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After the Darkness

"Of c-course I do, sweetheart. Of course I do."

When John heard the advice Kevin McGuire was giving Grace, he forced her to fire him on the spot.

"But Kevin’s an old friend," Grace protested.

"I daresay. But he’s talking nonsense. P-plead guilty indeed! That’s insanity. We need to get you Frank Hammond. He’s the best."

John was right, as usual. Frank Hammond burst into Grace’s life like a cyclone. From the moment she met him, Grace felt her hope returning. She began to see light at the end of the tunnel. Here, at last, was her champion, a strong man, an advocate, someone who believed her and would fight for her. Just being in Frank Hammond’s presence made Grace feel better.

She asked shyly, "What about bail? Do you think there’s any chance…?"

"I’ve already applied. The hearing’s tomorrow. I’m going to get you out of here."

"You do realize I…I don’t have any money. I can’t pay you."

Grace was embarrassed, but Frank Hammond was unfazed.

"Forget it. It’s taken care of. Now I want you to listen to me. Can you do that?"

Grace nodded.

"Forget about the charges against you. Forget about the trial, forget about what people out there are saying. It’s my job to straighten all that out. Understood?"

"Understood." He’s so reassuring. I feel like I’m talking to Lenny.

"Your job is to hold on tight to the truth. You did not steal any money. Lenny did not steal any money. The fact that a whole bunch of money has gone missing means that someone must have stolen it. Whoever that person is framed you and your husband. That’s our case."

"But who would do that?"

Frank Hammond smiled, revealing a row of jagged, yellowing, old man’s teeth. Clearly he did not spend any of his astronomical fees at the dentist’s office.

"Who would steal seventy billion dollars? Ninety-nine percent of Americans, if they thought they could get away with it."

"All right, then. Who did steal it?"

"I have no idea. It doesn’t matter. All we need to do is establish reasonable doubt. The D.A. has to prove that you and your husband were responsible."

Grace was silent. After a few moments, she asked, "Mr. Hammond, do you believe my husband killed himself?"

Frank Hammond looked his client directly in the eye. "No, Mrs. Brookstein. I do not."

From that moment on, Grace knew she could trust Frank Hammond implicitly. He’s going to win the case. He’s going to set me free. And when he does, I’m going to find out who stole that money and clear Lenny’s name.

Chapter Nine

GRACE BROOKSTEIN PLAYED WITH THE BUTTONS on her Chanel boucle jacket as the jury filed back into Court 14. She was nervous, but not about the verdict. She knew she would be found innocent. Frank Hammond had told her so.

"Just do exactly what I tell you, Grace, and leave the rest to me. The jury will acquit you."

When Frank spoke, it was like listening to the voice of the prophet. Grace had followed his instructions to the letter, even down to her courtroom attire.

"It’s not your job to look contrite. You’re innocent. I want you to walk into that courtroom proudly, with your head held high. Remember, you’re representing Lenny as well as yourself."

Lenny. Darling, Lenny. Are you watching, sweetheart? Are you proud of me?

No, Grace’s nerves were not about the verdict. They were about what would happen once the case was over. How am I going to find out who framed Lenny? So far the FBI had conspicuously failed to track down more than a few million of the missing Quorum money. If they can’t find that money, what hope do I have? But she had to do it. She had to clear Lenny’s name. He’d been gone six months now. It was already December, almost Christmas. My first Christmas as a widow. Despite being Jewish, Lenny had always loved Christmas, the present giving, the parties. He had such a generous spirit.

The judge’s voice sounded distant, unreal. He addressed the foreman of the jury.

"Have you reached your verdict?"

I suppose I’ll spend Christmas with the Merrivales.

Christmas was a time for family, but both Grace’s sisters had let her down badly. Neither of them had called or visited since she’d been arrested. Grace had half hoped, half expected to see them in the public gallery when the trial started, but Connie and Honor were both conspicuous by their absence.

Once I’m found innocent, I’m sure they’ll come back to me. When they do, I’ll forgive them. I’m going to need their support if I’m going to put things right. If I’m going to find out who really stole that money. Who framed my darling Lenny.

The foreman looked at Grace and smiled. Grace smiled back. He seemed like a nice man.

"How do you find the defendant, on the charge of securities fraud?"


District Attorney Angelo Michele punched the air. So there wasn’t a strategy! Big Frank Hammond just screwed this thing up. He’s not so invincible after all.

Grace started to feel the first stirrings of panic. She looked at Frank Hammond, but his eyes were fixed on the judge.

"And on the charge of money laundering?"


No! I’m not guilty. This is a mistake! I did everything Frank told me to.

"On the charge of perjury…wire fraud…mail fraud…"

The words tore into Grace like razor blades.


"This is wrong! Please, Your Honor. This is all a mistake. I’m innocent and so is my husband! We were framed!"

The boos and catcalls from the public gallery were so deafening, Grace could barely hear her own words. It took a full minute for the judge to restore order. When he did, he turned to Grace with chilling anger.

"Grace Brookstein. Between you, you and your husband robbed your investors of an almost unimaginable sum of money. The human suffering brought about by your actions has been profound. Yet at no point have you shown the slightest remorse. You seem to have taken a view that because of your privileged position in society, the laws of this great nation do not apply to you. They do."
