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A Forever Love

A Forever Love (Wanted #5)(39)
Author: Kelly Elliott

I thought about the biggest mistake of my life—pushing Garrett away. What if Garrett held it against me when I’d gone out with Michael that one time?

I slowly shook my head. “No, Mother, I wouldn’t. I’ll work at forgiving Margie.”

She smiled. “Now, let’s fix your makeup. You have a wedding to get to.”

I grinned as my mother fixed me up, and we made our way to Garrett’s hospital room. When I pushed open the door, my father and David were standing in the corner, talking to the justice of the peace. Julia was standing next to a sleeping Garrett. My heart broke in two. He was on so many pain medicines that he could hardly stay awake. As I made my way closer to him, he opened his eyes and looked at me. The smile that spread across his face caused me to suck in a breath.

“Em, you look beautiful,” he whispered.

I smiled and took his hand in mine as I leaned down. “I thought you were asleep,” I whispered against his lips. I gently kissed him.

“He hasn’t taken any pain medicine this morning,” Julia said with a sad face.

I snapped my head at Julia and then back at Garrett. “What?”

He gave me that crooked smile of his. “I didn’t want to fall asleep at my own wedding.”

I felt the tear slide down my face, and I quickly wiped it away. “Oh, Garrett, please take something for the pain. The ceremony is going to be quick.” I turned and looked at my father with pleading eyes. “Daddy.”

He nodded his head, and he was out the door faster than I’d ever seen him move.

When I turned back and looked at Julia, she mouthed, Thank you.

I nodded my head and peeked back down at Garrett.

“Em, I don’t—”

I leaned down and kissed him again. I pulled my lips back and said, “Shh…I love you, Garrett Mathews.”

My father walked back in and gave Garrett some pain medicine as my mother introduced me to the justice of the peace.

He smiled at me and asked, “Are you ready, Miss Birk?”

I nodded my head and walked over to stand next to Garrett. My heart was pounding a mile a minute. I couldn’t believe I was fixin’ to become Mrs. Garrett Thomas Mathews.

Garrett held my hand and quickly rubbed his thumb back and forth across my skin. Each movement left a trail of fire in its place.

As the justice of the peace started the ceremony, Garrett and I stared into each other’s eyes. I wasn’t even sure what all was being said. All I knew was that we were getting married, and there would be no more sneaking around. We were free to be with each other. I could now take care of Garrett and help him with his recovery—in more ways than one.

Garrett gave me a smirk and lifted his eyebrow at me. My face instantly turned red. He must have known what I was thinking.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride, Garrett.”

Garrett licked his lips, and my insides melted.

Oh, how I want him more than anything.

I leaned down, and Garrett slipped his hand through my hair. He held me close to him as we kissed. He moved his tongue along my lips, seeking entry, and I opened myself up to his passionate kiss. Soon, we were lost in each other…until I heard my father clear his throat. I smiled against Garrett’s lips and pulled slightly away.

“I love you, Emma Rose Mathews.”

My heart soared. “I love you more, Garrett.”

Emma stopped just short of the restaurant.

I turned and looked at her. “Em, what’s wrong?”

Her eyes filled with tears. “I said such horrible things to Marg. What if she doesn’t forgive me?”

I pulled her into my arms. “Trust me, Margie misses you like crazy. It’s been four months since you’ve seen her. Now, come on. They’re waiting inside.”

We were meeting Billy and Margie in Fredericksburg for dinner. It was the first time the girls would be seeing each other since the night of the fight. I was still having a hard time moving around, but I was slowly making a go of things.

As we walked in, I saw Billy stand up. He was grinning from ear to ear, and I couldn’t help but smile. We made our way to the table, and Margie jumped up.

“Emma Rose,” she whispered.

It didn’t take long before they were in each other’s arms. Billy and I both let out a sigh of relief.

Thank you, God.

They had both been so unhappy during the last few months.

Billy smiled and winked at me as he held out his hand. “How are you feeling, Garrett?”

“Sore still in my ribs, and my leg is giving me a bit of trouble, but other than that, I’m slowly getting back to it. You?”

His smile faded slightly before it came back. “I’m a hundred percent now.”

I nodded my head. “Good. I’m glad to hear that.”

We all took our seats, and within seconds, Emma let out a small scream. Everyone in the restaurant looked over at us.

Emma said, “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

I looked at Emma. She was staring down at Margie’s hand.

I snapped my head up and looked at Billy. “Congratulations, Billy! When did this happen?”

Margie and Emma were lost in conversation—something about dress shopping and where the wedding would be held. They were making my head spin.

“I asked her a month ago. She didn’t want me to tell you because she wanted to be the one to tell Emma.” Billy glanced over at the girls and smiled. “They seemed to have just fallen right back into place.”

I glanced over at the girls and smiled. I looked back at Billy.

He leaned back and asked, “So, when are y’all planning on having the wedding?”

Emma and Margie stopped talking, and they both turned to look at me.


Emma smiled as she gave me a wink. We hadn’t really talked about when we would reschedule the wedding. Our focus had mainly been on my slow recovery from all my broken bones and the work on the ranch.

I shrugged. “I guess that’s up to Em.”

“I’d like for Garrett to be fully recovered and for things to settle a bit since he is taking over more and more with the ranch.” She looked at Margie and took her hand. “Besides, we have another wedding to plan first.”

Margie wrapped Emma up in a hug, and both girls began crying. Finally, things were getting back to normal.

January 1962

I slowly made my way down to the barn. I was still trying to recover from the fight I had been in last summer, and my leg was giving me hell this morning. I glanced up and saw my father standing there.
