded. "Everything is well," I whispered.

"Then why do I see clouds on your face?" he asked. His eyes were razor sharp.

They missed nothing, a fact that I regretted right now. How was I going to get anything past him? He’d known me for several millennia.

"I’m fine," I murmured. "Just tired."

He seemed to consider that, staring at me thoughtfully. I had to admit, it was strange to see him without his customary dark robes. As Merlin, he was wearing typical woolen pants, an embroidered shirt and a simple cloak. His ancient face was free of cosmetics- free from the black eye makeup that he usually favored.

"Things are moving forward," he observed, his eyes gazing over as he reflected.

"The witch has tricked Arthur. Do you know what to do now?"

His gaze flickered to the Phoenix birthmark on my wrist. For thousands of years, the Fates had allowed me to believe that it marked me as a Keeper for them, meaning that I was meant to keep their grand plans. But in reality, it marked me as the Chosen One, the one who would eventually right the wrongs of Fate. I had only discovered this recently, after Ahmose had died.

I nodded. I did remember from my first time here.

"Yes. Guinevere must draw closer to Lancelot. I don’t think that will be a problem."

I considered my parents. Keeping them apart was definitely not a problem.

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With My Last Breath, Book Three

Merlin smiled. "Go back to bed then, little keeper. We have much work ahead of us in the near future."

I turned and began my trip down the darkened hall, not stopping until I reached the opposite end. I glanced over my shoulder, but Merlin was already gone. I crept back to my room and silently slipped into bed with Lucan. He still slept blissfully unaware of the peril that we were faced with in our true lives. I sighed and closed my eyes.

* * *

Something tickled my face and I cringed, turning into my pillows. Through my eyelids, I felt the light invading my room and I was not in the mood for it. I had never been what you could honestly consider a morning person.

"Wake up, beautiful," Lucan murmured into my ear.

My eyes popped open.

His handsome face hovered over mine, his hair dangling into my face. I reached up and tucked it behind his ear as he dipped his head and kissed me.

After I caught my breath, I murmured, "Aren’t you supposed to be with the other men?" The knights from the Roundtable spent every morning jousting, running drills and performing strength training.

"Are you saying that I’m a layabout?" he asked with a grin. As always, his smile took my breath away and I inhaled a shaky breath.

"Of course not, my love," I assured him. "I’m just surprised to find you still here.

You’re usually long gone by the time I wake."

"So, then, who is the layabout?" he teased, stroking my arm lightly.

I watched the sun’s rays bathe him as he moved and was hard-pressed to decide who shone more brightly: Lucan or the actual sun. He twisted into a sitting position, reaching over to grab his shirt from the nightstand.

"Must you go?" I whispered. He looked at me questioningly.

"Of course, my sweet. There are things to be done. But I shall see you later today,"

he promised. He finished dressing as I watched and dipped to kiss me goodbye.

"I’ll see you at dinner," he murmured, his lips grazing my cheek.

And then he was gone. I dropped back onto the pillows with a sigh. I could stay with him all day long and never complain. Once I returned to the Spiritlands with the sword and brought Cadmus back to me, I vowed to do just that. I would never let him out of my sight again.

I dressed myself in another heavy velvet gown, pulling my hair into a simple knot at the nape of my neck and shoving my feet into thin slippers. After applying lip stain to my lips, I left my chambers in search of my mother.

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With My Last Breath, Book Three

The halls of the palace were bustling now, a far cry from the emptiness that I had encountered last night. House servants rushed about cleaning, delivering fresh linen and laying clean rushes on the floors. Every window was wide open and the fresh air blew gently through the corridors. I glanced down from one of them, absently scanning the gardens below, and was surprised to find my mother and father sequestered in a dark nook in the courtyard.
