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After the Game

Her eyes filled with tears, and she took a step toward me. This was what I wanted. Her close to me. “I do love you. I hate that you think I don’t.”

I sighed and pulled her the rest of the way to me. “I didn’t mean it. I was upset and scared.”

She curled into me and laid her head on my chest. “I can come to your games and during your off-season you can come here on some weekends. We can make it work. It doesn’t matter where you are. I will always love you.”

I pressed a kiss to her temple and closed my eyes. I would love her until the day I died. I didn’t question that. She was my piece in this world. The piece that completed me.

“One day I’ll ask you to marry me,” I told her.

“And one day I’ll say yes,” she replied.

For now, that was enough.
