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With My Last Breath

"Proof?" I stared at her in bewilderment, before I turned my wrist over and thrust it toward her. "I am marked. See?"

She glanced at the bird-shaped mark on my pulsepoint. "I see. But that is not enough."

"Then what do you desire?" I asked impatiently. "We are wasting time here."

She faced me patiently. "Harmonia, Ahmose came to me yesterday and explained who you are and why you need this sword. He also said that you would find me and that when you did, you would be happy to provide me with proof. Surely you understand, I gave my oath to someone. I am bound by that. I cannot simply break it without good cause."

I nodded slowly, letting a thin rush of air exhale over my teeth as I thought.

As my mind spun in circles, I absently glanced around me at the demolished barn.

The wood and stone stood in jagged shambles around us, pieces scattered at our feet.

The stone foundation still stood intact, a perfect box around us. The barn owl, displaced when the building flew apart, fluttered to a rest on the edge of the foundation. He blinked his round golden eyes at me.

A bird. I fingered my birth mark as an idea came to me.

I could control the phoenix. I had done it only once before and I had been overwhelmingly afraid at the time, ruled by instinct. But surely I could do it again. I closed my eyes, keeping my fingers on my birthmark.

Concentrating, I felt my blood pulse through my veins, every beat of my heart pushing beneath the bird on my wrist. I focused, allowing every emotion inside of me to rise to the surface, pulsing against me.

The people standing with me faded away, the demolished barn slipped from my sight. All I could see was a blend of colors as everything swirled together and I closed my eyes.

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With My Last Breath, Book Three

My blood turned warm and then warmer, pulsing faster and faster as my heart beat increased. Finally, I was hot, my cheeks flushed as I conjured every emotion I could think of, focusing only on the image of the Phoenix.

And then it came.

I knew from the gasps of those standing behind me and I opened my eyes.

Flying from the distance, it was vivid and bright as its feathers burned in the sky.

Orange, red and amber, it was a ball of flame as it descended upon us. His eyes were brilliant azure and they focused first on me and then on Thalassa with razor precision.

Swooping down low from the sky, it spread its fiery wings in a wide span as it glided in from the clouds above us.

I felt its intense heat as it dove in front of me, scooping up the sword from Thalassa’s grasp. With a shrill cry, it looped around above us and circled back, dipping once more in front of me as it dropped the sword at my feet. I watched it roll to a stop mere inches from my toes, before I looked again to the phoenix.

He flew to a stop on the far end of the barn’s foundation. As I watched, his flame died down to nothing and he stopped burning. His feathers were shiny and crimson, iridescent in the light. His brilliant gaze was trained on me and I dipped my head in thanks. He returned the gesture and I turned my attention once more to Thalassa.

"Is that proof enough?" I asked drily.

She nodded, impressed and shocked.

"The sword is yours," she replied simply. "Use it well."

I bent to examine it. It wasn’t that impressive, to be honest. It was plain, with a simple bone handle. The blade was long and thin, and although it was sharp, it wasn’t shiny. It was free of any jewels or embellishments…it was just a simple sword.

But it was oh-so- important.

I picked it up and a current of electricity moved through my arms. This was definitely the sword. I ran my fingers lightly along the blade. It seemed strange that something so normal carried with it so much weight. I shifted my gaze to Thalassa.

"You had to know that this wasn’t a normal sword when Arthur gave it to you," I raised my eyebrow.

"I did," she acknowledged. "But I had no way of knowing what exactly it was. I thought it was simply something that Merlin had conjured. But it wasn’t until he came to me yesterday that I knew it for exactly what it was."

"So Merlin knew what it was? Did he always know?" I asked in shock.

She nodded. "Yes. I believe that is why he arranged to have Arthur bring it to me in the first place. It was he who suggested to Arthur that I keep it safe for him. And now that Arthur is… not himself, it clearly should be used by you to set things right."

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With My Last Breath, Book Three

"Thank you," I uttered quickly, remembering my manners. "You have no idea how important this is. I appreciate your kindness. I don’t really understand the part that you play in all of this, Thalassa, but I do thank you."

"Oh, my part is fairly simple," she sighed. "Once, long ago, I became smitten with Merlin, or Ahmose as you call him. I swore to him that I would help him in any way that I could if he should ever need me. When the Fates assigned him to Camelot, he needed me here.

"I created Excalibur and enchanted it for Arthur’s use in battle. And truthfully, I did not mind. I grew to respect young King Arthur. A purer soul or gentler spirit I have never seen. To think of him as they tell me that he is now is heartbreaking. Don’t you agree?"

Her lovely face was pained and she didn’t wait for me to respond before she continued.

"Merlin continued to visit me during his life here. The mortals here created the tale of the Lady of the Lake to explain things away to their satisfaction. I have been Arthur’s guardian, so to speak. I hesitate to hand the privilege to you, but Merlin has told me that I can trust you, that you are strong and brave."

"Merlin is kind to me," I replied. "I hope that I can measure up to his expectations."

"If you do not, he will die," Thalassa stated quietly. "And I feel as though he is the very air that I breathe. I do not wish to lose him. He has more wisdom in one finger than most of the gods on Olympus put together. You must save him."

I nodded. "I will try, Thalassa. Trust me on that."

Someone rustled nervously behind me, bringing my attention back to the present. I stared at Thalassa’s pale, calm face, ethereal in her beauty and made a decision. I had to keep Raquel safe. And I didn’t have many options right now.

"Thalassa, I have a request."

I felt everyone’s eyes upon me, wondering what I was going to ask at this particular juncture. Thalassa had, after all, just given us what we needed.

"Can you keep this child with you for now, so that she stays safe during the battle that is coming? I wish no harm to come to her."
