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A Family of Her Own

A Family of Her Own (Dundee, Idaho #3)(37)
Author: Brenda Novak

Surprised, Booker glanced up at her while pulling on his pants. “I’ve been called a lot of things,” he said. “But that’s generally not one of them.”

“Then you haven’t been listening to the right people.”

He chuckled, wishing he felt something for Ashleigh. But he didn’t.

Stacking the pillows behind her, Ashleigh started to pout when her words didn’t have the desired effect of enticing him back into her bed.

Booker finished dressing, then hesitated, wondering how to end their botched one-night stand. Did she expect him to kiss her goodbye? He just wanted to leave, but he was afraid that would be unkind. So he compromised by giving her a light peck on the forehead. “Sorry it didn’t work out.”


She caught him as he was walking out of her bedroom. “Yeah?”

“Do I just not…do it for you?” she asked.

He let his breath go in a long sigh as he looked back at her. “It’s not you, Ashleigh.” It was Katie, but he’d be damned if he’d admit that to anyone else. “It’s me,” he said. Then he left, cursing his own stubborn heart.

KATIE SAT AT THE KITCHEN table in a pair of Booker’s sweats, because she could no longer fit into her own, drinking a cup of herbal tea. Through the large side window, she could see Delbert playing with Bruiser outside, just as she could see the end of the drive—and the empty spot where Booker normally parked.

He hadn’t come home last night. She was sure of that. She’d called the Honky Tonk at closing time and been told he’d left with Ashleigh Evans, so she was equally sure she knew where he’d gone. What she couldn’t figure out was why the thought of Booker with another woman made her feel so bad.

Her hand shook as she brought the cup to her lips. She didn’t have any emotional reserves. She’d been agonizing over whether or not to give up the baby. She’d been trying to learn a lot in a very short time. She’d virtually severed whatever ties remained with her parents. The last thing she needed was the added distraction and anxiety of dealing with a man. Any man. Especially an old boyfriend she obviously still had feelings for.

Trying to swallow the lump in her throat that made it difficult to speak, she picked up the phone and called Mike Hill. It was early, but she knew he’d be awake. The Hills rose before dawn and worked until well after dark. She’d heard Rebecca complain about Josh’s long hours before.

“High Hill Ranch.”

Katie cleared her throat. “Mike?”


“It’s Katie Rogers.”

“Hi, Katie. How are you?”

“Fine. Listen, I was wondering…if you were to lease one of those cabins on the ranch—the ones you mentioned earlier—how much would the rent be?”

“They’re tiny, Katie, just a place to sleep really, so not much,” he said.

“Can you give me a figure?”

“Four hundred a month would be fair, I guess, since we have a cook who handles meals.”

Even better. “Fine. I was—I was hoping maybe I could make a trade with you.”

“What kind of trade?”

“If you let me stay in one of those cabins for six months, I’ll make sure you receive twenty-four hundred dollars in Internet services.”

“Internet services?”

“I design Web sites now. I was just on the Internet last night and realized that you and Josh don’t have a Web presence.”

He sounded surprised by her businesslike tone. “That’s true. We’ve been meaning to hire someone. We just haven’t got around to it yet.”

“Then you understand how a Web site can be used for promotional purposes.”

“Yes. We have Internet service here and use it occasionally, but I know we’re not making the most of it.”

“Great. I’d like to handle your Web site for you. I’m new in the business, so I don’t have a sample of my work to show you, at least not yet. But I’ve really learned a lot. And I’m a dedicated worker. I think I can create a Web site that will show High Hill Ranch off to perfection. I promise that, at a minimum, you’ll get your money’s worth.”

She bit her lip, terrified by what his answer might reveal. Would he see the value behind her offer? Or would he let her have the cabin out of charity, the way he’d tried to give it to her before?

She needed it to be the former and was inordinately pleased when she heard grudging respect, even a little excitement, in his response. “Sure,” he said. “I’d be willing to do that. I’ve been telling Josh that we need to get a Web site. And a trade won’t cost us much of anything.”

“Wonderful.” Covering her eyes with one hand, Katie breathed a sigh of relief. But her relief was short-lived. Outside, she heard a vehicle pull up and knew that Booker had finally come home.

“When can I move in?” she asked.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

Now all she had to do was figure out how to get back and forth to the doctor in Boise. Rebecca? Mona? “I’ll let you know,” she said and hung up just as Booker came through the door.

She turned, expecting him to say something, possibly even ask her who she was talking to so early in the morning, but he didn’t. Opening the cupboard, he pulled out the Tylenol and swallowed at least three tablets with one gulp of water.

Katie made fists inside the overlong sleeves of Booker’s sweatshirt. “Have a good time last night?”

Booker’s glance was brief, and he didn’t answer.

She took a deep breath. “That good, huh?”

Again, no answer. He started toward the stairs just as Delbert poked his head inside. “Booker?”

Booker winced as if Delbert’s overloud voice had cleaved his head in two. “Yes?”

“Aren’t we going to work today?”

“I just told you outside, we’re leaving as soon as I shower.”

“Oh, that’s right. Are you mad at me, Booker?” Delbert asked, looking worried. “Huh?”

A muscle jumped in Booker’s cheek, but his voice was low and calm. “No.”

“I’ll be waiting for you out here, then,” he said. “I’m ready whenever you are, Booker, okay? I’m all ready.”

With a slow and careful nod, Booker continued up the stairs.

WHEN BOOKER GOT OUT OF the shower, he found the sweats Katie had appropriated for her use folded neatly on his bed, which surprised him. She didn’t have any sweats of her own. Her old ones didn’t fit anymore, and her clothing budget hadn’t stretched to include such extras. If she was giving his back, what was she planning to replace them with?
