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Wrapping Up

Wrapping Up (Mitchell Family #4.5)(4)
Author: Jennifer Foor

I found my wife’s lips again as I leaned her back down on the desk, over top of everything that was on it. Her legs were easy for me to grab and sit on my shoulders. With her body lying there in front of me, I pushed up her shirt to reveal her supple br**sts. My hand cupped one of them as I closed my eyes and let myself focus on the burning heat of my orgasm. I held it until I could feel her muscles tightening around my dick and then I let myself go, finally collapsing over top of my wife.

A distant cry broke our moment as we both began searching for our clothes. It was only a matter of time before she woke up her brother and sent him looking for us. For someone that promised to be a big helper, he ended up being a big complainer. The boy could not stand it when his sister cried.

Before Savanna went running out of the office and up the stairs, she leaned over and gave me one quick kiss. Our times of being able to make love for hours were in the past unless we actually left the kids and went somewhere. Sometimes I missed it, but other times, it made me think of how happy I was with the kids. Savanna had once said she wanted eleven children. I would give that woman anything she wanted as long as I had her by my side.

After turning out all of the lights and checking on Noah, who was sound asleep, I found my wife in our bed with a very awake little girl. She was almost one and was getting into anything she could reach. Our king size bed couldn’t keep her occupied for very long. Her bright eyes lit up when she saw me walking in. Savanna liked to tease me about the kids only looking like me. Noah wasn’t her biological child, but she was hoping that Christian would at least have something of hers. Instead, my son and daughter could have been twins. I don’t think Savanna really minded, but she liked to tease.

I had never put my shirt back on, but started unhooking my jeans before climbing into our bed. Christian was almost to the edge of the bed by the time I reached her. I scooped her up and held her above my head. “There’s my princess. What are you doin’ awake? Don’t you know that Mommy needs sleep too?”

I brought her down to my chest and felt her slippery kisses touching my lips. Her palm slapped against my cheek as she giggled. “Dada.”

Her little mouth of six total teeth cut a smile. I looked over to my wife and saw her rolling her eyes. She started to get up. “Darlin’ just get yourself some rest. This little terror and I need some alone time anyway.”

I closed the door behind us and we headed back downstairs. Since Savanna’s parents were due in the morning, it was best if she was awake when they arrived. I was much better at going without sleep than my wife. She had a real grumpy streak when she wanted to. Now, for me, it was cute, but for others, it wasn’t so much.

We no sooner made it to the last step when I felt something grumble against my hand. Of course, my daughter looked up at me and smiled as she scrunched her face and continued to poop in her diaper. Oh for shit’s sake! “Girl, if you weren’t the cutest thing.” I shook my head and turned back around to head up to her room where the diapers were. “I guess you’re tellin’ Daddy it’s goin’ to be a long night.”

I don’t know why, but the child only had explosions when she was under my care.

Chapter 3


I woke up at around three in the morning to find myself alone in my bed. I climbed out of bed and went searching for my husband, who I knew had fallen asleep in some random place. Every time he took Christian so I could sleep, they ended up falling asleep in a chair, or on the couch. Sure enough, I found my husband snoring away with a little girl lying flat against his chest. There was no way I could have slept to that noise, but Christian seemed to really be soothed by it.

Now, the problem with waking Colt to come up to bed, was the chance that it would also wake our daughter. While he opened his mouth to let out his next growling snore, I reached down and put my lips against his. He startled immediately and opened his eyes. I pulled back in time to see him making sure Christian was secure in his arms. It was little things like that that made me appreciate how much of a great father he was.

I held my finger up to my lips to remind him to not say anything. Colt sat up slowly and we were able to walk Christian up to her bedroom without waking her. As we climbed into bed, Colt grabbed me and pulled me into his arms. “See you in a few hours, Darlin’.”

Morning came too fast, as did a screaming baby. Noah, who was going to be six at the beginning of the year, liked to think he could safely get his sister out of her crib by himself. Now, Colt and I would love to think that he could do it, but it still made us nervous when he did it. Before I could climb out of bed to attend to our daughter, Noah came walking in the room with her in his arms.

“Look, Chris, here’s Mommy and Daddy.”

I held out my arms for my daughter. She leaned over with little tear filled eyes and immediately stopped crying. “Noah, run downstairs and get Mom a bottle. Do you remember how to do it?” Colt was just making sure.

“Yeah, Dad, I am almost six ya know. Besides, Mom put a sticker on the button on the microwave. All I have to do is touch it.”

“Don’t forget to take the nipple off first.” Colt shook his head as I threw in that last reminder.

We heard Noah go running down the stairs and then a giant crash. Colt was out of bed, before I could even blink. By the time I made it down the stairs with Christian in my arms, Colt had Noah in his arms and was carrying him to the couch. “Tell me where it hurts, Bud.”

Noah was screeching in pain. He was using his one arm to point to his other one. Colt went to touch it and Noah screamed louder, causing his sister to begin crying. Colt stood up and came over to where I was standing. “Do you need some ice?”

He shook his head. “His wrist is already turning purple. I’m going to have to run him to the emergency room to get an x-ray.”

I turned around to start getting us ready. “Just give me ten minutes.”

Colt grabbed my arm and stopped me. “I can take him myself. It’s not a big deal. Besides, the family will be here in a few hours. There’s no tellin’ how long it will take. Just take care of Christian and I will call you when I know somethin’.”

Colt ran upstairs and came back down five minutes later fully dressed. He wrapped a coat around Noah. As he picked him up to carry him out to the car, I rushed to his side. “Noah, you’re going to be fine. I love you.”

He cried out and tried to reach for me. “Mommy!”

I knew he was in terrible pain to call me Mommy. There was no way in hell I was letting Colt take our son to the hospital without me and Colt knew it as soon as he looked me in the eye. He slouched his shoulders and carried Noah back to the couch. “Well come on then, get yourself dressed so we can get this kid looked at.”
