Read Books Novel

All the Pretty Lies

All the Pretty Lies (Pretty #1)(17)
Author: M. Leighton

“No offense, but why don’t you just move out?”

Sloane sighs. “It’s not that easy. There are things…well, it’s just not that easy. Trust me.”

Everyone has a right to their secrets and their privacy. I, of all people, believe that wholeheartedly, so I don’t press her.

“Okay, well how about this. Let’s find a hotel and at least get you someplace where you can rest and I can get some vinegar on this thing. That way you won’t have a miserable car ride and an unsavory family run-in today. You can tell your family that you’re with a friend, and that you’ll be home tomorrow. Sound plausible?”

I see as much as feel her exhale. Her smile is relieved. “That sounds great.”

I exhale, too. “Okay, first things first. Let’s get off the beach and go across to Savannah and find a place to hole up for the night. Then we’ll go from there. Cool?”

“Cool,” she repeats.

I throw all our stuff in her bag—clothes, shoes, sunscreen, my sunglasses.

“Shit! I must’ve dropped your glasses. I don’t have ‘em.”

“That’s fine. They were cheap. And I guess I can let you off the hook since you were trying to rescue me and all.”

“How kind of you,” I reply drolly. “I’ll buy you another pair before we leave.”

“That’s really not necessary.”

“Maybe not, but I will anyway.”

I throw her bag over my shoulder and start to reach for her.

“I can walk,” she says, rolling to her feet and dusting sand off her butt. She turns around and grabs her towel to shake it out, but I notice the frown she’s wearing.

“What? Something else is wrong. What is it?”

She shrugs and shakes her head, a clear indication that I’m right.

“It’s just that…I don’t really have…”

“Just tell me,” I prompt when she keeps stammering.

“I wasn’t expecting to be getting a room, so I didn’t really bring that much money with me. And my card—”

“Hey, this was my idea. You wouldn’t even be here if I hadn’t suggested we come to the beach.”

“But you wouldn’t have suggested it if I hadn’t asked you to teach me about tattooing.”

I can see that she’s genuinely bothered by having to admit the money thing.

“Do you know how many other ways we could’ve done this? I wanted to get you in a bikini. So sue me.”

I see the smile play at the corners of her sexy mouth. Makes me want to rewind to when I was just about to taste them again in the water.

“You’re just—”

“I’m a guy. I like looking at your body. This is my penance. Let’s just leave it at that, okay?” She doesn’t look convinced. “God! Stop beating me over the head with it! I said I was sorry! What do I have to do to make it up to you? Put you up for the night? Tend your wounds? Help you get ready for bed? Make sure you get all the important places washed in the shower?” I sigh dramatically. “Fine. Damn! I’ll do it. Just stop talking about it already. Shit, woman!”

Sloane laughs and I hold out my arm for her to lean against as we walk. I doubt she’ll take any more charity from me at the moment, so I won’t offer to carry her.

Even though I wouldn’t mind.

It’ll be a long time before I can get the feel of her pressed up against me out of my mind. In the meantime, tonight is liable to be pure hell.


Not that I needed any more reasons to be enchanted by Hemi, but being on the receiving end of his careful attentions and seeing him take charge really adds another dimension to his appeal. And there was a whole lot of appeal there to begin with!

On the way to Savannah from Tybee, he pulled off at a huge convenience station, where he bought a bottle of vinegar and a box of baking soda. When I asked what they were for, he just muttered, “Don’t ask.” He also bought me a Coke and a Snickers, a combination that I was fond of before and now find nearly intoxicating. Even though I’m not sure why and I’m pretty sure it’s stupid to feel that way.

Now, I’m sitting in the car on the street in front of what looks like a mansion. It’s actually a posh hotel with a rich sunset-colored brick exterior, intricately carved moldings and a whimsical spire that looks perfectly at home with a horse-drawn carriage parked outside. If I had to guess, the building is probably some sort of historic landmark. It sits right on Forsyth Park, so waiting for Hemi to get us registered is hardly a chore.

I’ve already called Sarah to let her know she’ll have to extend her part in my cover story until morning. She squealed and started to launch into a hyper inquisition about whether or not I was planning to sleep with Hemi. “Sarah,” I said, interrupting her. “I’ve been stung by a jellyfish and I’m a mess. I seriously don’t think this is the best way to lose my virginity.” She was disappointed, but she agreed to go along with my ruse. Then I called Dad, who sounded a bit suspicious, but didn’t press me, which was a surprise.

So now, I’m people watching. As they walk by, I find myself wondering whether or not they have tattoos. It doesn’t take me long to realize that Hemi has completely invaded my brain. But if I’m to be overtaken, I can think of a million worse things than being consumed by Hemi.

I see the hotel door open again and Hemi exits. My eyes rove his tall, lean frame as he moves.

He put on his jeans and t-shirt before we left Tybee, but now that I know what’s under them, I love watching him even more. He walks with an easy grace and a confidence that makes me feel breathless. He looks left and right before his eyes rise to mine and stop. He doesn’t smile or nod. He just winks. And my heart does a little flip.

What a way to spread my wings!

I smother my grin and try to control the overactive hormones and imagination that have taken possession of me lately.

“We’re all set,” he says, as he plops down behind the wheel. He starts the car and drives around the block to approach the building from a different angle, one where a valet is waiting at the curb to greet us. He comes to my side first, politely opening the door and offering me his hand. I take it, stepping onto the curb as he closes the door and heads to Hemi’s side.

“Do you have bags, sir? I can arrange for the bellhop to—”

“No, thank you. This was an unexpected stop,” Hemi says as he gets out and hands the kid a folded bill.
