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Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up (Mitchell Family #4.5)(11)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I calmed down. "Don’t go worryin’ your pretty little head over it. We will get it all cleaned up and it will be fine."

She approached her father. "Dad, are you okay?" Her eyes were huge as she assessed the damage for herself.

"Yeah, I will be fine. The worst case scenario is that I bald prematurely." He threw her a wink as she tried to help all of us get the mass of the mess cleaned up.

The second round of snacks were colder and easier to clean up if they got tossed around. Conner and John came in with a bowl full of cheese dip and chips and you would have thought that none of us had eaten for a week.

Ty’s boys were down for a nap and Christian was being occupied by her Grandpop. Noah came walking over asking if he and Bella could play alone in the playroom. When Savanna heard him asking, she went running into the office and brought out some feathers and construction paper. "Why don’t the two of you make turkeys and decorate them with feathers."

Noah and Bella took the supplies and went running up to the playroom. Savanna blew me a kiss before heading back into the kitchen.

I’d no sooner started to relax when I heard my wife yelling at someone. To make sure I didn’t get on her shit list, I went into the kitchen to see what the ruckus was about. Ty was standing over a bowl with his hands inside of it. Savanna stood on the other side of him, trying to push him out of the way. "What on earth are you doing?"

"Ty thinks he is helping by making some kind of perverted stuffing."

"There is nothing perverted about my balls." He kept massaging the stuffing mixture in the bowl, and I say massaging because of the way he was doing it.

"Seriously, man, you know this is her thing." I leaned over his shoulder and took a look at what he was mixing up. "It actually smells good though."

"It’s the big fat sausage I put in it. It gives it the best flavor. There’s nothing like a good piece of meat." Ty looked at Savanna and started laughing at his own comment.

"God, you are one sick puppy. I hope you know that I refuse to eat that." Savanna started getting out another bowl. "I will make another batch that will be edible."

"I’ll have you know that my balls are the best you will ever taste." He was on her last nerve and not backing down.

"Do what you want with your balls, just stay out of my way and don’t touch this new batch of stuffing. Don’t you have a game to watch?"

"This is more fun than that game, besides, I wanted some Van time." He leaned into her shoulder and batted his eyes.

I couldn’t stop laughing, even though I knew she was getting more mad at me than him. She always said when I laughed at him, it made him do the things worse. I picked at a piece of bread and started walking out of the kitchen. "Have fun you two."

"Oh, thanks, just leave me alone with this nitwit."

The guys were getting rowdy over the game when I sat down with them. They were fussing over a bad call and yelling at the refs. My uncle came walking in the door in full camo. I’d originally thought he was at the main house with the older crew, but after seeing his attire, I knew he had been out in the woods scoping things out for the big opening day of hunting. He came in and took off his boots before sitting down next to Conner and grabbed a beer out of the cooler that John had brought in. It was funny how the sheriff had offered to supply us with the alcohol for the day. He’d been around long enough to know that alcohol and my family usually meant for late night brawls on the front lawn.

Ty came walking out of the kitchen drying off his hands as Miranda came walking out from the office where she was feeding one of the boys. "Dad, did you see anything at your stand?"

"Something got into the corn last night."

"Sweet, maybe this year we will finally get that big buck that Colt claims is out there."

I held up my middle finger at my cousin. I’d seen the fourteen pointer on my motion activated camera, but never when I was in the woods. He was a wise animal and knew how to hide. One day I was going to shoot his ass and mount him on my wall in between my wife’s flower pictures.

"Well, son, the way you and your wife hunt, I think all the rest of us have a better chance."

Ty cocked his eyebrow and looked at me. "Don’t look at me. I didn’t say shit."

He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed Jake from Miranda. "I can’t help it. My wife is smoking hot and we don’t get much alone time, unless we lock all the kids in the closet."

Miranda slapped him in the arm. "Don’t say stuff like that!"

His face got a sad look when he thought he’d pissed her off. "Sorry, Baby. They know I’m kidding. Besides, we usually just let them watch."

“Enough already, or I really will cut you off.” She smacked him on the ass before walking into the kitchen to help her cousin.

For the next half hour everything settled down. Ty and I got the babies set up in this round baby gate contraption that was full of toys. Aside from them hitting each other with plastic objects, they crawled around and put everything in their mouths while remaining content. My mother-in-law and Miranda were on baby duty, while I went into the kitchen to help my wife. The turkey was really starting to smell good and just being in the kitchen made my mouth water. While my wife leaned down to look in the oven, I got behind her and grabbed her hips, pulling her into me. "Colt, what are you doing? We have a house full of people."

"Darlin, this is my house and if I want to grope my pregnant wife or take her upstairs for a quickie, I will."

She giggled and freed herself from my hold. "I love you, Babe. Now, get your butt out of my kitchen so I can get dinner done."

“I need a kiss first.” I leaned down and pressed my lips against Savanna’s. As she pressed her sweet lips on mine, I couldn’t help but grab the back of her head and pull her in for more. My mind went back to waking up with her between my legs and I let out a moan as her tongue slid slowly against mine. My hands went up her sides underneath her shirt, while she continued kissing me and pushing me into the corner of the kitchen. Savanna’s hands slid up the front of my shirt and I felt her nails tickling my skin. I pulled away from her. “Don’t go startin’ somethin’ you can’t finish, Darlin’.”

Savanna grabbed the bottom of my shirt and walked us backwards toward the pantry. Once we got inside, she giggled and backed herself up against the shelves of food. “Who said I wanted to stop,” she whispered.

I think every man would agree with me when I say that maternity clothes weren’t usually sexy, but the fact that her jeans could just slide right off of her, well that sort of changed my opinion. I picked up my wife and scooted her to lean on one of the shelves and she unbuttoned my jeans and pulled out my erection. With just a few rapid strokes it was begging to be inside of her. I grabbed her knees with both of my hands and spread them apart as I scooted into my wife’s body. One hand reached down and rubbed her sensitive little bud, before she used her legs to pull my body even closer. “We need to make this quick,” I whispered.
