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A Blaze of Sun

A Blaze of Sun (A Shade of Vampire #5)(14)
Author: Bella Forrest

“Don’t deny it, Derek… I know you feel it too. We have a connection, and you may not understand why, but it’s there. You can keep fighting it, but eventually, I hope you realize that we belong together.”

I shook my head against any thought that could possibly coax me to agree with her. “No,” I said firmly. “I belong with Sofia. She’s the woman I’m in love with, the one I will marry soon. I can’t deny my attraction to you and yes… maybe there’s some sort of mysterious connection between us, but it’s Sofia who holds my heart. No other connection can break what I have with her.”

I was saying the words more to myself than to Emilia and even with my back turned to her, I could sense her anger like a powerful wave rushing over me. I was then fully aware that she was no fragile creature, trembling at the thought of what her father would do to her. It’s almost as if I saw Emilia in a completely different light the moment I let my love for Sofia call the shots. What I saw in her was someone I couldn’t trust.

I turned my head toward her, twisting my upper torso in order to once again look her in the eye. “I’m giving orders that they let you off the island as soon as possible.”

“No…” she gasped. “You can’t do that! Derek, please… You have no idea what my father will do to me!”

“Then don’t go to him, Emilia. Run. I don’t care what you do, but I can’t have you here.” What I have with Sofia is too precious for you to pose a threat against it.

To my surprise, she stopped begging and a dark glare took over her countenance. “You want to play it that way? Then so be it.” A bone-chilling, almost manic, smirk formed on her face. “You’ll find quite quickly that you can’t get rid of me that easily, Derek.”

Chills ran up and down my spine when I realized that she was right. Something was telling me that Emilia would soon find her way back. Strangely, at that moment I didn’t find myself threatened.

I clenched my fists and smirked right back at her. Bring it on.

Chapter 9: Emilia

Things weren’t going as planned. I was supposed to capitalize on the connection we had with each other and gain his sympathy and yet, there I was, left hanging as he walked out of the cell, leaving orders to the guards that I was to be brought out of the island as soon as possible.

Now what am I going to do? The plan hinges on me staying here in The Shade. I can’t accomplish my task if I’m not here.

I had to find a way to reach The Sanctuary, the place in the island that housed the witch of The Shade. I was trying to figure out a plan of action when a small, cold breeze began to blow in my ear, carrying with it a message.

“What are you still doing in this dungeon, Emilia? You’re wasting time.”

My father’s chilling voice.

“Forgive me, Master.” My voice cracked and it began to shake as I gave away my excuse. “He is more in love with Sofia than I initially thought…”

“Find a way to gain their trust so that you can roam the island freely, Emilia. Don’t you dare return here unless you have Derek Novak with you.”

I nodded, afraid to speak in case he made it a reason to cause me pain. I backed myself up on my cot until I hit the corner where the stone walls met. I gathered my knees against my chest and shut my eyes. I felt like I was being enveloped in pitch-black darkness, shivering against the cold that came with my father’s presence.

Seemingly satisfied that I’d given him the answer he was waiting for, he disappeared as quickly as he came. I sighed with relief, but found even relief to be quite momentary, because keys began to unlock my cell door and I was about to be escorted out of the island.

I thought about fighting back, knowing that I could take down these guards if I wanted to, but if I wanted Derek’s love, if I wanted his trust, I couldn’t afford to take the risk. I needed to make him see me as a victim, someone he could feel compassion and concern for. I couldn’t do that by exhibiting a display of power.

So I gave in. I followed the guards to the port and played along with the whole charade. By the time the guards left me at a far-off shore, away from the island, I already had a plan on how to get back.

You’re going to be mine, Derek Novak. I am willing to turn the world upside down until you realize that I am the girl who will help you bring our kind to true sanctuary. That’s me. Not any other girl. And definitely not Sofia Claremont.

Chapter 10: Ingrid

I could sense it when Derek walked past my cell. I knew I had to make a move, make a plea, and do something – anything – in order to move forward in the task that was given to me by the fearsome and mysterious presence that visited me in my cell.

So I found myself calling out the young man’s name until he gave me the attention I was looking for. I was relieved when he appeared by the door of my cell.

“What do you want?” His words were dripping with spite, and I couldn’t blame him.

“I want to see my husband.”

He narrowed his eyes, looking straight at me past the bars that kept us apart. “And who exactly is your husband? Is it not Borys? The one Sofia killed?”

The words stung, and I fought the urge to lash out at him for re-opening the wound, but I had to keep it together. The thought of having another visit from the mysterious dark creature was too terrifying. You have to learn to be Camilla. You have to earn their trust. “You know who my husband is, Derek. Please let me see him.”

“Why on earth would I allow that?” Derek grimaced. “You might just end up killing him. Sofia already lost a mother. I can’t risk her losing a father.”

“I’m her mother. She hasn’t lost me yet.”

“Sofia’s mother is Camilla Claremont. She died the moment she turned into Ingrid Maslen. That’s you.”

“Sofia would let me see her father and you know it. Ask her please… I’ll do anything… I want to see my husband and child.”

Derek squared his shoulders and began studying me, perhaps wondering if I was actually being sincere. He seemed to be entertaining the thought of giving in to my request but then he suddenly hesitated. “What makes you even think that Aiden would want to see you? Or Sofia for that matter… After everything you’ve done…”

“You of all people should know what it feels like to want to be given another chance, Derek. You’ve had your share of regrets, your own dance with the dark side. Sofia forgave you. Why wouldn’t she be able to forgive me? I’m still her mother. And Aiden… I still have hope that he could find it in his heart to love me.”
