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Wrecked (Clayton Falls #3)(34)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Don’t need to? That’s a funny way of putting it.”

“How else would I put it? I’m not one of those guys that has to get all alpha male and claim a girl, but I still feel protective and possessive of you. It’s just natural.”

“It’s natural to be possessive?”

“Of course. You feel that way about me too.” He looked right at me.

“I am not possessive of you.”

“You’re not?” He ran his fingers through my hair. “Then why did you ask if I came out here alone? You wanted to make sure I don’t bring other girls out.”

I tried to look away but he caught my chin. “Don’t be embarrassed. I told you it’s natural. It’s human nature to want to keep what’s yours.”

“I’ve never thought about it that way.”

“Maybe you’ve never been with anyone you’ve wanted to keep before? I know I haven’t.”

I reached out and touched his cheek. “Maybe.” There was something refreshing about Jake’s honesty and the way he saw the world. It was simple, but complicated all at the same time. We hadn’t talked about Tim much, but I think Jake sensed that relationship had been different, built out of a need rather than desire.

He laced his fingers with mine. “I’ve never met anyone like you before. I’ve never been with a girl I couldn’t get enough of. You make my heart race, you make me feel out of control, and I love every second of it.”

“Sometimes you make me feel out of control, but mostly you make me feel perfect.”

“Perfect? Really?” He pushed one of my dress straps off my shoulder slightly.


“Mm, good.” He kissed my shoulder. I never thought a kiss there could feel so intimate, but it did. He leaned over me, moving my other strap in the same way. He kissed that shoulder too.

He was still leaning over me, and I slipped a hand under his t-shirt. His skin felt warm.

He took it as an invitation to remove his shirt. I didn’t mind the view or the easier access. I ran my hands over the muscular planes of his chest while he watched me.

He smiled contentedly. “No one’s ever touched me with such care before.”

“Really?” I started tracing a pattern of my own across his chest.

“Really. And I like having your name on me.”

“That didn’t take long.”

“No, it didn’t.” His lips met mine gently.

“You have really good lips.”

“So do you.” He ran a finger over my bottom lip and then the top. It was another touch that sent a thrill through me unexpectedly. I loved how Jake touched all of me. “I still don’t know what my favorite part of you is.”

I continued exploring his chest. “I know what mine is. Well, there’s a tie.”

He moved to lie on his side. “What parts?”

“Your eyes and your hands.”

“Is there an explanation that goes along with that?” Adjusting the strap again, he kissed my shoulder before moving his lips in a line to my neck.

“Although, right now your lips might be winning.”

He laughed. “Why my eyes?”

“They’re so expressive. They tell me everything you’re thinking and feeling.” I reached out to stroke his cheek again. “At least, I think they do.”

“If they’re telling you how crazy I am about you and how much I want you, then you’re right.”

“They are.”

“Why my hands?” He ran a hand over my chest above my br**sts, slowly edging closer to the top of my dress.

“They’re so strong, and they always know where they need to be.”

He chuckled. “I get the strong part, but I don’t know if my hands have a mind of their own.”

“Then I guess my favorite part of you, is just you.”

“That’s my answer for my favorite part. I can’t pick just one. I love your eyes.” He kissed my eyelid. I moaned. It felt incredible.

“I love your lips.” He kissed me gently. “I love your hair.” He ran his fingers through it again. “I love your neck.” He kissed it softly, moving down toward my chest.

“I love your br**sts, but you have to expect that one.” He slipped two fingers right underneath the top of my dress so that they brushed against the skin exposed by my bra.

“I love your legs.” He used his other hand to run up one leg, and I hoped he wouldn’t stop at my knee. He didn’t.

“Your stomach.” He slipped his hand under my dress and stroked my stomach.

“I love your hands, especially when they’re on me.” He moved one of his hands so he could put my hand on his chest.

“I love every single part of you. It’s like you were tailor made to be mine.” He paused and a slight smile crossed his lips. “Although that makes me sound kind of possessive again, huh?”

“No. Just sweet.”

“Good.” The hand underneath my dress moved down to my panties. He slipped a finger underneath the elastic. “I need to see and touch every inch of you.”

“Out here?” I leaned up on my elbows to see over the side of the boat. We were surrounded by nothing but water and darkness. It was silent, with just a faint breeze further cooling down the evening.

“Who’s going to see?”

“People. You don’t own this bay.” It might have been quiet, but that could change at any moment.

“All right.” He moved away, and I felt his absence everywhere.

“Would this help?” He returned with another blanket and draped it over us.

“Yes, that helps.” I wanted the coverage as well as some warmth.

“Good.” He didn’t waste any time before pulling my dress over my head.

I reached out and unbuttoned his shorts.

“I’m glad to see you want to get into my pants as much as I want to get into yours.”

“I’m not wearing pants.”

“No, no you’re not.” He grinned. “So are my eyes, hands, and lips the only parts of me you like?” He shifted out of his shorts, and we were left just in our underwear.

“No. Not at all.”

“What other parts?” He kissed my neck again.

“I love your chest.” I reached to touch it. “Your hair, your arms. I love your arms, especially being in them.”

He moved to cradle me in his arms. “I’m pretty sure you belong there.”
