Read Books Novel

All the Pretty Poses

All the Pretty Poses (Pretty #2)(27)
Author: M. Leighton

“No rush. I’ll come with you and we’ll try to find an empty room. Maybe you won’t have to share with anyone.”

Amber gives me a warm smile and cleans out the last drawer for me, neatly stacking my shirts in one corner of my suitcase. I scoop my toiletries off the counter near the sink and dump them inside and zip the case. Amber grabs the handle and slides it into the floor. “Leave it here while we go look. You can come back for it. I’m supposed to be upstairs for dinner in an hour, but that’ll still leave me plenty of time. And then I have to dance tonight.”

My heart sinks even further when I hear this news. I haven’t been summoned upstairs, nor have I been told I’m dancing. But then, considering her arrival, I’m not surprised. I offer her a shaky smile of gratitude. She returns it, loops her arm through mine like we are the best of friends and we set off to find me a new home.


Every minute that passes with no sign of Kennedy makes me angrier and angrier. I told Karesh to send her up for dinner, yet she hasn’t shown. It’s getting harder and harder to socialize with my guests and hide my increasing displeasure.

“Don’t you agree, Reese?” Amber asks from across the table. I focus my attention on her, racking my brain for some clue as to what the conversation was about. She winks one blue-violet eye at me, her lips curving into a smile, but I don’t appreciate it like I normally would. The only woman on my mind is Kennedy.

“Excuse me,” I say, sliding back my chair and laying my napkin aside as I rise from the table.

I’m half way across the room when I feel a hand on my arm. I turn to find Amber has followed me.

“Not now, Amber,” I pre-empt her.

“Are you looking for Kennedy?” she asks.

I feel the frown pull at my brow. “You’ve met her?”

“Yes, earlier.”

I don’t have to guess what that means. “What did you say to her?” My irritation rises. I know how catty women can be. I feel sure she put things in as unflattering a light as possible and that she is to blame for Kennedy’s absence.

Amber raises her eyebrows at me. “She was in my room. She offered to find another one so I helped her. No harm, no foul. I didn’t say anything to her.”

“It’s not your place to change cabin assignments,” I bite testily.

“I can see that now. I thought there had been a misunderstanding. She was fine with it. It’s not like I kicked her out.”

“Oh I’m sure she was fine with it.” My jaw aches from clenching my teeth so hard. “What room is she in?”

“Four. Right beside the kitchen. I tried to find her one she wouldn’t have to share and you know everyone hates being right beside the kitchen.”

“And of course that’s where you put her.” I squeeze my fingers into tight fists.

“It wasn’t like that. I was trying to help her,” Amber defends. “Go find her if you’re so worried about her.”

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do. And from this point forward, you stay the hell away from her.”

Amber stares at me for several seconds before she nods twice and, without another word, turns to walk away.

Furiously, I head for the stairs and, beyond them, the crew quarters. When I reach room four, the door is shut. I take a deep breath, doing my best to cool my temper before I break the damn door down with one swift kick.

I knock and wait for an answer, but I get none. That only makes me madder. I knock once more, but again there is no answer. “Kennedy, I know you’re in there,” I snap. I knock a third time, giving her one more chance. When she still doesn’t answer, I twist the knob. It opens easily and I step inside, giving my eyes a moment to adjust before I let loose. But any angry words die on my tongue when I see Kennedy curled up on her side on the bottom of the bunk bed to the left. Her eyes are closed and, even in the low light, I can see that her brow is wrinkled and that there is an unnatural pallor to her skin.

I cross to her, hovering over her where she lies so eerily still on the bed. “Are you okay?” My voice is calm and cool, but my insides are knotted in anxiety. Is she sick? Is something wrong? She doesn’t look well…

“Go away,” comes her small voice.

“Kennedy, tell me what’s wrong.” I know my tone is sharper than what I intend, but I want answers.

“I think I’m seasick,” she moans, still not opening her eyes.

I didn’t even think that the onset of this storm and the rough seas that resulted would bother her. She didn’t have any problems up until now. Of course, we’ve had smooth sailing until now, too.

“I’m sure we have something onboard that will help. I’ll be right back.”

I go in search of Karesh, who I find in the office, working. As usual.

“Don’t we have something for motion sickness around here?”

“Yes, of course. Are you ill?” he asks, rising immediately.

“No, not me. Kennedy.” My earlier pique returns. “Why didn’t you tell me she was in a different room?”

“I didn’t realize she had moved. I sent word to her room that she be on deck for dinner and Caesar said she agreed.”

“Does Caesar even know what she looks like? Didn’t he just board in Hawaii?”

“Yes, he did. I just assumed… My mistake, sir. It won’t happen again.”

I grit my teeth again. “See that it doesn’t. But right now I need something to give her.”

“I’ll take care of it, sir. What room is she in?”

“Just tell me where it’s at. I’ll take it to her.”

“Yes, sir,” Karesh replies, crossing the room to unlock the second drawer in one of his three filing cabinets. Karesh is a man of many talents. He has a medical background, so he functions as our infirmary staff whenever needed until we can get help from the closest island.

He takes out a small box and removes an aluminum sleeve of pills to give to me. “She can take one every four to six hours. She might want to keep them on hand for when the sea gets rough. If she needs more, just let me know.”

“Okay,” I say, turning to leave.

“Again, sir, I apologize for the confusion.”

“Just don’t let it happen again. Kennedy is…she’s…she’s different. She’s not like the others. And I don’t want her treated like she is.”
