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After the Darkness

"I tried to. I was blocked. My superiors were more interested in capturing you than in finding out the truth about Quorum, or what may have happened on that boat."

"But you’re different. That’s what you want me to believe, right? That you’re a lone warrior for truth."

"Look, I don’t blame you for distrusting me. But I don’t have time to convince you. In a few hours, the powers that be are gonna take you away from here. We may never get another opportunity to speak to each other. This is our last chance, your last chance. Tell me what you know."

"What I know?" Grace laughed bitterly. "I don’t know anything anymore. Everything I thought I knew turned out to be a lie. I thought I was rich, but it turned out I had nothing. I thought the courts would protect the innocent, but they sent me to jail. I thought my friends and family loved me, but they were nothing but a pack of vultures. I thought Lenny died in an accident. I thought he was a faithful husband. I thought…I thought he loved me."

Tears rolled down her cheeks. Without thinking, Mitch walked around the interview table and put his arms around her. She was so tiny, so vulnerable. He was overwhelmed with an urge to protect her, to rescue her.

"I’m sure Lenny loved you," he whispered, stroking her newly shorn, white-blond hair. "People have affairs. They’re weak. They make mistakes."

He told her how close he’d come to catching her at Jasmine Delevigne’s apartment.

"Was that why you tried to kill yourself? Because of Connie and Lenny?"

"No!" Grace said hotly. "And I didn’t try to kill myself. I – " She broke off. She wanted to tell him about the abortion, about the rape, about all of it, but she didn’t have the words.

Mitch said, "He broke it off with Connie, you know. Before he died. Your sister was blackmailing Lenny, threatening to tell you about their affair. He’d already paid fifteen million into an offshore account for her, but Connie was squeezing him for more."

"Was she? How do you know?"

"She told me herself. Bragged about it, if you must know. The point is, Lenny was desperate not to hurt you, Grace. Not to lose you. He regretted what happened, I’m sure of it."

Grace closed her eyes and succumbed to the comfort of Mitch’s arms around her. It had been so long since she’d had intimate contact with another human being. So long since she’d felt kindness, warmth, affection. That’s all this is, she told herself firmly. Affection. A moment’s break in the battle. In another life, another world, things might have been different. As it was…

There was a knock on the door.

"Sorry, boss." The officer was hesitant. He liked Mitch and hated being the bearer of bad news. "Dubray says you’ve got five minutes. We got orders direct from Washington. The prisoner’s being transferred out of state."

When he’d gone, Mitch clasped Grace’s hand. There was a connection between them. He could see she felt it, too. "Talk to me."

Grace told him everything she knew. When she was done, Mitch said, "You realize who’s left, don’t you? If Andrew Preston and Jack Warner and your sister Connie are all innocent?"

Grace sighed. "John Merrivale. But it wasn’t him."

"You sound very sure."

"I suspected John from the beginning. I know he set me up at my trial, and who knows, maybe he took that money. But he couldn’t have killed Lenny."

"Why not?"

"He was in Boston the day Lenny took the boat out. Davey checked out his alibi months ago."

"Yes, so did I." Mitch looked thoughtful. He remembered his lunch with John Merrivale, the way his speech impediment had magically disappeared when he spoke about the day Lenny Brookstein disappeared. "Still. There’s something not right about that man."

Grace stared blankly at the door. Mitch thought, She doesn’t care anymore. She’s given up. When she spoke, there was neither fear nor curiosity in her voice. "Do you know where they’re taking me?"

"No. But I’ll find out." Once again Mitch found himself gripped with the urge to rescue her. What was it about this woman that brought out his inner knight in shining armor? "I’ll do my best to help you, Grace. Get you a decent lawyer, begin an appeal."

"I don’t want any of that."

"But you have to…"

She looked him in the eye. "If you want to help me, find out who murdered my husband. I don’t think you’ll ever be able to clear his name of the Quorum fraud. But I’d like people to know Lenny wasn’t a coward. That he didn’t kill himself."

"I’ll try. But, Grace, even if I succeed, Lenny’s dead. You’re alive. You have your whole life ahead of you. You must get a new lawyer. You must appeal."

The officer reappeared, along with two more armed officers and a dour-faced man in a suit. CIA? FBI? "Time to go."

Grace stood up. Impulsively, she kissed Mitch on the cheek.

"Forget about me."

Mitch watched the men take her away. After she’d gone, he stood in the empty interview room for a long time.

Forget about you.

If only I could.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

MARIA PRESTON TOSSED BACK HER LONG mane of chestnut hair and admired her reflection in the rearview mirror. She had the skin of a woman ten years younger, and she knew it. This afternoon, her creamy-white complexion was flushed and glowing, a testament to the three hours she’d just spent in bed with her lover. What a joy it was to be with a man who appreciated her! Maria had been with scores of men, many of them more technically proficient at lovemaking than her current paramour, and almost all of them more physically attractive. But woman could not live on six-pack abs alone. There came a point in her life when she needed more. Power. Maria Preston’s lover was a powerful man, a man of influence. Not like Andrew.
