Read Books Novel

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk (The Game #4)(25)
Author: Emma Hart

Her blue eyes find mine when the twins turn around. My gaze collides with hers across the café, holding her eyes to mine. She swallows, her lips parting, and I walk toward her.

Chapter Eleven – Roxy

“Mm mmmm.” Marie leans against the counter and gives a little shiver. “Mmmm.”

I flip the coffee machine on and glance at her over my shoulder. “Can I help you?”

“Not you, honey,” she replies with a sigh.

“I guess you haven’t seen him,” Isla squeezes next to her sister.

“Seen who?”

“The hunk of a man staying at your aunt’s place! Oh!” They both fan themselves with their hands.

I place their coffees in front of them and ring up their order. “Hunk of a man? I’m listening.”

“He’s… Oh, he’s got me all flustered!” Marie sighs again.

“He’s tall,” Isla says dreamily. “Tall and big and his hair! Goodness me, I could just run my fingers through his hair all day long.”

I don’t think I’ve seen these two quite this giggly over a man… Well, ever, and that’s surely saying something.

“Who is he?” I hand them their change.

“Haven’t the foggiest, dear. He did say he’d be meeting us here for coffee, though. So if you see that man come on in, you make sure you notify us immediately!” Isla waggles her finger at me. My lips twist in a wry smile.

“Like I’d notice before you two ladies.”

Marie nods. “You know, Isla, foxy Roxy has a point there.”

“Foxy Roxy?” I snort. “You two are getting worse. Go drink your coffees and keep an eye out for this hunky man. Go on.”

The door opens and they both turn with lightning speed.

“Mm, it’s not our man, Marie, but he’s certainly a hunky one.”

I roll my eyes with a laugh and look up. Kyle’s standing in the doorway, one hand resting on the door. There’s a light shadow along his jaw, and as I lift my eyes to his, my heart thumps. He’s looking at me the way he did last night – intensely, like there’s nothing else he can see but me. I swallow as he steps toward the counter.

“Ladies.” He looks at Marie and Isla. “Don’t you look lovely this morning?”

“Oh, you charmer you!” Isla swats his arm, giggling.

“Just tellin’ it as I see it.” Kyle winks.

“Well…” Marie’s eyes flit between me and him. “I think we should go have a seat, Isla.”

“Right you are, Marie. Facing the door this week, though. We don’t want to miss our young man.”

Kyle raises an eyebrow at me when they’ve sat down. “Their young man?”

“Some guy staying at my aunt’s bed and breakfast,” I answer dismissively. “Coffee?”


I turn and busy myself with the machine and his mug. I’m trying not to focus on his gaze firmly attached to my back or on our kiss last night. In fact, all I’m trying to focus on is making this coffee without—

“Shit!” I cry, dropping the mug of milk. I grab a cloth and bend down to mop it up. Kyle’s laughing quietly behind me, and I glare at him when I stand up again.

He ignores my icy look and leans forward on the counter. “Something on your mind, Roxy?”

“Aside from how I wish I’d hit you with the milk instead? No.”

“Sarcasm to your defense again.”

I put his coffee in front of him – with milk. “Any reason you’re here this morning?”

His lips curve to one side. “I’m having a coffee.”

“Of course you are.” I put one hand on the counter and tilt my head to one side. “But why are you here?”

His eyes flick to the twins, and they look back at their mugs instead of us. He leans toward me and lowers his voice. “Can we talk about this when you’ve finished?”

I glance at the clock. “It’s not for another half an hour.”

Kyle curves his fingers around his mug and lifts it to his mouth. His brown eyes study me over the top of the white ceramic, and my breath catches in my throat at the glint there.

He says quietly, “I’ll wait for you.”

There’s a double meaning there.

I shake off that stupid thought and head toward Mr. Yeo’s table. One kiss and I’m analyzing his every word. Fucking hell.

“How was it?” I ask the old man hidden behind the paper.

“Awesome,” he replies. “That’s what you kids say these days, isn’t it?”

I laugh. “That’s it.”

“Good. You tell your mama it’s the best she’s ever given me.”

“She tried a new recipe out today. I’ll be sure to let her know it’s a success.” I take his plate and head into the kitchen to put the plate in the sink.

“Well?” Mom asks.

“He loved it.”

“Who knew all I needed was a bit of black pepper?”

I shrug a shoulder. “Not me.”


I stop before I walk from the kitchen and slowly turn to her. “Yeah?”

“Are you okay? You seem a little… off.”

“Yeah, I’m fine, Mom. I didn’t sleep well last night, is all.”

“Okay, honey. You can go when Selena turns up. I didn’t need you both last weekend, so go and get some sleep or something.”

I nod and walk back into the café. The twins are talking to a tall man with greying hair. Surely this can’t be the “hunk” in Aunt Bonnie’s bed and breakfast?

“Psst,” I hiss at Kyle, leaning in close. “Who’s that?”

He turns to me and his face is much closer to mine than I thought it would be. I flinch in surprise but he doesn’t move away.

“That’s their young man.” The twist in his lips shows just how amused he is.

I peer at the man. “My house is younger than him.”

Kyle chuckles. “Play nice, Roxanne.”

“Don’t. Call. Me. Roxanne.”

“Or what?”

“Sorry I’m late!” Selena runs through the café. “I couldn’t find my apron.”

I push off the counter. “Don’t worry about it. You could have used mine. I’m going now anyway.”

“You… What?”

“Mom said she didn’t need me so I can leave early.” I shrug and untie my apron, stashing it beneath the counter. “Have fun.”
