Read Books Novel

Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up (Mitchell Family #4.5)(24)
Author: Jennifer Foor

Conner let out an air filled laugh. “Yeah, you’re still stickin’ to that version of the story.”

I held up my hands. “What can I say, you were an easy target. You wanted to hang out with Colt so much that he could make you do anything.” Okay, it was mean, but we were kids and Miranda was a girl, so we couldn’t pick on her as much.

“I remember when you put me on the back of that horse with no reigns or saddle and smacked its ass.” Conner folded his arms across his chest and tightened his face up, as if he were remembering that horrible time.

Colt had told him if he wanted to be in our gang, he had to ride a horse like a real Indian could. That boy hung on to that horse all the way until it bucked him off on the other side of the pasture. To make matters even worse, the damn horse came back around again and jumped over top of the kid. He balled himself up and screamed until we got to him and were able to steady the startled horse. Looking back, it was a horrible idea and he could have gotten seriously hurt or killed, but at the time, it was freaking hilarious. “Will you ever stop bringing that up?”

“Bro, I could have died and you both stood there laughin’ at me.”

I shook my head. “It was like fifteen years ago. Let it go, dude.”

Conner pointed at me. “I will never forget that shit. You wouldn’t either. I had nightmares and had to sleep with my mother for a damn month. Do you know how embarrassing that was? The worst part was that she kept askin’ me why I was so scared and I was too afraid that if I told her the truth, I couldn’t be in the gang. Hangin’ out with you two idiots meant more to me than my safety.”

Our conversation was cut short when little drops of ice started hitting us and the roof we were still sitting on. “We better hurry up, or else we’ll both be falling off this roof.”

In less than ten minutes, Conner and I had finished stringing the lights out. We put up our hoods and climbed down off of the roof. Izzy was still in the yard trying to set up a set of reindeer. “Sweetie, you need to go inside. We can’t let you get sick before Christmas is here.”

She looked down and stuck out her bottom lip. I had learned when she was trying to get her way. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulders. She started smacking me with her large mittens. “Daddy, let me down.”

Once I got her carried into the house, I sat her down in front of Miranda and her mother. “It’s starting to sleet and this little elf wouldn’t stop helping us, even though she was going to catch a cold.”

She stomped her way into the house just as I went back out to finish.

Conner was on a roll, trying to get everything done before we froze to death. After we had used every strand of tested lights, we stood back and plugged in the main extension cord to see if we had lights, or if all of our hard work was for nothing.

It was still daylight, but the lights filled the exterior of my parent’s house with bright colors. It was going to look great when it got dark and I was almost glad that Iz had gone into the house. She was going to be so surprised.

The older she got, the more she enjoyed decorating and Christmas. In fact, our church had a little play they put on the first week of January every year and this year Iz was picked to be the Angel of the Lord. We were so excited to see her saying her little part.

Much like our farm, Colt had managed to close operations on the ranch for the next two weeks. They weren’t staying with us the whole time, but would enjoy the break from everyday farm life. Our job was never nine to five. I was lucky having my father, Harvey and Conner, but Colt had to rely on his other employees when he and Van traveled. Sometimes he couldn’t trust them for long amounts of time.

Since we knew our plans for the holiday ahead of time, Colt sent out his last batch of chickens just days before he left and more loads weren’t due in until the first of the year. His cattle were managed by a guy that lived on the far side of the ranch. Since it was winter, neither of us were worried about any produce. Our barley was picked and we didn’t do any more planting until the spring.

I was excited to be able to spend time together. Colt and Van usually stayed at her parents place in town, unless we had a late night of drinking, in which they would just spend the night. Noah and Izzy always spent the night at the same place. If Noah went with Van then so did Iz and vice versa.

We saw their SUV pulling into the lane as we were walking in the house. Izzy came running out of the door with no coat. I pointed toward the door. “Get your tail in that house and…..” Miranda was already at the door holding out her coat. “Thanks, Baby!” She crossed her arms and waited for them to come to a stop before we all approached the vehicle.

Noah jumped out and showed Iz some handheld game he was playing. They started walking toward the house without grabbing a single thing. “Noah, get back here and help your mother.” Colt climbed out and walked toward us while Van hopped out and hugged us.

Noah handed Iz the game and sadly walked back to carry something. I laughed and shook hands with Colt. “How was the drive?”

“It was fine until we hit the sleet. We saw several cars slidin’ around in town. We were just stoppin’ by because Noah didn’t want to wait and see Bella. Do you want them to stay here or at Savanna’s parents tonight?”

I looked to Miranda and wondered if she was thinking the same thing as me. The weather was shitty and the roads were getting slippery since the sun was setting. I wanted my daughter as safe as she could be, even if it meant a night without Noah. “I’d rather she stays here tonight.”

“That’s fine. Noah can just see Savanna’s parents tomorrow. We better get goin’ before it gets worse.” We all gave hugs again and sent them back on their way. I wasn’t worried about Colt getting them there safe. He would drive two miles an hour if it meant his family would get there in one piece.

Noah and Iz were already in the house and once it was dark enough, Conner and I could show them both what we did for them outside. I walked with my wife back into our warm house.

Our Christmas was going to be great.

Chapter 7


The afternoon that Colt and Savanna came to town, the weather was horrendous and depreciated by the hour. The light sleet became heavy and by the time it was dark there was already a light layer of solid ice on everything. Ty had wanted to take the kids outside to see the lights, but the wind had picked up and just hearing it against the windows made them not want to go outside. It didn’t help that Ty told them Jack Frost was a real person who came after little boys and girls during the Christmas season.
