Read Books Novel

A Want So Wicked

A Want So Wicked (A Need So Beautiful #2)(26)
Author: Suzanne Young

“Did you know that Marissa took off?” Bridget asks Abe, grabbing his arm for emphasis. “Craig thinks she left with a guy, but we haven’t seen her since the campsite. All of her stuff is gone from her apartment, too.”

“Really?” Abe says, surprised. “She didn’t tell anyone where she was going?”


My shoulders tense as a thought nags at the back of my mind, the idea that something horrible has happened to Marissa. “Do you think she’s okay?” I ask, butting into their conversation.

“Yes,” Abe answers automatically, not looking over.

Bridget scoffs at my concern. “She’s fine. She does this crap all the time. Abe, remember when she disappeared for a week last year? I had to step in and take over all of her shifts.”

“It’s true,” Abe says. “Marissa is unpredictable at best. We don’t worry about her little tantrums anymore.” Abe sounds calm, collected. His dark gaze reassures me.

Bridget giggles next to us. “I bet she was pissed about your new girlfriend here. Believe me, she doesn’t share. None of your girls do. We all just love to hate you.”

“I can be fun to despise,” he says evenly.

“Oh, I know.” Bridget grins. “You’re fun for a lot of things.”

I shift uneasily, embarrassment spreading as I realize I’m at a party with the town Casanova. I was stupid not to listen to Lucy’s gossip, even if she also told me to make out with him.

“It was wonderful seeing you, Elise,” Bridget calls out. “And Abe, find me later, okay? I’d like to have some of that fun we were talking about.”

But Abe doesn’t answer immediately. Instead he stares at Bridget until her face drains of color. “You’re making Elise uncomfortable,” he murmurs, his tone controlled. “That makes me uncomfortable.”

Bridget starts to apologize, but Abe raises his hand, cutting her off. “I know,” he says. “But you should get back to your party now, Bridget. You wouldn’t want it getting out of hand, not with the history this neighborhood has of gang violence.”

Bridget nods, and I’m suddenly struck with a worry—as if that was an actual threat, even though Abe didn’t necessarily say it that way. But the anxiety fades as Bridget rushes away without looking back at us.

When she’s gone, Abe turns to me. “If it helps, I never slept with her.”

My lips part to ask “Well, then what did you do with her?” but I stop myself. It was before I met him, possibly before I even moved here. It’s really none of my business, even if it makes me jealous—sort of.

“I’m sorry,” Abe says. “Maybe this party wasn’t a fantastic date idea. 7-Eleven might be more our speed.”

“You can’t help that you’re popular.”

“Ah,” he answers, as if discovering the problem. “Is this about my reputation? I assure you, the rumors are untrue.”

“Really?” I ask, turning to him.

He pauses. “No, they’re true. I lied. But that’s the past, Elise. If I’d known you were coming—” He stops, laughing to himself. “Let’s just say, you are exactly what I want. You’re everything I want. And I want you . . . right now.”

I’m unable to look away from him this time. Abe reaches over to brush a lock of my hair behind my ear, keeping his hand there.

“I should take you home,” he whispers. “Don’t you think so?”

Abe’s voice is like syrup—sticky and sweet—as it winds through me, clouding my judgment. All I can think is that he’s right. We should go home.

In the kitchen someone drops a bottle and when it smashes on the floor, the room erupts in cheers.

Words nag at my brain until I finally turn to Abe, putting my hand on his arm. “Do you want to come over?” I ask, feeling better the minute I say it. “My father’s working late and Lucy’s never there.”

“Why, Elise,” Abe says, grinning down at me. “I do think you have succumbed to my wooing.”

“Maybe,” I answer. “Or maybe I’d rather not be at the party of one of your exes.”

“That’s a good reason too.”

Abe leads me outside, and we walk down the driveway, his arm over my shoulders. I’m not sure why, but I just invited a boy back to my house. The idea of it fills me with all sorts of unease. But then I remind myself that it’s Abe—and that he is always a gentleman when it comes to me.

The house is dark when we walk in, and I practically dive for the lights. The idea of being alone with Abe is starting to intimidate me. I can’t believe I invited him back to my house. It’s so brazen.

“Soda?” I ask as he closes and locks the door.

Abe nods, and I walk into the kitchen, pulling open the fridge door. As I take out two cans, I also check my phone for missed calls from my dad or Lucy. Nothing.

On the couch, Abe is already clicking through the channels with the remote. I put a Coke in front of him, not sure if I should sit next to him. He seems to notice.

“Come here,” he says, patting the spot next to him. “I’ll be careful with you.”

I wait for him to laugh off the comment, but he doesn’t. I’m slightly perplexed as I ease down next to him. We’re quiet at first, the television silently showing a Project Runway rerun. Abe’s shoulder rests against mine, solid and warm. He shifts, turning toward me. “Elise,” he says softly. “Do you want to be with me?”

The question is blunt and I’m completely unprepared for it. My lips part, but no words come out. And although it feels almost cruel, I can’t respond. I don’t know the answer.

Abe swallows hard, the noise audible in the room. “I promise I won’t hurt you. Not if you stay with me.”

I’m surprised by his words, what they could possibly mean. But when I look at him, I get caught up in his dark gaze and feel myself drift away slightly.

“We belong together,” Abe says, drowning out my thoughts with his words, making them hard to sort out. “Why can’t you see that?” I don’t respond, struck silent. I can feel him—his desire. It’s like I can see inside his head and know that he’s been so lonely without me. He thinks I’m beautiful.

“I’m going to kiss you now,” he murmurs, and draws me to him, his mouth covering mine. His fingers knot in my hair, tipping my head back as he kisses my neck, breathing heavily in my ear. “Just say yes and we’ll be together. Just say yes.”
