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With My Last Breath

"Close your eyes, young one," he commanded gruffly and I did as he requested, although I wasn’t sure why.

Immediately, visions filled my head, and suddenly my mind was filled with many truths. Stonehenge had always been. Although no one knew who actually built it, it had always been whispered that Uther Pendragon, Arthur’s father, had created it.

He had not. I saw that now. But he had used it as a burial ground for 460 great chiefs and warriors from Camelot after they had been slaughtered by Saxons in 410 AD.

These were the men who surrounded me now, among many others.

I watched that battle quickly play out in my mind, watched the blood, the tears, the angst. I watched Uther burn their bodies here on the very altar that I was lying upon.

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With My Last Breath, Book Three

And then my visions abruptly shifted. Different images flitted in and out, of many others who had been slain right where I was lying.

Pagans and druids were sacrificed here. The ancient priestesses felt the magic which emanated from this soil and they had used it as a place of sacrifice. I saw them standing on it, crying to the moon as they burned women alive.

Kings before Uther had used it as a sacred burial ground… I watched them offer eulogies before they burned the corpses here in the center of the ring. I could smell the smoke, the acrid scent of burning flesh as I watched.

And then the vision changed once more and I saw my mother. Strapped by leather cords, she was writhing in agony upon the stone. Blood ran from multiple wounds, dripping onto the stone and streaking onto the ground beneath her. I couldn’t see the face of her assailant, and I craned my neck, trying to catch a glimpse. But it was too late. A sword plunged into her chest and she went still as her blood gushed freely around the blade.

I screamed, my eyes opening, but I was held to the altar by the ghost’s cold hand.

"Stay still, Chosen One," he instructed. "You just saw what will happen if you do not act today. But there is still one more for you to see." Reluctantly, I closed my eyes once again.

This time, it was me on the stone. My face was pale, my cheeks were flushed. And then I realized something startling. I was wearing the same green velvet dress that I was currently wearing. Today, right now. My breathing stilled.

As I watched in horror, a small hand gripped the hilt of a sword and plunged it into my chest. I curled around it, my eyes opening wide, before I slumped once more back to the stone, my eyelids fluttering closed. As I watched, the child leaped to the altar beside me and covered me in an embrace, blood covering her small body. As she wept, her long hair dangled in the blood and it dripped from the ends of the strands. And then she turned her head and looked into my eyes.


My eyes popped open and I gasped.

"What was that?" I breathed. "Why?"

"There are many things that you do not know," the man replied. "Many things that were prophesied long ago and whispered down, generation from generation, but never written."

"But why?" I asked, staring into his black eyes.

"Because that is the way it has been," he said cryptically before he shrugged. "But you are here now. And now it will begin."

"What will begin?" I asked hesitantly. I watched Hecate and Lucan step forward so that they could hear his answer.

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"Everything," he answered simply. "We would like our souls back. You have them.

This once was my kingdom and it has fallen into evil, evil that it was not meant for.

That troubles me. That troubles many of us here. We gave our lives, not for evil but for the good of our kingdom. Restore our souls and we will help you prevail."

"How?" I narrowed my eyes. "How can you help me?"

"Unlock our souls," he replied. "Set us free from our bondage in the underworld and we will ride together as an army to set this right. We will bring with us monsters from hell, beasts that we command. We can conquer the Fates here and set everything right."

He could sense my uncertainty. He moved closer, bending to add one more thing.

"Your husband," he began. "Can be saved if you trust me." His black eyes stared into mine, fierce and glistening and I swallowed hard.

I would do anything to save Cadmus. Anything. And that included trusting an army of undead warriors. But as I wavered, I also grew suspicious. If I unleashed beasts from hell, I had a feeling that they wouldn’t want to return when the battle here was over. Who in their right mind would?

"And then what will you do?" I narrowed my eyes. "When this is over, what will you do?"

"Then we will rest," he answered simply. "Finally."

"Have your souls been at unrest this entire time?" I asked incredulously. He nodded.

"The Fates enjoy tampering with us," he replied angrily. "It pleases them. Please…

allow us our revenge. It is said that you are the one."

Around me, the ghostly men began whispering, growing louder until their voices blended into a loud murmur, buzzing around me and echoing against the stones. I couldn’t understand their words, but their chant was mesmerizing. I nodded.

"Yes," I finally said. "I will help you. And you will help me."

"Yes," he agreed.

He reached a cold hand down and grasped mine, helping me to stand. I motioned for Hecate and she quickly brought me my knapsack. I withdrew the black box of murderous souls from within it, holding it in my hands.

I studied it. There was a latch, but it was sealed closed. I had never considered that before, because knowing what it contained, I had never desired to open it. But now that I had a need, I could not see a way. I grew frustrated as I turned it over in my hands, searching every inch.

"You are the key," the ghostly chieftain told me quietly. "Your blood is the key."

My blood turned to ice in my veins as I stared at him.

"My blood? You mean, I must drip my blood onto it in order to open it?" I was confused.

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But as I watched him, I felt icy fingers clench my stomach and I knew that wasn’t the answer even before he shook his large head.

"No," he answered solemnly. "Your blood must spill. In order to open it, you must die."

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With My Last Breath, Book Three

Chapter Seventeen

Hecate and Lucan gasped in unison as I clutched my hands to my stomach, unconsciously shielding my unborn baby.
