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A Blaze of Sun

A Blaze of Sun (A Shade of Vampire #5)(66)
Author: Bella Forrest

As if the constant visions of the future I was having weren’t already bothering me enough, Aiden had to add this tidbit of knowledge, increasing my discomfort with the whole situation. “If you didn’t feel right about it, why didn’t you say something about it then?”

Aiden shrugged. “Derek and Sofia went through hell to be together. From the looks of things, they’re about to return to utter chaos once they get back here. They deserve their one month.”

“You’re right.” I nodded. I wanted to reassure myself that we were going to be okay, that my brother knew what he was doing. Still, something was nagging at me, a sense of inevitable danger that I couldn’t quite place. “Tell me, Aiden, do you really believe for one minute that the hunters would be willing to work with us?”

The older man smirked as he shook his head. “Not for one minute. We all became hunters for one reason and one reason alone, Vivienne. It’s because every single one of us harbors a deep hatred for vampires. I can only imagine what kind of hatred Arron has for your kind. A lifetime of that isn’t easy to just forget and let go of, because a cure has emerged.”

I was silent as I thought through what I’d just been told. I began shaking my head.

“What is it, Vivienne? Why all of a sudden are you asking me these questions? I was expecting you to ask them soon after Derek and Sofia left. I was surprised that you didn’t, and then you do now…”

“I didn’t want to ask, because I wanted to first observe. Well, that and because I didn’t want to deal with the reality of it all, but with the visions and the way things are being handled here in The Shade… The sense of tension and animosity… It feels like…”

“A volcano boiling… waiting to explode…” Aiden squared his shoulders, standing to his full height, as he crossed his arms over his chest. It was as if he was steeling himself for something. “What visions have you been seeing, Vivienne?”

I cringed. I didn’t know where to begin, how to tell him. Each vision was confusing, oftentimes surreal, never as clear as the visions I used to have. Still, each vision I saw had one thing in common: blood. Lots and lots of blood.

And that was why I longed for Derek’s presence. I never did quite feel as safe as I did when I was around him, but Xavier’s challenge was still ringing in my ear – the challenge to live life for myself, and on my own. That was the only thing that kept me from trying to locate my brother and his wife.

I drew a deep breath as I turned my attention toward Aiden. “I don’t understand the visions, Aiden. I can’t even explain them, but what I do know is that the hunters are only the beginning of our problems. Derek killed Emilia over Sofia, then they were able to find the cure. The Elder isn’t just going to let that go.”

“But we all know what Emilia said before she died. The Elder can’t touch them as long as they remain in the light.”

“There’s darkness in everyone, Aiden. One dance with darkness and the Elder will capitalize on that to get them back to his fold. Besides, the Elder doesn’t have to go directly for them – not yet.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think he’s going to attack the people who matter to them first. He’s going to come for us.”

Aiden’s brows furrowed as he cleared his throat. He then directed his eyes forward, toward the horizon. “Then let him come.”

I swallowed hard, wondering if we had what it took to conquer what we were up against. “True sanctuary has been found. Now, the battle to keep everyone away from it has begun.”

Epilogue: Kiev

I couldn’t pry my eyes away from her. She was a stunning find and I could immediately see why Derek Novak had fallen for her. There was something about Sofia that drew me to her and I couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy as I stood beneath the shade of a cliff, watching the married couple frolicking in the waves.

You want her.

The voice came with a chilling breeze that crept from the nape of my neck to the base of my spine. A coldness enveloped me as my father made his dark presence known.

My entire body tensed. Despite the number of years I had spent serving the Elder, I’d never gotten used to his presence. I had no idea how Emilia was able to bear it – she spent more time with the Elder than I ever had. Truth be told, I was thankful when Emilia came to the Blood Keep. She had gotten most of the Elder’s attention; thus, also more of his anger.

I swallowed hard as I fixed my gaze on the redhead as she leaped into the arms of Derek Novak. “I don’t think that bastard deserves her.”

The Elder’s taunting scoff echoed against my eardrums. It was perhaps the most terrifying thing about the Elder. When he was around, he invaded my senses – every single one. Except my sight. He was a force heard, tasted, smelled and keenly felt, but he was never seen. I was beginning to think that he was nothing but a substance, a darkness that consumed those who dared allow it.

I don’t care who deserves Sofia Novak. She deserves my wrath for taking both Derek Novak and Emilia from me.

I clenched my fists at the mention of my dead sister. I had never been fond of Emilia, but her death was still enough reason to put Derek Novak through as much pain as possible. However, my master had instructed us that Derek was not to be harmed or killed. Our goal was to draw him back to the dark side.

“He’s human now, Master,” I spoke up. “Why do you still want him?”

Who says I still want him? I couldn’t care less about Derek Novak now. Though I must warn you, Kiev. He doesn’t realize it yet, but he may be more powerful in his present state than he ever was as one of our kind. Do not underestimate him.

I paused for a moment, confused. “If we’re not after Derek Novak, then who…”

We’re after Sofia.

Despite my bewilderment, I was thrilled by the prospect of having Sofia under our control… my control. “Because she’s immune?”

Not just that. Derek and Sofia Novak will have children. Once Sofia is bearing her first, it is of utmost importance that she be brought to the Blood Keep. Their children will be too much of a threat to us unless they are raised by us.

My stomach turned. The idea that Derek – despite the fact that he had succumbed so many times to darkness – could be married and even have children with Sofia – with the embodiment of light – made me sick.

Do not disappoint me, Kiev. Keep those blood red eyes of yours on them and once you are certain that she is pregnant, take her. They took my child. Now, I’ll take theirs.
