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A Hunger Like No Other

A Hunger Like No Other (Immortals After Dark #2)(36)
Author: Kresley Cole

Which was the least he could do, since she’d finally made his life worth living.

Emma woke to the sound of bellowing and cracked open her eyes.

The headlights illuminated Lachlain shoving his shoulder into a massive gate, against the crest in the center. The raised seal was made up of two halves, one wolf on each side facing each other. The wolves were depicted as they might be in antiquity, showing the heads and forepaws, fangs and claws bared, ears forward. Great, Lykae-land. Not in Kansas anymore…

Lachlain was not making a dent in the metal, even with his strength. Mystically protected? Of course. Thank Freya he’d known better than to try to drive the car through.

She watched through heavy-lidded eyes as he prowled in the drizzle, raking his hand through his wet hair as he studied the gate. "How the f**k do I get in?" Once more he attempted to power it open, and once more a gut-wrenching bellow reverberated as if down a valley.

Should she tell him about the intercom? Could she physically? Just as she was debating it, the gate was opened by someone unseen.

Lachlain rushed back into the car. "We’re here, Emma!"

Though the heater ran full blast, and the seat warmer as well, she shivered in her damp clothes with a cold like she’d never known. When the gate clanged shut behind them, she rested her eyes, at last feeling safe. At least from more vampire attacks.

She was dimly aware that they drove and drove over a property that must be miles long. Finally Lachlain parked, and leapt out of the car to throw open the back door and draw her out. He held her close to his chest, hurrying into an entranceway that blazed with light, hurting her eyes. He bounded up the stairs, giving orders to some young man following in his wake.

"Bandages, Harmann. And hot water."

"Aye, my liege." He snapped his fingers, and Emma heard someone running to obey the command.

"Is my brother here?"

"No, he’s overseas. He…we thought you were dead. When you didn’t return and the searches came up empty – "

"I need tae speak with him as soon as possible. Doona tell the elders of my return yet."

Emma coughed, an ugly, rattling sound, and she realized she’d never fathomed what pain was. She willed herself not to look down at her chest.

"Who is she?" the young man asked.

Lachlain drew her in closer to him. "She’s her," he answered, as if that made any sense. To her, he said, "You’re safe, Emma. You’re goin’ tae be fine."

"But she’s…not a Lykae," the man said.

"She’s a vampire."

A strangled sound. "A-are you certain? Of her?"

"I’ve never been surer of anything in my life."

Her thoughts grew hazy, and blackness beckoned.

Lachlain carried her to his room, laying her in his ancient bed, the first woman he’d ever brought to it.

Harmann followed, then set about starting a fire. Lachlain might feel uneasy with the fireplace at his back, but knew Emma needed the warmth.

A maid swiftly returned with hot water, cloth, and bandages, and another two carried in their bags from the car. Then with pensive expressions, the maids left with Harmann so Lachlain could care for her.

Emma was still weak, in and out of consciousness as he stripped her damp clothing from her and bathed her wounds. Though she was visibly healing now, her fragile, soft skin was still ravaged between her br**sts down to her ribs. His hands shook as he washed her.

"That hurts," she rasped, flinching when Lachlain inspected her wounds a last time before bandaging her.

Relief washed over him. She could speak once more. "I wish I could take the pain for you," he grated. His own wounds were deep, yet he felt nothing. The idea of her suffering made his hands unsteady when he began rolling the bandage around her chest. "Emma, what made you run from them?"

Not opening her eyes, she murmured, "Scared."

"Why were you afraid?"

A small movement, as though she’d tried to shrug and failed. "Never seen a vampire."

He finished the binding and forced himself to tie it tight, wincing when she did. "I doona understand. You are a vampire."

Her eyes opened, but they were unfocused. "Call Annika. Number on medic card. Let her come get me." She grabbed his wrist, gritting the words. "Please let me go home…I want to go home…" then passed out.

As he tucked the blanket around her, he ground his teeth with frustration, not comprehending why her own kind would hurt her so. Not understanding why she would say she’d never seen a vampire.

She wanted him to call her family. Of course, he would never let her go back to them, but why not let them know that? Why not find out answers? He dug through her luggage, found the number for this Annika, then called for Harmann.

Minutes later, he was standing beside the bed, holding a telephone with no cord, ringing the United States.

A woman answered, "Emma! Is that you?"

"I have Emma with me."

"Who is this?"

"I am Lachlain. Who are you?"

"I’m the foster mother who’s going to annihilate you if you don’t send her home right now."

"Never going to happen. She stays with me from now on."

Something sounded like it exploded in the background, yet her voice was calm. "Scottish accent. Tell me you are not Lykae."

"I am their king."

"I hadn’t thought you would commit an outright act of aggression against us. If you wanted to rekindle a war, you’ve succeeded."

Rekindle? The Lykae and the vampires were at war.

"Know this. If you don’t free her, I will find your family, and I will sharpen my claws and peel them. Do you understand me?"

No. No, he didn’t at all.

"You can’t imagine the fury I will unleash on you and your kind if you hurt her. She is innocent of any crimes against you. I am not," she screamed.

He heard another woman in the background say softly, "Annika, ask him to speak with Emma."

Before she could ask, he answered, "She sleeps."

This Annika said, "It’s night there – "

From the background again: "Reason with him. Who could be monster enough to hurt little Emma?"

He had been.

"If you hate us, then bring the fight here, but that creature has never hurt any living thing. Send her home to her coven."

Coven? "Why is she afraid of vampires – ?"

"Did you let them get near her?" she shrieked, forcing him to hold the phone away from his ear. She sounded more furious that the vampires had gotten near Emma than she was about him having her.

The one with the reasonable voice said, "Ask him if he means her harm."
