Read Books Novel

Worth the Risk

Worth the Risk (The Game #4)(5)
Author: Emma Hart

Her very on display chest.

I take in her outfit. The red shirt she’s wearing leaves little to the imagination, clinging to her body so tightly the buttons across her br**sts are almost popping open and her faded blue jeans, tucked into Uggs, are so tight they’re practically embedded into her skin. She looks comfortable and casual… And sexy. Very f**king sexy.

I shift uncomfortably as the thought crosses my mind. I’ve never thought of Roxy that way before. Sure, I’ve always known she was beautiful, maybe even been attracted to her a few times, but I’ve never devoured her body with my eyes the way I am right now.

Her laugh travels to my ears over the music, and I bring the beer bottle to my mouth to hide the tightening of my jaw.

“Who’s that jerk?” Si nudges me, nodding in the direction of Roxy.

“Your guess is as good as mine.”

“You look pissed.”

“I don’t like the way he’s looking at her, that’s all.”

“He looks like he wants to do more than talk to her.”


“Well. He does.” Si laughs. “Want me to take him outside?”

I laugh with him. “Nah. I’ll just keep an eye on him – and her – and make sure he keeps his hands to himself.”

“Tom Parks, twenty-two, lives in Portland. Visiting a sick aunt who lives on the other side of the falls.” Selena stops in front of us and holds out two beers.

“How do you know that?” Si raises an eyebrow at her.

“Roxy may not give a crap about the names of the guys she f**ks, but I always find out.” She tilts her glass in Roxy’s direction. “I can’t stop her doing what she wants to, but I can try to keep her safe.”

“He’s a jerk,” I say, looking at her. “Does he know she’s only just eighteen?”

“Of course he does. Everyone here knows Roxy.” A bitter laugh leaves her. “He knows and he doesn’t care. He likes younger girls if you believe what you hear.”

“Shit, Leney. Rumors are crap and you know it,” Si scoffs.

“Hey, every rumor has a bit of truth to it. Where did it come from otherwise?” She jabs his chest.

“She’s got a point,” I acquiesce, watching Roxy lead Tom into the front room. “And he’s got a shock comin’ to him.”

“She’ll kill you, Kyle. She’s real pissed at you still.”

“So she told me this morning.” I pop the cap of the beer and glance at the blonde bombshell. “Do I look like I give a shit if she’s annoyed at me or not?”

Selena smirks. “Not really.”

“There we go then.” I push off from the side, heading toward the front room. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a wayward little ass to keep out of trouble.”

The volume of the music increases as I pass through the people milling around, stopping every now and then to greet and chat to the people I’ve grown up with. One thing is noticeable; Cam’s name is never mentioned. The subject of him isn’t even touched upon, and it annoys me even though I know it’s not because he’s been forgotten. I can still talk about him.

Roxy is easy to find when I step into Selena’s huge front room. She’s in the middle of the room, running her hands through her hair and moving her body in time with the music. And the way she moves it…

My eyes aren’t the only ones on her. Every guy in the room is eating her alive visually. They’re all wishing they were the lucky bastard with his hands on her hips, his front against her back, his smug smirk in her hair.

I just wish I could punch him.

I sit where I am, in the corner of the room, making casual conversation with people I haven’t seen since Christmas. I keep my gaze on and around Roxy, never letting her leave my sight. My fist clenches with every drink she has, and by midnight I’ve lost count.

I’m half pissed at her and half impressed at the amount her little body can hold.

She stumbles a little and waves Tom off from catching her. She passes me, not seeing me, and heads in the direction of the kitchen with him hot on her heels. Fuck this. I get up and follow them, catching sight of Roxy just as she steps outside. Selena catches my eye as I walk past and sighs dejectedly.

Yeah, I’m feeling that myself.

Its cooler outside than it is in Selena’s house, but I don’t notice. I just notice Roxy’s shaking head and Tom getting closer to her than he should be in her state. She holds her hands up, and he grabs them, his fingers visibly flexing around her wrists.

“Get off me,” she tries to shake him off.

“You just need to calm down,” he replies, and she winces.

Hell f**king no.

I storm across the garden and hit him with a glare made from stone. My hands cover his and I unpeel his fingers from her one by one. Roxy lowers her arms.

“Watch who you’re putting your f**king hands on.” My voice is hard. A warning.

Because anyone who hurts Roxy gets hurt back.

I put my arm around her shoulders and tuck her into my side. She looks up at me with one eyebrow raised. “I’ve been looking for you all night.”

“Who the f**k is this?” Tom looks between us.

“I’m her boyfriend,” I reply before Roxy can. She tenses, and I look down at her. “You win. You proved you could pull someone else before me, but I think it’s time we got going.”

I spin us away from Tom before he says another word and lead her round the side of the house, digging my keys from my pocket. Roxy pulls away from me.

“What the hell was that, Kyle?”

“Get in the car.” I unlock it and open the passenger door.

“Fuck no,” she spits. “You’ve been drinking.”

I level my gaze on her. “I had two bottles over three hours ago – I’m as sober as they come. Now get your ass in my f**king car before I put it in there.”

She glares at me, and I pat the door. Slowly, she sits in the seat, and I slam the door on her. I watch her as she rubs her wrists one after the other.

“Did he hurt you?”

“What was all that about?” she repeats her earlier question.

“Did he hurt you?!” I smack the steering wheel and level my gaze on her.

“I’m fine,” she mutters.

“Right. And to answer your question, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“That! In the yard!” She turns in her seat. “My f**king boyfriend?”
