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After the Darkness

"Of course not. Lenny was always much c-closer to me than to Andrew."

"So close that he gave your shares to Grace?"

A high-pitched whistle in John’s head was getting louder, like a boiling kettle.

"Where is it, John? Where’s the money? If you weren’t Lenny’s little dog, prove it."

The whistle was so loud, he thought his eardrums would shatter.


"I DON’T KNOW!" Slumped over the table, John Merrivale broke down in sobs. "For G-God’s sake, what’s the matter with you? I don’t know."

On the other side of the two-way glass, Angelo Michele turned to the psychologist.

"What do you think?"

"I think he’s telling the truth. He doesn’t know anything. When he saw that partnership document, it blew him away."

Angelo Michele nodded. I agree.

I wonder if that automaton Williams is having any more success with Grace?


Grace tried to focus. Still reeling from the shock of seeing Lenny’s body, she found it hard to remember where she was. The gruff, gray-haired man sitting opposite her was from the FBI. He’d arrested her as she left the morgue and driven her somewhere, but she couldn’t remember where, or how long it had taken. Now she was in a white, windowless room. Images of Lenny’s mutilated corpse flashed through her mind like a horror movie. The man kept talking.

"They’re dated June eighth."

Lenny’s skin, waxy and white, like the stuff that covers the skin of a newborn baby.

"Mrs. Brookstein, these documents prove that you knowingly made yourself a partner in Quorum International LLC, with a view to profiting illicitly from illegal trades, made between 2004 and 2009."

Lenny’s swollen finger, the skin bursting around his wedding ring.

"What do you know about the whereabouts of the profits from the following transactions: 2005, Innovation Management’s six-year fund of funds, executed in Grand Cayman?"

"I don’t know anything." Grace’s voice was barely a whisper.

Gavin Williams leaned across the table till his face was millimeters from hers. Grace smelled his sour breath. "Don’t lie to me, Mrs. Brookstein. You will regret it."

Grace looked up and saw the compassionless void in his eyes. A cold stab of fear ran through her. "I’m not lying."

"You were a partner in your husband’s fund."

"A partner? No. You’re mistaken. I was never a partner. I don’t know anything about business. It was Lenny and John."

"Do you deny this is your signature?"

Angrily, Gavin Williams shoved a piece of paper across the table. Grace recognized her own writing. But she couldn’t for the life of her remember what the document was, when she’d signed it or why. Lenny handled all of that.

"I don’t deny anything. I…I’m confused."

Gavin Williams was shouting. "Two thousand and five, Innovation, Grand Cayman!"

"I want my attorney present." Grace was shocked to hear the words come out of her own mouth. I sound like a bad episode of Law & Order.


"I…I said I need a lawyer."

Gavin Williams seethed with frustration. He’d hoped that by catching Grace at such a vulnerable moment, he’d be able to bully her into a confession, get her to break down. But if she wanted a lawyer, he could not deny her one. Bitch.

"Interview terminated. Turn off the tape."

With a look of disgust, Gavin Williams left the room.

THE FOLLOWING MORNING, NEWS OF GRACE Brookstein’s arrest and the recovery of Lenny Brookstein’s body was splashed all over the papers.

Honor Warner shook as she read the report. "They’ve found Lenny’s body."

"Yes, I know," said Jack, deadpan. "I can read."

"How can you be so calm about it? The FBI has arrested Grace. Have you seen the list of charges? The things they’re accusing her of: securities fraud, money laundering…Grace can barely add two plus two! What are we going to do?"

Jack smiled. "Do? We’re not going to do anything."

"But, Jack…"

"But Jack, what? We’re going to wash our hands of your little sister and walk away."

Honor looked horrified. Jack laughed at her.

"Oh, please. Don’t try to pretend to me that you care about Grace. It’s a little late for that, darling. Did you think I couldn’t see through you all these years?"

"What do you mean?"

"You think I don’t know how much you hate your sister? How much you’ve always hated her?"

Honor looked away, ashamed. It’s true. I do hate her. But to let her go to jail? She tried another tack. "All right. Let’s forget about Grace. What about us, Jack? If Grace goes on trial, there’ll be questions. Questions about Lenny’s business affairs, his associates, what happened the day he disappeared. What if the police find out?"

"They won’t."

"But what if they do?"

Jack looked at her coldly. "Do you want to be first lady, Honor?"

Honor did want it. More than anything.

"Do you want to see me in the White House?"

"Of course. You know I do."

"Then stop panicking. Keep your mouth shut and your head down. Lenny’s dead. He can’t hurt us anymore. But Grace could. God knows how much the old man may have told her."

Honor shivered. She hadn’t thought of that.

"Your sister going to jail could be the best thing to happen to us. Now pass me the coffee, would you? It’s getting cold."

MICHAEL GRAY WAS HORRIFIED WHEN HE heard the news. Instinctively he put his arms around Connie. "I’m so sorry, honey. Is there anything I can do?"
