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All Or Nothing

All Or Nothing (The Alpha Brotherhood #2)(32)
Author: Catherine Mann

“Jayne, the front door’s that way.”

“And the exterior shower is this way.” She walked backward, pulling him with her. “Unless there’s some reason we should stay inside? I figured since we walked around the grounds earlier, the security system outside is as good as inside.”

“You are correct. I wouldn’t have built an outdoor shower if it wasn’t safe to use it. No one can get within a mile of this place without my knowing about it.” He reassured her with a fierce protectiveness in his voice and eyes.

The magnitude of that comforted her and unsettled her at the same time. She was a dentist’s kid from Miami. Prior to meeting Conrad, the extent of her security knowledge included memorizing the pin code for the security box on the garage leading into her condo.

She shoved aside distracting thoughts and focused on the now. Seducing Conrad. She pulled a condom from her purse and tucked it into his hand. “And that takes care of our last concern.”

He flipped the packet between his fingers. “You were planning this all day?”

“Actually—” she tossed aside her purse “—I intended to get you to pull over on a deserted side road—since this whole place is essentially deserted that wouldn’t have been tough—and I would seduce you in the car. Since the Land Cruiser is conveniently roomy, we would finish off the fantasy we started in the Jaguar in Monte Carlo.”

He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “Do you want to go back to the car?”

“I want you. In the shower. Now.”

He hooked his thumbs in her jeans. “Happy to accommodate.”

She grabbed the hem of her T-shirt and peeled it over her head, baring her white lacy bra. Late afternoon rays heated her skin almost as much as his eyes as she toed off her canvas loafers. The gritty earth was warm beneath her feet, pebbles digging into her toes.

Her hands fell to her belt buckle, and she unfastened her jeans, never taking her eyes from his sun-burnished face. She wriggled denim down her hips, enjoying the way his gaze stroked along each patch of revealed flesh. One last shimmy and she kicked aside her jeans, grateful she’d invested in new satin and lace lingerie before this trip.

That panty set forced her to admit she’d been hoping for just this when she’d come to Monte Carlo to deliver her five-carat ring and divorce papers. Deep in her heart, she’d hoped he would tear up the papers and slide the ring back on her hand.

Life was never that clear-cut. Today’s answers had shown her more than ever how far more complex the situation—and her husband were.

But one thing was crystal clear. She had amazing lingerie and her husband’s interest. And she intended to enjoy the hell out of their afternoon together.

She teased the front clasp open and tossed her bra aside. The extravagant scrap of satin and lace landed on top of her jeans. After they’d met in Miami, he’d rented a yacht to live on while he concocted business reasons to stay in town. Even though she’d been tempted to sleep with him from the first date, she’d held back, overwhelmed by his wealth, concerned about his past. But two months into the relationship, she couldn’t ignore her heart any longer. She’d fallen irrevocably in love with him.

They’d made love on his yacht that night. They’d eloped four weeks later.

Memories of the optimism of that day and the heartbreak that followed threatened to chill her passion. She refused to let that happen, damn it.

Turning toward the shower, she called over her shoulder, “Someone’s way overdressed for this party.”

His eyes took on a predatory gleam, and he walked toward her, taking off his jeans and boxers with a speed and efficiency that sent a thrill of anticipation through her.

He stalked toward her, his erection straining hard and thick up his stomach. She reached behind her, her fingers grazing along the teak cubicle until she found the latch. She pulled the door open.

The slate tile floor cooled her feet after the scorched earth outside. She turned on the shower just as Conrad filled the entrance with his big, bold presence. The spray hit her in a cold blast, and she squealed, jumping back.

Laughing, Conrad stepped deeper inside, hooking an arm around her waist and hauling her against the delicious heat of his body until the spray warmed. She arched up on her toes to meet his kiss, water slicking over her skin in thousands of liquid caresses. She knew they couldn’t continue like this forever. They were merely delaying the inevitable decision on where to take their relationship next.

That only made her all the more determined to indulge in every moment now. She scored her nails lightly down his back, down to his hips, her fingers digging into his flanks to urge him closer. The rigid press of his arousal against her stomach brought an ache and moisture between her thighs that had nothing to do with the sheeting water.

He caressed her back, her br**sts, even her arms, the rasp of his callused fingertips turning every patch of her skin into an erogenous zone. One of his hands fell away, and she moaned against his mouth.

“Patience,” he answered, his hand coming back into sight cupping a bottle of shampoo.

He raised his arm and poured a stream onto her head before setting aside the bottle. Suds bubbled, dripping, and she squeezed her eyes shut a second before he gathered her hair and worked up a lather. Pure bliss.

The firm pressure of his fingers along her scalp was bone melting. She slumped against the sleekly varnished walls. With her eyes closed, her world narrowed to the sound of the shower, the wind, the distant cackle of monkeys, a natural symphony as magnificent as any opera.

Certainly Conrad played her body well, with nuances from his massage along her temples to the outlining of her ears. Bubbles rolled down her body, slithering over her br**sts and between her legs. She rubbed her foot along the back of his calf, opening her legs wider for the press of his erection against the tight bud of nerves already flaming to life. Each roll of her hips, each thrust of his fingers into her hair took her higher, faster.

The pleasures of the whole incredible day gathered, fueling the tingling inside her. He’d always been a generous lover and their chemistry had been explosive from their first time together. She opened her eyes and found him watching her every reaction.

Time for her to take him.

She scooped the bar of soap from the dish and worked up a lather. He lifted an eyebrow a second before she used her hands as the washcloth over his chest, down his sculpted arms and down to stroke his erection, cupping the weight of him in her hands. He twitched in her clasp, bracing a hand against the shower wall.
