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All Or Nothing

All Or Nothing (The Alpha Brotherhood #2)(10)
Author: Catherine Mann

“Thanks,” he said, cupping her face in a warm palm for an instant before straightening. At the last second, he glanced back over his shoulder. “I didn’t think it was possible, but you look even more beautiful than the night we saw La Bohème.”

Her mouth fell open.

The reference to that incredible night had been no accident. Conrad had known exactly what he was doing. No doubt, her savvy husband had planned his every move all day with the express purpose of turning her inside out. The only question that remained?

Had he done so just for the satisfaction of turning her down again? Or did he want to ensure she wouldn’t back away at the last second?

Either way, two could play that game.


Conrad downshifted his Jaguar as he took the curve on the coastal road, Jayne in the passenger seat.

After the concert ended, he’d sent Troy and Hillary off in the limo, his Jaguar already parked and waiting for the next part of his plan to entice Jayne. She’d always loved midnight rides along the shore and since neither of them seemed able to sleep much, this longer route home seemed the right idea for his campaign to win her over.

When he took her back to the penthouse, he wanted to make damn sure they were headed straight for bed. Or to the rug in front of the fireplace.

Hell, against the wine rack was fine by him as long as he had Jayne naked and in his arms. The day apart after the fireworks last night seemed to have worked the way he’d hoped, giving the passion time to simmer. Even after three years away from each other, he understood the sensual side of her at least.

He glanced over at her, moonlight casting a glow around her as she toyed with her loose blond hair brushing her shoulders. His fingers itched to comb through the silky strands. Soon, he promised himself, looking back at the winding cliff road. Very soon.

She touched his arm lightly. “Are you sure you wouldn’t rather visit with Malcolm tonight?”

Instead of being with her?

Not a chance.

“And steal Malcolm away from his groupies?” He kept his hand on the gearshift, enjoying the feel of her touch on him. Too bad the dash lights shone on her empty ring finger. “Even I wouldn’t be that selfish.”

“If you’re certain.” Her hand trailed away, searing him with a ghostly caress.

His hand twitched as he shifted into fourth. He winced at the slight grind to the finely tuned machine. “We had a chance to shoot the breeze this afternoon with Troy.”

“Malcolm seems so different when he’s away from the spotlight.” She stretched her legs out in front of her, kicking off her silvery heels and wriggling her painted toes under the light blast of the heater. “It’s difficult to reconcile the guy in holey blue jeans jamming on the guitar in your living room to the slick performer in suits and ties, crooning from the piano.”

“Whatever gets the job done.” He forced his eyes back on the road before he drove them over a cliff. “You and Hillary seem to have hit it off.”

“I enjoyed the day with her, and it was nice to have another woman’s opinion when I picked out which dress to wear tonight.” She trailed her thumb along her bared collarbone, her black wrap having long ago slipped down around her waist.

The silver gown glistened in the glow of the dash, all but begging him to pull over and devote his undivided attention to peeling off the fitted bodice….

Eyes on the road.

He guided the Jag around another curve, yacht lights glinting on the water far below.

She angled her head to the side. “What are you thinking about?”

Nuh-uh. Not answering that one. “What are you thinking about?”

“Um, hello?” She laughed dryly. “Exactly what you intended for me to think about. The night we went to see La Bohème.”

How neatly she’d turned the tables on him.

He liked that about her, the way she took control, too, which reminded him of how she’d seduced him in his favorite chair once they’d gotten home from La Bohème. “That was a, uh, memorable evening.”

“Not everything about our marriage was bad,” she conceded.

“Italian opera will always hold a special place in my heart.”

Except he’d thrown out that damn chair when she left, then found he had to pitch most of the rest of his furniture as well, including the dining-room table, which also held too many sensual memories of her making her way panther-style toward him with a strawberry in her mouth. The only place they’d never made love was in that tomato-red room since she’d said it was meant for guests, which somehow made it off-limits for sex.

She inched her wrap back up and around her shoulders, the night having dipped to fifty degrees. “I thought Don Giovanni was your favorite opera.”

“The story of a hero landing in hell for his sins?” Appropriate. “A longtime favorite. Although I’m surprised you remember that I liked it.”

“You remembered that I prefer cream cheese pastries and chocolate mint tea for breakfast.”

He’d made a mental note of many things she liked back then, working his ass off to keep her happy as he felt their marriage giving way like a sandy cliff. “We were together for four years. I intended to be with you for the rest of my life.”

“And you think I didn’t?” Pain coated her words, as dark as the clouds shifting over the stars. “I wanted to build a family with you.”

Another of her dreams he’d crushed. The ways he’d failed this woman just kept piling on, compacting his frustration until he was ready to explode.

Not trusting himself to drive, he pulled off the road and into a deserted rest area. He set the emergency brake and wished the anger inside him was as easy to halt. Anger at himself. “I gave you a puppy, damn it.”

“I wanted a baby.”

“Okay…” He angled toward her, half hoping she would slap his face, anything but stare at him with tears in her eyes. “Let’s make a baby.”

She flattened her hands to his chest, hard, stopping just shy of that slap he’d hoped for. Although a telltale flex of her jaw relayed her rising temper. “Don’t you dare mock me or my dreams. That’s not fair.”

“I’m very serious about being with you.”

“So you stay away from me all day?” she shouted, her fingers twisting in the lapels of his tuxedo. “You stay away for three whole years?”

Her question stopped him cold. “That bothered you?”

“For three years you ignored my attempts to contact you.” She shoved free and leaned against the door, arms crossed under her br**sts, which offered too beautiful a view. “Did you or did you not manipulate me on purpose today?”
