Read Books Novel

Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up (Mitchell Family #4.5)(29)
Author: Jennifer Foor

He shook his head. “Nope, this is my year to choose. Go get your ass changed. We have a photo to take.”

Van stood up and put her hands on her hips. Her little pregnant belly was showing and she covered it with her shirt quickly. “I am not putting that on.”

Ty grabbed the outfit intended for Van and stretched it out. “It stretches to fit the largest of asses.”

She smacked him on the arm. “My ass isn’t fat!”

I sat down next to Colt and started eating from his bag of popcorn; just watching the two of them bicker. It had become very entertaining through the years.

“If it ain’t fat, then why don’t you put it on and prove it, fatty pants.” Ty smacked her ass as if to push her toward the bathroom.

She lifted her knee and got him right between the legs. “That’s for saying I’m fat.”

He was still leaned over, trying to breathe. “I didn’t say YOU were fat, I said your ass was.”

She pushed his disabled body to the couch and looked at me and Colt. “How can you two just sit there and not say anything?”

We both started to laugh and shrugged, making her roll her eyes, like she always did.

I stood up and looked at poor Ty, who was still holding his balls with a red face. “I think it would be fun. I say we just do it.”

She pointed at me. “You always take his side.” She pointed to Colt. “Babe, tell them this is a stupid idea.”

Colt reached over and grabbed his wife by the shoulders. “Darlin’, don’t get all mad at me, but I think it would be hilarious.”

She grabbed the little red outfit and pouted her way to the bathroom. “I hate you guys!”

Ty sat up; probably feeling like he’d won the battle. “No you don’t!” He smacked me on the ass. “Hurry up and get changed before she changes her mind and go get your brother. He needs to be in this shit too.”

Getting my brother to agree to the photo didn’t turn out to be easy. He handed Ty a fifty dollar bill and offered to be the photographer instead.

By the time I came out of the bedroom in my little number, Ty and Colt were standing there in their velvet briefs while Van had her hands crossed in front of her chest, hiding her belly. I ran up and pulled her hands away. “You look so cute.”

She covered herself back up with a pillow. “I can’t believe you knew about this and didn’t tell me.”

I pulled her up off the couch. “It will be fun. Will you lighten up? You’re the prettiest pregnant woman ever and Conner will make sure your belly doesn’t even show.”

Colt pulled her into his arms and she started to relax. Amy had draped a white sheet behind us and even laid out a couple wrapped presents and even a sack that was red. We tried to be quiet, but trying to pose while Ty made ridiculous comments was harder than it seemed. Conner finally got Van and Colt on one side, while Ty and I were on the opposite. We were both supposed to be looking in the sack, but my husband was looking at his own package the entire time, making comments to Van. “Good thing she didn’t kick hard enough. My jewels are still intact! My meat is still edible! My tube steak is fully functional! The frank is still above the beans!”

I had no idea how the picture was going to turn out, but the fact that we went through with it was enough to satisfy my husband for many holiday photos to come. Before we changed, Ty went up and hugged Van. “Thank you for being a good sport.”

She hugged him back. “I still hate you.”

He kissed her on the cheek. “You’re a terrible liar.”

I think once we all changed into our pajamas we were too tired for anything else. We all went to sleep, knowing that it was only a matter of time before one of the babies were going to wake up the whole house. For the second night in a row, the boys slept in bed with us.

When the sun started to come up, we had two screaming kids waking the whole house and they weren’t the babies. We found Bella and Noah jumping on top of Van and Colt on the sofabed, begging them to wake up.

Almost the entire room was filled with presents and all they wanted to do was start opening them. Making them wait while we made coffee and got changed was torture. They spent the time sorting out everything and choosing the order of what they were opening first.

The grandparents had their own presents to bring, so this was just round one of the mayhem. Once we were all situated, we gave the go-ahead.

Ten minutes later, the room was filled with wrapping paper and two very excited children. But, we still had one big surprise for our little girl. Ty cleared his throat and told everyone to put a coat on. Once he got boots on Bella and Noah, he opened the door to show Harvey walking Scotch up to the house. He’d put a red bow around his neck. Conner carried out all of the riding gear from our closet and set it in front of Bella. She ran up to her new pony and waited to be lifted on. Once she was on his back, she leaned forward and hugged her little pony. “Thank you, Mommy and Daddy. This is the best Christmas ever!”

Colt grabbed Noah by the hand and walked him around the house to where his giant plane sat ready to fly. Noah started jumping up and down and screaming in excitement. All of the men huddled over and watched as Colt took it for a spin, showing Noah how to steer it.

When it got too cold for everyone, the whole family went back inside. The rest of the day was filled with more presents, and even more trash. By three in the afternoon we were eating salad and stuffed shells and sitting inside a very full house, not wanting to be anywhere else.

All of our hard work had paid off and we had so much to be thankful for. I looked over at the couch where Colt and Ty were wearing their new jerseys and holding the boys that also had on theirs. Van was taking a picture of them and smiling the whole time. Conner was leaning against the kitchen counter talking to Amy, who sat on the other side. Rick had never come back to pick her up or even called and she didn’t seem too concerned about it. She knew she was welcome at our house.

Noah and Bella were playing with her Barbie’s and his trucks, while the grandparents kept the little ones in check. I still hadn’t opened my present from Ty, but just being here with everyone was all I wanted. It was perfect!

Later that night, after a lot of card games, and a bunch more liquor, I crawled into bed with my husband. Everyone in the house was conked out, except for us.

Ty handed me two boxes and leaned on his arm. “Merry Christmas beautiful.”

The first was a clothing box, and when I opened it, I wasn’t too shocked to find lingerie. I held it up and watched Ty giving me the look. The second gift was much smaller. It was a tiny box, with a little red bow on top. I smiled as I opened the package and pulled out a beautiful necklace with a diamond heart charm. “It’s beautiful, Ty, thank you so much.”
