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A Gate of Night

A Gate of Night (A Shade of Vampire #6)(52)
Author: Bella Forrest

“Who’s with us now?”

“We have Cameron, Claudia, Gavin, Zinnia, Craig and Landis.”

“That’s it?”

“The humans who were left behind were either bled dry or turned into vampires. The vampires, on the other hand, I think they’re all vessels now. Xavier, Ashley, Yuri and Liana… they’re all vessels now.” Her voice broke, pain etched in her eyes.

I recoiled at the recollection of what the Elders had made Ashley do to the man she loved. “We’re dealing with monsters, Vivienne, but if we’re headed for hunters’ headquarters, I’m not sure we’re going to deal with creatures who are any better.”

I was expecting a question from the princess, but all she did was nod. “I know, but do we really have any other choice? Derek is set on attacking The Blood Keep to find Sofia. We can’t do that without the help of the hunters.”

“They won’t help us without anything in exchange. You realize that they may demand Derek’s loyalty.”

“You know my brother, Aiden. He’s never bowed to anyone before—not even the Elder. He’s ruler of The Shade for a reason. He won’t just pledge loyalty to the hunters.”

“Even for Sofia?”

Vivienne hesitated. “What else are we going to do?”

She was clearly fighting back the tears. I saw the exhaustion behind her distant blue-violet gaze. Vivienne Novak was one of the most resilient women I’d ever met, but it was clear that she was nearing her breaking point.

“Have a rest, Vivienne. It looks like you need it.”

“I’m going to check on my brother.” She gave me a curt nod and made her way out of the living area.

Zinnia and Craig were quick to approach me the moment she left. My eyes zoned in on the blue star on Craig’s temple. Something about it seemed innocent and playful—attributes that had become increasingly lost in our world.

“I never thought I would see the day when vampires would run to our headquarters for help,” Craig said quietly.

“Do you think Arron would even allow them to set foot in headquarters?” Zinnia mused.

“The only vampires here are Vivienne, Claudia, and Cameron—all three desperate to fight against the Elders in order to have their loved ones restored to their arms. They’re hardly our enemies. Arron would be a fool not to work with them.”

“Especially Derek Novak.”

I didn’t miss the hint of admiration in how Craig said the king of The Shade’s name. “Are you actually beginning to side with the Novaks, Craig?”

His eyes widened. “Of course not.” His denial came too quick. “Never. Still, being at The Shade, seeing how crazy things are for the vampires…”

“You’re not flaking on us, are you?” That was typical Zinnia, defensive of the hunters and whatever cause they were still fighting for, but even when she said it, there was a loss of edge to her loyalty and determination.

I could see it in the once ruthless hunters’ eyes. They were realizing that in the world we were moving in, nothing was black or white. The lines were getting blurry and it was difficult to tell which side we ought to stand on.

I, however, didn’t share their uncertainty. I had one goal in mind, and that was to get my daughter back.

Saving her was not going to be easy. I didn’t care. I would willingly give my life to secure my daughter’s future. If I had to sell my soul to the hunters to make that happen, I would do it.

When we arrived at hunters’ headquarters, I watched without saying a word as they cuffed the vampires with more force than was necessary, considering how none of the three were putting up a fight. I remained calm as one of my most trusted hunters, Julian, who was now apparently leading the hawks since my absence, faced me.

“I never thought I’d see you back here again, Reuben.”

“The name is Aiden. Aiden Claremont.”

“So I heard. I see you’ve brought us vampires. Influential ones at that.” His eyes focused on Vivienne and Claudia, his gaze lingering on the blonde more than the brunette. “Two of whom were once guests here already. What are they exactly, Aiden? Peace offerings?”

“No. They’re my friends and they will be treated as such, so I would appreciate it if you would unhand them at once.”

“And why on earth would we do that, Aiden? You’re no longer one of us. As far as we’re all concerned, you should be in cuffs too.” He eyed Zinnia and Craig who were both standing behind me. “Have you two betrayed the hunters too?”

I was expecting both hunters to adamantly deny the accusation. Instead, they just stood by me.

“None of us mean any harm toward the hunters—especially these two. They are hunters by heart and will always be hunters.”

“And you, Aiden? Are you no longer a hunter?”

“I’m a father whose daughter is about to give birth inside a sadistic evil creature’s castle. I want her out of there and you’re going to help us do it.”

“Help you? For what reason?”

“For one, how about the fact that apart from me, Zinnia and Craig, every hunter you sent to The Shade was either killed or turned into vampires by these Elders? Isn’t the lifeblood of this organization the desire for revenge? Why not redirect that revenge toward the original vampires—these Elders—and not just their mutations, the vampires we’ve always known and hunted?”

From the way Julian tensed, I could tell that we were getting to him.

“The Elders have taken over The Shade and that is something that none of us want. So, we’re here to offer up an agreement with Arron.”

“Arron? There’s no way we can get in touch with Arron.”

“Don’t play me for a fool, Julian.” I chuckled. “I know this organization far better than you ever will. I know how important the Novaks are to him. I know that he would want to be a part of this. Release Vivienne, Cameron and Claudia. Give us accommodations as guests of the hunters. Two witches—Corrine and Ibrahim—are also present, along with Derek Novak. I’m sure if you tell Arron all these things, he would be more than willing to discuss terms with us. Consider this a diplomatic visit.”

“A diplomatic visit from whom, Aiden? The vampires? There is no diplomacy between hunters and vampires.”

“No. This is a diplomatic visit from The Shade, from people who are loyal to loved ones, and no one else. We are rogues and if you play your cards well, you just might get us on your side. Don’t tell me that Arron or the seniors of this organization don’t want that.”
