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A Castle of Sand

A Castle of Sand (A Shade of Vampire #3)(53)
Author: Bella Forrest

“Then maybe your father was right. She’s in league with the Maslens and she’s probably now at The Oasis cavorting with her mother and their king. We all know she has a taste for royalty.” Felix eyed me pointedly.

“For crying out loud, Felix,” Cameron interrupted in his distinct Scottish accent. “Will you shut up for a moment? Do you not think before you speak?”

I was trying to reel my temper in, and was thankful that Cameron butted in on behalf of me. “It is true that Ingrid Maslen is Sofia’s mother. Eli’s background checks have already proven this as true, but I know Sofia. I know for a fact that she had no idea that Camilla Claremont became a vampire. I believe her father tried to protect her from the knowledge.”

“We know Claudia has something to do with their disappearance, obviously, since she’s the one who tranquilized Derek,” Liana spoke up. “And I suspect Gregor is involved too. It’s too much of a coincidence that they would both disappear the same time Ben and Sofia did.”

“My thoughts exactly,” Gavin agreed. “Sofia is far too loyal to The Shade or perhaps more to you.” He gestured toward me.“To leave The Shade out of her own accord.”

“The arrival of the human boy…this friend of hers…changes everything and we know it.” Felix frowned. “He might have been working with Lucas all along and they might have been communicating with Claudia and Gregor.”

“You’re Gregor’s right hand man, Felix,” Gavin butted in. “Don’t you know what he’s been up to?”

Felix frowned. It was clear to see that the fact that my father made a move without his knowledge wasn’t something that he was entirely pleased with.

“Why would Claudia turn her back on us?” Xavier spoke up, ignoring Felix entirely.

“I know Claudia has several scores to settle with you,” Yuri spoke up, looking at me with a hint of accusation. “You took Ben from her, you had her punished simply for defying you, then you shortened her sentence after sleeping with her. Does that sum up all the things that would give her a reason to hold a grudge against you?”

I grimaced. Claudia may not be the most shining example of a good-hearted vampire, but I had to admit that neither was I, and it was true that I’d wronged her in the worst possible way when I visited her cell and ended up sleeping with her. I knew immediately that I’d made a mistake when I told her that I’d shorten her sentence. I regretted it, and I regretted never apologizing to her properly for it.

I looked Yuri in the eye. “I never intended to sleep with her. It happened, and I offered to shorten her sentence without thinking it through. I should’ve apologized.”

“Well, it’s too late now, isn’t it?” Yuri narrowed his eyes at me.

“I wronged Claudia and I’m sorry for that, but make no mistake about it, Yuri, I will make her pay for what she has done.”

Yuri’s eyes saddened. He’d always stood as Claudia’s protector for as long as I could remember. I always wondered if he actually held true love for Claudia. I knew him well enough, however, to be secure that his loyalty to me far outweighed whatever feelings he held for the beautiful blonde.

“Regardless of Claudia’s reasons for betraying Derek and thereby, betraying us all, the fact still remains that we have no idea where they are,” Liana butted in. “Besides, that’s not the point. If Sofia was taken against her will, then yes, we really do have to find her, but if she went out of her own accord…”

Cameron straightened in his seat, clearly bothered as he finished his wife’s sentence, “Then finding Sofia is the least of our worries. There’s nothing stopping Ben from betraying us to the hunters and having The Shade blown up.”

“Sofia did not leave out of her own choice. I’m certain of it.” I tried to push back any doubts. I hated the feeling of not trusting her.

“Well then, we’re going round in circles. Truth of the matter is that I think they’re at The Oasis.” Xavier shrugged. “Where else would Lucas run off to? I think they sought sanctuary there.”

I thought about what Lucas could possibly be putting Sofia through and I found myself fighting the urge to break someone’s neck. I fought back tears, sickened by the idea of my beloved being in any kind of pain. The additional thought that she could be within Borys Maslen’s territory was even worse.

A knock at the dome’s large oak doors momentarily interrupted any responses anybody present could’ve given to Xavier’s statement.

The doors swung open and I could make out Sam standing outside the dome. “Sir, Miss Natalie Borgia is here,” he announced.

I straightened up in my seat. “Let her in.”

The beautiful diplomat strode inside with grace and dignity. “Natalie,” I acknowledged as she took the stand.

She swallowed hard as she nodded her head toward me in response. She didn’t seem comfortable with the message she was about to give me. “I have a message for Derek Novak from Borys Maslen and Sofia Claremont.”

Murmurs were exchanged throughout the dome. I gulped as Natalie left the stand and climbed up toward the balcony in order to hand me the letter.

“I’m sorry,” she said quietly before turning and once again taking her place at the stand.

I stared at the envelope, dreading what it could possibly contain. I swallowed hard as I opened it. No words could explain what I felt upon seeing the wedding invitation. I let out a deep growl.

“Derek…” Natalie knew me well enough to know when something was tearing me apart. We’d had our fair share of memories together. She heaved a deep sigh. “I was told to let you know that you are to go alone. Any vampire from this coven seen stepping anywhere near the desert will be shot down. Only you are to go there if you want to see her.”

“What is it?” Xavier rose to his feet, taking a place at the stand. “What’s going on?”

“See for yourself.” I threw the invitation his way.

He caught it with both hands. His eyes widened. “Oh my…”

“What? What is it?” Gavin asked as everyone looked curiously at the message.

Xavier looked up at me. “It’s an invitation for one to Sofia and Borys’ wedding.”

“Derek,” Liana spoke up. “You realize this is a trap, don’t you?”

“It doesn’t matter.” I shook my head. “If Sofia is in the Maslens’ hands, I have to go to her. There’s no other way.”
