Read Books Novel

After the Game

Riley looked even more terrified than she had when I first saw her. “She’s not there,” she said, her gaze darting to West then back to me.

“Mr. Hart is looking around for her too. He’ll have the whole town aware she’s missing in no time. Have you told your mom?”

She shook her head. “No. I left my phone at the house because I was in such a big rush.”

I slid my phone out of my pocket and handed it to her. “You’d better call.”

She took the phone, then I turned back to West. “Go check the post office and ask at the pharmacy,” I told him.

He nodded and turned to jog toward the main street.

“Why’s he here?” she asked, frowning.

“He stopped to help.”

She looked as surprised as I had been. I had a feeling Maggie was to thank for his help. The West before Maggie wouldn’t have stopped. He’d have told me I was an idiot and gone to practice.

“Mom, it’s me. I’m using Brady’s phone. No, he’s not at the house. No, I’m not. That’s the thing. No. Just listen. She’s missing, Mom. I woke up before seven and the front door was open.” Tears filled her eyes. “And we’re looking for her.”

She sniffled and wiped at the tears beginning to roll down her face. “Yes. The park, the grocery, and West is checking the post office and the pharmacy.”

She paused and her gaze jerked back up to meet mine. There was hope there. “I hadn’t thought of that. We’ll go there now. Okay, I will.”

She hung up and handed me the phone. “The church. She went missing once before, right after we moved back here. It was when we realized she could never be left alone. She went to the church, then forgot where she was and why she was there.”

She began pushing the stroller and running again.

“You run and I’ll push the stroller. We will follow,” I told her, knowing she needed to get to the church.

“Thank you,” she said as she bent down to kiss Bryony on the head and told her to be good and that she’d be right ahead of us.

She was off sprinting toward the small Baptist church in town. It was one of three churches. At least they knew which church to check. I followed quickly behind her, hoping we found her grandmother and she was all right.

You Do Remember Who I Am, Right?



Her white hair was the first thing I saw as I ran up the church steps. She was out at the cemetery to the left of the building. I turned and made my way back down the steps and out to where she was wandering around. The relief at seeing her made my eyes fill up with more tears. My heart was still racing, and I doubted that would slow down quickly.

“Grandmamma,” I called out, not wanting to startle her.

She paused and looked up at me, her eyes full of the confusion I so often saw there. She didn’t respond but continued to watch me.

“Grandmamma, what are you doing?” I asked, careful not to scold her for leaving the house because the doctors said she wouldn’t understand when she did something wrong or remember it next time.

“I think . . . ,” she began, then trailed off and let her gaze scan the graves around her like she wasn’t sure what she thought.

“Did you get lost?” I asked trying to sound casual and not frantic.

She turned back to me and nodded.

“Well, good news is I’m here to take you home. Mom will be here in just a minute and she’ll give us a ride. Then I can make you some breakfast. Don’t you want something to eat? You’ve got to be starving.”

Again she nodded.

I heard Bryony call, “Momma,” from behind me and I let out another sigh to try and calm myself before turning to her and Brady. I owed him a big thank-you for helping. It wasn’t expected.

“The baby’s here,” Grandmamma said.

“Yes, she’s here too.”

“She needs to eat breakfast. I was going to fix her oats and strawberries,” Grandmamma said.

“That’s a good idea. We need to get home first, though.”

Brady and Bryony stopped beside me, and I smiled at him. “Thank you for your help. She’s okay,” I told him, although that was kind of obvious.

He nodded. “I’m glad. I’ll go tell West. Do you need a ride or anything?”

I shook my head. “Mom’s on her way.”

“Okay. Well, I’ll see you around,” he said, then gave my grandmother a smile before leaving us there and heading back toward town and his truck.

“Bye-bye,” Bryony called out after him.

He paused, then turned back and flashed her with a grin that I will admit was hard not to get a little fluttery over. Then he waved at her before once again walking away.

“Why are we here?” Grandmamma asked me.

“I think you must have come out for a morning walk and didn’t tell me. We don’t need to do that anymore. If you want to walk, I will go with you,” I told her, knowing that was pointless. She’d forget this happened any minute now.

“Go to pawk.” Bryony added her suggestion with a clap of her hands. She’d not been happy that we had gone to the park and not stayed.

“Later today. First we have breakfast to cook. Aren’t you hungry?”

That got her attention. She nodded her head just as Mom pulled up.

* * *

I didn’t let Grandmamma out of my sight for the rest of the morning. From now on, Mom agreed she’d make sure I was awake and out of bed before she left the house. By the time I was able to take Bryony to the park I was so emotionally exhausted that all I did was sit and watch her play. I normally played with her, but today I didn’t have it in me. I just needed to sit and stare.

Several things had been running through my head since this morning’s scare. First of all, Brady helping me like he did. I had said I didn’t need a friend, but today I’d needed one, and he had come through.

Second, the fact that West had jumped in to help. West Ashby wasn’t known for his chivalry. I wasn’t sure what had gotten into him. I knew Brady had power with the football team, but from what I remember, West Ashby wasn’t one to easily be swayed. He hated me. Just like the rest of Lawton High School.

And this town.

Bryony had taken a liking to Brady. That wasn’t unusual, though. She liked just about everyone. Still, hearing her tell him bye today had struck a chord with me. Could I be friends with him? Did he actually want that? Did I actually want that?

“How are things at home? Is your grandmother okay after this morning’s excitement?” Brady’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

I blinked several times to get out of the trance I had been in, then turned my head back to look up at him. “She’s good,” I replied, not realizing Brady had walked up to the bench I was sitting on.

He glanced over at the slide where Bryony was playing. “I think she enjoyed the outing this morning, at least.”

She had. Bryony had seen it as one big adventure. “It was a game of hide-and-seek for her,” I agreed.

He shifted his feet, and the awkward silence that fell made me once again question what he was doing here. Had he come looking for me? It was after school, but I assumed he would have practice.

“So are you coming to the game Friday night?” he asked.

Was he an idiot? “Um, no,” I said. “You do remember who I am, right?”

He sighed and tucked his hands in his pockets. “It’s been two years. Things have changed at the Lawton house.”
