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A Gate of Night

A Gate of Night (A Shade of Vampire #6)(57)
Author: Bella Forrest

Chapter 40: Sofia

Tonight was the night. I woke up in my bed, shaking, breaking out into a cold sweat. The night had been restless. My sleep was plagued with nightmare upon nightmare. My heart was pounding and my breaths came in pants.

I turned to my side and saw Shadow nearby, intimidating as he always was. “Is this really the right thing to do, Shadow?”

He sat to attention almost as if he understood what I asked him—like he tensed at the suggestion of what we were about to do. Our plan was insanity, and that was why I thought it would work.

They’d never see us pulling something so simplistic. The element of surprise is on our side.

I kept telling myself that by the end of the day, we would be out of that place and headed toward hunters’ headquarters where we could seek sanctuary, where I could give birth.

Still, there was a nagging feeling of foreboding inside. I felt a kick inside my belly and I held my breath. Please, please, don’t come now. Give Mommy more time. I was heavy with child and was due to give birth soon. That was why it was necessary to escape then, because if Eli and I waited any longer, I would have to give birth at The Blood Keep and that thought alone was the most terrifying thing I could think of happening.

I was certain that should I give birth at the Elder’s castle, I would never see my children again. I shuddered at the recollection of the Elder’s visit to my chambers and swore to myself that my children would live as far away as possible from evil like that.

This plan has to work. It just has to, I told myself for about the millionth time. I struggled to get out of the bed and up to my feet. I groaned. Who am I kidding? I can barely walk. Carrying twins was more difficult than I’d ever imagined it would be. I should be on bed rest or something, not planning an escape from a madman’s lair. I glanced at the dark creature that lay on the bed nearby. All our plans—all our hopes—hung squarely on one beast’s shoulders. A beast that still terrified me with just one of his yellow-eyed glares.

A knock on the door almost made me jump out of my skin.

Like clockwork.

I didn’t need to acknowledge the knock. The door swung open and Olga stepped in a few seconds later. The beautiful redhead smiled at me. I immediately noticed the bruise on her face.

“What happened?” I asked her. “Did I do something to displease Kiev? Why did he hit you?”

“It wasn’t your fault, miss,” Olga responded. “Mistress Clara paid him a visit last night.”

My stomach turned in knots. Clara was creepier than Kiev ever was—and Kiev already brought me more creeps than I could keep track of. “I’m so sorry.”

“I’m used to it. It will heal. I’m sure Master Kiev will allow me a drink of his blood. Now, shall we prepare your bath, miss? Sir Eli will be waiting at the gardens for your daily walk.”

“Please.” I nodded.

Olga assisted me toward the bathroom and helped me into the tub. She allowed me some privacy before returning to assist me in dressing. It was while I was dressing that Kiev entered the room. He sat on one of the couches, oblivious to my state of undress. In fact, the cad seemed to delight in watching me struggle to get dressed, needing Olga to support me.

Just think of it as him being relaxed, thinking that I couldn’t possibly escape given my current state. It was the only piece of comfort I could give myself given the awkward predicament I was in.

“You can barely move without help, Sofia,” he noted. “Perhaps a stroll around the gardens with your friend isn’t good for you. Maybe you should just be resting.”

My heart skipped a beat. Does he know? “I need the fresh air, Kiev. I enjoy the strolls. I think it’s good for the babies.”

Kiev didn’t seem pleased with my request. “I think you spend too much time with Eli.”

“The only times I spend with him are the times you allow me to, Kiev.” What is going on with him?

“Tell him this is the last time you’ll be spending time with him.”

Olga helped me pull a sweater over the light pink dress I was wearing. “Why? Have we done anything to displease you?”

“No.” Kiev shook his head, his bright red eyes sparkling with something akin to excitement. “We’re going tonight.”

“Going? You mean…”

“Yes. Tonight’s the night, Sofia.” He stood to his feet, seemingly pleased with himself. “Get ready.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Just be prepared to do whatever I tell you to.”

“Okay.” I nodded, paranoid over the coincidence that Kiev would schedule his escape on the same day Eli and I did. “Thank you, Kiev.”

He walked up to me and ran his hand over my belly. I tried to suppress a shudder at how he looked at my stomach. “You’re shaking.”

“I’m cold,” was the only excuse I could come up with. I wanted to get as far away from him as possible.

“Maybe this will warm you up.” He pulled me into a tight embrace. I could sense him breathing in my scent.

I forced myself to stop trembling. I was revolted by his touch. I couldn’t understand what he wanted with me. If he was so interested in me, then why hadn’t he just taken me to his bed when I’d willingly offered myself up to him out of desperation?

Kiev was a great unknown and what I didn’t know left me on edge. I was relieved when he finally let go of me.

“I’ll take you to the gardens.” He offered his arm and I linked mine with his, despite the fact that all I wanted was to be far from him.

Shadow followed behind us—at a distance, seemingly wary of Kiev ever since Kiev had clawed at the beast’s skin.

When I saw Eli waiting at the gardens, I was both relieved and mortified. I knew what we were about to do and the consequences should we fail.

“Eli.” I tried to smile.

“Pleasant evening to you, your highness,” he greeted. “Have you eaten yet?”

“Breakfast always comes after our stroll. You know that.” I couldn’t help but note the edge in Eli’s tone of voice. His asset had always been his brains and not his brawn. Should we be caught, there was no way he could defend me or even himself. Eli Lazaroff simply wasn’t a man of battle.

Kiev eyed the man from head to foot. “Don’t tire her. She needs rest. She’ll be giving birth soon.”

“Of course, sire.” Eli nodded. “I’ll see to it that she doesn’t overly exert herself.”
